Special Edition

The next morning, Jonah knocked on Han Jie's room. It was already passed noontime, but she was still not going out of it. 

No one would really complain if she woke up late. If they don't have any plans for the day, that is. 

The Han family was supposed to leave the hotel and go back to their home before two in the afternoon. While the male masters were already good to go, the miss was still not awake and did not even get breakfast. 

Since it was a guarantee that Han Jie would be upset for not eating at least before leaving the hotel, Jonah was instructed to wake her up. 

Jonah would prefer if Han Jun or the big boss do it, but who was he to complain? He was just a private guard slash nanny. 

He almost rolled his eyes with that thought of his. "Miss?" Jonah called out before he knocked on the door. No one responded from the other side. "Miss? Are you still not awake? We will be leaving soon. Don't you want to eat something first?" He shouted.