The current situation (Part 2)

The two explained more about what happened during the month in the vampire settlement while Quinn was away. For one, the attack or break-in that Layla and Russ had been a part of didn't really result in much.

There was no search for the two of them, nor was there any announcement or news of manhunt. In fact, after a few days of letting the heat cool down, the two of them decided to let go of their disguises a little.

Layla still kept her hat on to cover her horns, as Hanyma's were rare in general, and with the vampires not remembering what she looked like, she believed that her class would make it up for that, so she attracted some attention.

It was the same with Russ. Since he was a human, it was a similar deal. However, there was a solution to his problem. A special solution was made a long time ago that allowed humans to blend in with vampires.