The werewolves pit (Part 2)

The situation wasn't completely hopeless for the Chrono, as Hikel was noticing a change in their actions and the way that they fought. For one, their eyes were adjusting to the dark.

The Werewolves' eyes glowed slightly, allowing them to see where they were, and they weren't exactly the quietest of creatures either. With this, they knew their position, but more so what the Chrono were able to do now was to get in their own position.

They had formed groups, getting in a circle and covering each other's backs. They also made sure to stay away from the walls. The Werewolves were able to scale the walls with ease, while also bouncing off them to create a bigger attack.

It was smart of the Chrono; they were higher in numbers, and they weren't weak with their weapons. Fighting like this, they were able to fight back.