Wait A Little Longer

Han Mei's eyes bulged in surprise. "Lawyers?" She asked, unsure. 'Is he planning to sue us?' 

He smirked, knowingly, "It saves time. I can't let go of anyone who caused me so much trouble. So who bears the consequences of your actions?" Suzuki Kyou asked his voice, still carefully blank. 

However, Han Mei had an instinct that he wanted to lash out at her. That was why she was so careful and alert in case he suddenly do so. She also could not help and feel that she also deserves to be shouted at. 

"I would, of course." Han Mei said fearlessly, but carefully at the same time. She tilted her head up in a gesture that Suzuki Kyou had never seen 'her' do before. 

It was a gesture that silently said that she is currently afraid. 

His lips twisted into a sardonic smile, "Of course." Suzuki Kyou said his smile was tightly held on by sheer control. "You are responsible for your mistakes, while the others do as well."