Surprise Visit  

Han Mei got out of the shower after a few minutes. She was in a hurry even when she was preparing. Despite being in a hurry, she knew the need to disguise herself still. Of course, she could not do Han Jie's way of disguising. 

Her sister loved to look shocking, too shocking in fact, to the point that even when someone notices some resemblance, it would immediately go out of the window for being impossible. 

When she was ready to go, she then realized that she didn't know where Suzuki Kyou worked. 

Han Mei shook her head at her ridiculousness and got her laptop. Thank God she hadn't turned it off. The Suzuki offices were in one word, daunting. 

She swallowed hard and decided she wasn't going to eat anything before her task. Or she was going to throw up all over the intimidating owner of said offices.