Take down the ship (Part 1)

Everything that Chris said seemed more probable after hearing those words. Pure always had good relations with the Dhampirs, and with the latter's forces incredibly weakened, they needed to hide behind someone's back, and without a doubt, Pure was a good option for them.

At the same time, it explained why Zero wasn't currently on this base. And this also revealed a good reason why Chris wanted to betray Zero because Erin had beheaded the one person he had cared for, and now, She and Zero were working together even though the latter promised him revenge.

However, despite all of this, it was still hard for Muka to believe that they weren't walking into a trap, and she wanted to inquire about a few more important things.

"If you really wish to work with us, then you must answer the next few questions I will ask. Then, if I am satisfied with the replies, our group will agree to work with yours." She said,