2 - reincarnation

This chapter title is very generic huh. Whatever, I shrug as I continued to walk towards the small hill. Better stop breaking the forth wall or the already low quality of this story will get lower.

Slowly, I could see a silhouette sitting on the chair. Ah, there was a person there afterall. For some reason that person's face was censored. That person wasn't doing anything, my brain was instinctively not processing the information in front of me, maybe there was something there that cannot ever be seen. Perhaps it was the abyss and something will stare back at me. Whoops- I went a bit too chuuni there.

As i walked closer, the silhouette was getting clearer, and eventually only the eyes couldn't be seen. I felt like it was some form of divine being, a god. Something told me I should not mess with it. Sadly the gears of fate continued spinning. Once I stood down on the chair across the strange silhouette, It was impossible to turn back. I would only learn in the far future, that small hill was not suppose to exist.

That being began by naming itself, "zet".

"You have died"(z)

"I know, it wasn't suprising, considering how empty my life was, I was practically waiting for it."

"hmm, do you perhaps have any particular wishes for your next life?"(z)

"I want to stop being empty, I want to always have a goal. Maybe its just a problem with my personality, maybe it is too trivial. But even so, I want to stop having zero expectations for myself"

"hmmm, I might be able to help with that wish. But it isn't 100% because if I alter your personality completely, you would cease to exist. "(z)

"what do you mean?"

"You see, like a protein molecule, everyone's personality is a different combination of other's, If I were to completely change yours, you would cease to be yourself. Rest assured, You will have your wish granted, but sometimes your old personality will come back out. "(z)

" Got it, I made up my mind. My wish still hasn't changed"

"Roger, welp, it's time for your reincarnation. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that I was a god, teehee" *zet brings his fist to the side of his head*" (z)

" Oh yeah, as if it was not obvious with the blurred out eyes, hentai protagonist cliche"

*A giant magical circle appears, beams of light shoot into the sky and floods my vision*

"Oh yeah, I know what are your fetishes, that last remark was quite rude so I'm gonna make you reincarnate into your ideal girl as a punishment(whispers to himself: though some people consider that as a good thing)" (z)

"Curse you, you shitty gooooooooooooood"

*the 2 ends of zet's lips curve upwards as he struggles to hold back his laughter*

"Guess I have another entertaining one to watch" (z)

I take my hand away from my face as the light stops blinding me and dissipates. "ANOTHER GRASS FIELD?!IS IT THAT GUYS PRANK AGAIN?" This time, I was wearing a white dress again, though this time I could feel it... My son is gone! Gone were the days where I would beat my son(disclaimer:not an actual son, its a metaphor for something else:)) Two medium size figures ran in my direction.

Are those my parents? "Oh, emily! There you are!" (m) huh?, from what I can gather, my name is emily now and I disappeared from my parentvs sight, worrying them. "I'm very sorry" I looked down with upturn eyes at my parents. "guh! Too cute! Where did my tomboy daughter go,though I'm fine with this as well! "(d) Dad breathes a bit too hard as he steps closer.

Ugh, what a creep, I thought as I stepped back a couple times from fright. "Hold it! You're scaring her you lolicon! "(m) Mom proceeds to smack the back of dad's neck. Speaking of lolicons, I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm one, but did that bastard god turn me into a loli! He said I would turn into my ideal girl but completely misunderstood my fetishes just because I was into magical girls. That bastard...

Anyway, after that strange incident, I went backed home. It was strange, It didnt felt like memories went into my head, I just felt a strange nostalgia. After getting confused faces from my parents, i gathered that I was 6 years old and that we were in a fantasy world, but magic worked differently than what I thought.

Apparently the kingdom was facing overpopulation, so it had no budget to research magic like the other kingdoms. Regardless I was in a decent middle-classed family, my dad was a merchant and my mum just stayed at home to take care of me.

I concluded that the reason behind me having no recollection of the past 6 years was that my brain was too small to contain the memories of my pastlife, but my "boyish" stayes with me, so I was treated as a tomboy by my parents.

*my eyes shined a little*I still grow up like a normal human right? That means I get to become a jk(highschoolgirl in japanese). I must prepare and see what articles I had first. I proceeded to my bedroom, It was strange but for some reason I knew where my bedroom was by instinct. No, it was by muscle memory, it was from the 6 years I lived here.

Opening the closet, I was full of anticipation. AH. There were no skirts at all. Just how much of a tomboy was I, that I somehow convinced my parents not to buy skirts while I was a toddler?! Anyway, I decided to confront my parents.