The Great Attack

The fighting between the Red Vampires had reached a high point. These vampires had a strong sense of pride in their belief that they were ready to risk their lives for their cause. And this only made the situation worse because they had no qualms about fighting their own kind.

Nearly all of the vampires had skill training every day to achieve their goal, and now they were fighting each other. Red aura was going off in all directions, buildings were getting destroyed in seconds, and people were dying every second from slashes and weapons.

A lot of the fighting had also reached the rooftops of the houses as there was inadequate space outside the lab. One could only describe the whole situation as chaotic as even the attacks from those on the same side hit each other.

Some didn't even know if they were fighting against those who disagreed with them or were trying to beat someone on their own side as they continued to punch, claw and slash anyone who attempted to attack them.