So Many

"Good morning Jonah. What do you mean, ready for what?" Han Jie asked, smiling at Jonah. 

Han Jie tapped the bed space beside her feet, inviting Jonah to have a seat. Jonah looked reluctantly at the bed space. He had big news, and he didn't want to be too close to Han Jie to announce it. 

Jonah crossed to the room to the bed, sitting a safe distance away from Han Jie's shorthands. 

"What's up?" Han Jie asked, leaning back against her pillows, further away from Jonah. 

Jonah barely held in his sigh of relief. "I have news." He said, still leaning away from Jonah for safety purposes. 

"What? What is it? Did you track her?" Han Jie asked her eyes, already sparkling with joy at the thought of seeing her twin again. But there was worry as well since Han Mei clearly did not want to be bothered.

Jonah shook his head, dimming the lights in Han Jie's eyes. 

"So, what is it?" Han Jie asked in a sulking voice.