11 - Just another day

What the heck was that? Those people were way too strong... Well its not like I had a reason to fight them. I should probably just stop having some of those dangerous thoughts, or I get attacked again.

After that whole ordeal, I got motivated to train again. Though it was very difficult to get stronger if all the mobs just disappear from one hit... I'v decided to do it! Exploring a new dungeon! A familiar sense of excitement that I felt when I went to a dungeon the first time overwhelmed me.

"fufufu time to explore a new dungeon

-geon -geon -geon" I know it was a crappy song, but I'm not exactly a songwriter okay? In the distant some people were wary of what I just said. "Why is that little girl singing about a dungeon with such a happy face? What kind of parent allows that? Ah-."(random passerby A)

He stopped talking since I vanished and appeared in front of him with a smug face."Oh ho? Why are you suddenly so quiet?Aren't I just a little girl? ". His face contorted in fear. Whoopsie, I shouldn't bully pedestrians. "Bye, I got a dungeon to explore." I stick my tongue out at the stranger and vanished.

Due to my speed, I covered the distance of a city away in a few seconds. Tch don't get me wrong! I wasn't embarrassed from talking to the pedestrian due to being anti-social or anything!

Come to think of it, when I was a kid... Well I'm a kid right now, I meant my previous life... Anyway when I was a child, I remember being too shy to talk to the Mcdonalds cashier, it was before they affixed those ordering machines at every branch so I had to interact with the cashier. Well guess I got distracted again.

Anyway, when I arrived there was a huge gate surrounded by what seems to be 2 sand- coloured quartz pillars and a overhanging arch. There were many merchants around selling their products to the adventurers. Huhhh, what a nice fantasy scene. Taking in the scenery, I walked at a human pace so I wouldn't draw attention. Though it doesn't seem to work because I was wearing a dress with light armour on top. What? You telling me its weird for 9 year olds to be here? Pshhhh, nooo, thats not true at aaall.

Ignoring the stares, I walked a little faster to the entrance of the dungeon. Afterall, it would be weird now if a little girl just vanished from the spot. On another note, I'm sure that among the stares, there was even one guy breathing heavily. Are lolicons universal? Everywhere you go theres one of them, unless they are following me?

Putting that aside there was a queue of adventurers. When I entered the queue, someone was about to tap my back when I turned around with my dagger in caution. Was it a lolicon? What other goals does this person have?

"Uhmm, sorry for startling you but... This queue is for the dungeon that adventurers explore, not for little nobles that wear dresses. Even if you were an adventurer you would need a party to enter..." (Party member A)

"Oh I forgot to introduce myself! My name is jack. ORE NO NA WA JAAACK." (Party member a)

Where did he learn that reference?!? Anyway, I shouldn't question it. Maybe the Jacks of all universes would do that from time to time. Avoiding that strange cry, I decided to solve the misunderstanding.

" I'm an adventurer! I'm strong enough on my own, I do not need a party"

"The thing is, the guards won't let you in unless you have a party..." (jack) Jack had a strange aura, as if he was asking for something. Assuming that he wanted me join the party I accepted it.

"fine... I request for you to accept me into your party, but do not get carried away! Its not like I wanted to join your party or anything! Hmph"

Oh no! What was that! Did reincarnating as a girl translate my social akwardness into being a tsundere?! Well whatever, I'll pretend nothing happened.

After that was done I raised my hands up facing jack. At first he was confused, then he realised what I was hinting. "what is your age?" (Jack) "9...". "Oh, then this is fine." With that short exchange, Jack took my arms and lifted me so I could ride on his back. Its probably dumb to lie down on this guy defenceless, he's not a lolicon right?

There weren't age restrictions because it was the medieval era. Wait... Medieval? Why did the king have a hoodie? His demi-human attendant was also wearing jeans... Welp, thinking about it won't help, so I decided to disturb Jack while we were waiting for the queue. "come to think of it, shouldnvt you introduce me to your party members and your classes?

" I'm a swordsman"(Jack)

"My name's haruka, I'm an archer. Nice to meet you" (haru)

"name's tim, I'm a tank" (tim)

"my name is erika, I'm a priest, though not as strong as the one's at churches" (erika)

Jack had some medium armour covering his joins and a decent sized chestplate along with chainmail leggings, above his pants and shirt. Haruka had a yellowish-gold bow, there was a blue quiver on her back and a red cloak, I know, the colours kinda have a contrast with the usual green from cliched archers. Other than that haruka had chainmailed leggings on too and her torso had some light armour to protect the chest. Tim was in heavy armour, but the joints, shoulder and lower leg armour were missing, what do you know there are chain leggins there too. The last one, Erika was wearing a nun outfit, thank got she wasn't wearing chain leggings...

Just then a wind blew by and revealed the chain leggings hidden by erika's robe...