5 - magic

Magic was more interesting than I thought. Depending on magic circles, effects of the spell differed. Skills were just macroed forms of spells, prebuilt spells if rephrased. My first thought was to research on speed enhancement spells. As the day went on, I memorised the spell: high speed enhancement to the point it became the skill [high speed enhancement-tier 3]

Cost 200 mana per minute, cool down:5 minutes

Speaking of which, the more I used the skill, the more the cool down lessens. Overtime I could even spam them like minor speed enhancement, though the stronger the spell, the longer it takes to reduce the cooldown. Magic circles were made of many different components, some are more effective, hence "higher tier" spells which cost more mana.

For the next 3 months, while my mum was mad about the orc general fight, I experimented with magic and shot them at the neighbours house. They were only tier 1 anyway so it wouldnt damage their walls that much. Thats what I thought, but over the course of 3 months, the wall decomposed and slowly there was a huge crack on the outside. I assume theres no crack on the inside, if they ever questioned, I will feign ignorance.

Anyway on to my progress on magic training. I identified that the mana cost goes up as more components are in the magic circle. So I started by setting a fixed size for my magic circles, and experimented with the best combination for the highest enhancement.

It turns out that the components don't add on each other, they multiply. After finding the best enhancement for that size, I added a few more components that reduced cool down to 2 seconds. That was until I learned that I could stack them into the same space, it added more mana cost, but reducing cooldown to 0 was worth it.

Experiments continued and I found the equivalent of the [max level tier 3]for each spell. I macroed the other elements into the corrupted bones that I gathered.Usually one would be 3 time use, but I managed to macro [auto durability heal] and [auto mana absorbtion] magic circles on them so they last forever and cost 0 mana, black bones look horrible so I turned them into daggers, now I have exploding daggers :) .

I also embed [Ex speed enhancement] [auto durability heal] and [auto mana absorbtion] into 10 of the daggers, It would absorb mana from the environment and store them, during battle i could activate the [high speed enhancement] on them with no cost . The usual [high speed enhancement-tier 3] would enhance speed by 45% but my [Ex speed enhancement-tier 3] that I developed enhanced speed by 75%, mana cost was 325 per minute and cooldown was 0 seconds.

On the last day of those 3 months, the wall of my neighbour's house finally crumbled. I immediately closed my window and stopped experimenting on the wall from that day on. The thing was that, I acidentally threw a [Fireball Ex - tier 3] dagger when I thought it was a [Fireball Ex- tier 1], so I'm pretty sure the whole bedroom is gone. Oh well.

I decided to try out my new equipment on the dungeons. Having not been leveling for 3 months made my senses rusty.I activated my 10 passives(daggers) on me:speed + 750%, total:544 0 agility. Basically slaughtering the monsters, a slash would slice the wall and all the monsters behind in half as recoil from my speed is sent to the tip of my blade.

After the orc general, I also made a magic circle on my main dagger that would absorb the recoil from my speed and send it at whatever I was slashing at, it was a good idea as I stopped taking damage but the durability of the dagger goes down extremely fast.

Speaking of which, time for a rematch. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that monsters respawn or adventurers would have gone bankrupt when all the dungeons run out of monsters.

Monster: Orc general


health: 130000/130000

Mana: 13000/13000


Vitality: 13000

Intelligence: 1300

Agility: 1500

By the time I noticed, It was on berserk mode and its agility was 3000 and its health was 260 000. Eh?, it was only different by a few levels but this one is more trained?! So for orc's their strength and vitality can be trained up to 200 times its usual state?! Doesn't that mean I almost died from an extremely weak one?

I started by going around it in circles at 80% of my speed, the orc general couldn't keep up physically so I just waited till it gave up on facing me. Throwing a [Fireball Ex-tier 3 ] dagger at the back of its head, its health was brought down by 60k.Damn theres still 200 k more health to go.

Since it went berserk mode at the start, I should go all out too, I started spamming and stacked 10 [Ex speed enhancement - tier 3] s, my final agility was at 10 240, though its taking a toll on my mana. Whatever, I was 3 times as fast as this orc general. Slash! -10000 stab! - 10000 Cut! - 10000.

The dagger couldn't take my recoil. I guess it was time for my arsenal of exploding daggers. I kept throwing the [Fireball Ex-tier 3] daggers from across the room, after 3 daggers the orc general went down.

Damn, I was drench in sweat again, though I leveled up to lv 26.I decided to go deeper into the cave this time. The mobs were so easy that I sliced all of them in half. I decided to go for another boss as I couldn't contain my excitement from the previous fight. As I entered the second boss room, the door close behind me with a *bang! *