Guards unite (part 2)

The small sparring event continued as matches happened one after the other, and Quinn observed them. Based on his observations, Quinn could see why they had all been chosen as guards if he seriously evaluated them.

They all looked to have next to no real fighting experience. They knew how to use the basic skills, but none of them had a Vampire aura that seemed powerful enough to give the upper hand against the others. In the evaluation, the families would likely pick someone with experience or enough talent to make it worthwhile, and these guys had neither. In fact, it was evident that they needed a guide or a teacher to clear even some of the basic things.

However, barring that, a few of the people had somewhat caught his eye. One of them was Nell, the one who had organised this tournament. Just like the others, he didn't have a particularly great vampire aura but what he did have were some fighting skills.