The Amra Evolve

'There is something seriously different about these guys compared to the others.' Quinn thought, looking at the Amra that were known as the Sedi rank. They were slightly larger in size by about a quarter compared to others, their shoulders were broader, and the colour of their outer skin was also different.

It almost looked and felt like they were part of a different race. It was hard to believe someone could change this much.

'Is it the tower? Has some sought of evolution made it, so their bodies have Changed?' Quinn thought. One thing was clear. They were far stronger than the other Amra. It was why he had decided to summon his Soul weapon.

Either way, it didn't matter too much, and this didn't look like a situation that Quinn could just fly out of this time. Immediately, two of the Seids had a strange green-coloured rock and threw it right at Quinn.