Not A Friend

"Fine, if this is how you choose to play this game, I'll be going back to my fiancee now." Han Jie said calmly. 

She placed her hand on the railing and looked back, considering going down the few steps to the door on the next floor or going back up through those many, many stairs to get back to her floor. 

Han Jie didn't get the chance to decide when she felt a heavy shove on her arm that almost caused her to let go of the railing and fall. Han Jie held on tighter and turned to look at Wang Jin. 

What does she think she's doing? Han Jie thought, her heart beating fast with fear. Wang Jin's face had turned an ugly, splotchy red, and the other woman was breathing hard. 

"Oy! What was that for?" Han Jie yelled at Wang Jin, not releasing her death grip on the railing. 

"He's mine!" Wang Jin yelled back and tried to push Han Jie again.