How Long?

Looking down towards his chest, Vincent saw the glow through his clothing. Just seconds ago, it hadn't been like that before, so he could only assume that the change was happening because of one reason. 

Seeing this, Vincent lowered Quinn, whom he held in his arms, and the glow around his chest started to fade. But then, when he lifted Quinn again, it began to get brighter. Vincent continued to do this a few times, moving him up, then down, up and down again. 

"Interesting…" Vincent commented. 

"Can you tell us what the hell you are doing?" Jake replied. 

"It's the Nest Crystal," Logan answered, his eyes wide. "Quinn had turned into this form because he absorbed the Nest crystal. Since the Nest Crystal in your body is reacting to it, Vincent, it must mean there's a chance alive."

Hearing these words was the hope that everyone needed to hear. The hope that they were all looking for.