31 - rivalry

There were around 128 students in each year for year 1-3 students. Forming 128 teams of 3.The first match was against cannon fodder. One of them was caught by a detection and trap spell, unable to move they were beheaded by Koga. Of course this was within a barrier that gives the competitors a second life to expend. The principal was the one who set up the barrier. I heard he was around level 800 and had the strongest form of the [Heal] skill that could give you a second life and he incorporated it into the barrier so students can come out unharm. There was also a setting on the barrier that would reduce pain by 90%,after all kids are participating. Usually they would surrender and the teacher who was chosen as the judge will stop the battle. So the extra life was just a precautionery measure against me.

After the first student was defeated, he appeared outside the barrier with a shocked face. That's normal as nobody expects to be killed when your opponent is suppose to be around your level, at most it should have only escalated some small bruises and a surrender instead of a fight to the death. The principal seemed to have seen it coming though. Was it because this 'killing' was normal for high capability teams every year? Or was it because it was Koga. Maybe he found out about me? I wouldn't be surprised if he had a detection skill that caught information of me in the first week of school. Well whatever, I should concentrate on this match first.

Oh, look. Koga has closed in into another opponent from the back. Ooooh, a backstab, 'cool! ' I clapped from the top of the castle while watching. The last opponent was hiding in their base. Giving Koga the 'okay', he proceeded to storm the castle. Defeating the last opponent, the barrier detected that there were 3 people left in the barrier and deactivated. Koga did all the work, me and Edna just watched from the rooftop. Well... Edna did lay traps and detections spells and contributed to 2 kills in the forest. I did absolutely nothing that match. The point of that was to make the opponent surprised when Koga's speed suddenly increases 10 fold.

There were 128 teams and only 16 matchgrounds. The matchgrounds were actually outside the kingdom in a forest twice the size of the kingdom.That would mean that, for the first day there would be 4 rounds in each matchground. After our fight, we went to watch the other teams play to see who we should look out for. There was someone who could manipulate metal with ease, another one who could heal from a distance and deploy a barrier tough enough until reinforcements came. There were many types of mages out there.

Haah~ what a tiring day. Watching other people's matches were very boring. Only around less than 10 teams would actually kill and that is an extremely small amount since each team only played once today. Well, tomorrow everyteam will play twice and I won't have the chance to watch cause I'll be winning. On that day, I was particularly tired so I went straight home. At home, there isn't actually a computer or phone to play games on, so I laze around and shape my condense mana into random things. I can't exactly throw it at my neighbour's house as it will disintegrate.

On the second day, we had a match against Fez. Fez immediately showed her magical prowess, if I wasn't extremely powerful for my age, I would have called her a prodigy. Maybe she Is a prodigy, just that I couldn' t see it. Well that's not a problem. Fez flew to the sky and rained fireballs, determined to destroy our base. Deploying a mana barrier, I made it so Edna was in the center. "Thanks Edna" "Eh?" (Edna) Using long distance telepathy, I messaged Koga. "If you can't fight her just sneak and steal their flag, we don't have to defeat them, though I doubt you would lose to a first year except for me" "Roger." (Koga)Koga sets an illusion that inverts Fez's senses and she begans to fly lower a little. Using his skill [Shadow step], Koga makes fark footholds in the air and slowly closes the distance between Fez and him. "Koga watch out!" Fez grins a little before enclosing Koga with fireballs. Turning around she looks into Koga's shocked face."Did you think I wouldn't notice something so simple?" (Fez) "Think about it, if I stay still in the air, why would I be going downwards? I would be stationary." (Fez) Damn she's right, did Koga not think before he attempted to stab her in the back? Is he going to be eliminated now? "[Shadow burst]! " A sphere of darkness erupted with Koga as the center blowing away the fireballs. "First and foremost, dark magic also has offensive spells you know, [Dark wrath]! " Black tentacles come from behind Koga to attack or wrap Fez. Koga didn't mind if Fez survived, he used [illusion] and went straight for the enemy's flag.

Appearing back outside the castle gate with the flag, it turns out Fez was the only one with resistance to [illusion]. The moment he stepped out of the gate he was swallowed by fireballs and eliminated... Why didn't we thought of that? Did we seriously only planned strategies where we have the advantage? After this match we have to discuss countermeasures. "Hey, Edna. Can you guard for a little while? I'll take care of Fez." "oh, okay..." (Edna)

Using my speed, I appeared in front of Edna in a second. A second was all it took for her to swallow me with fireballs. Too bad my [mana barrier] was activated unconciously. It was a thin and flexible layer that would wrap my whole body that blocks magic. So punches can still go in. Eyes-widened Fez stares at the unscathed me. ".... Level... 343..."(Fez) It seems anger is welling up in Fez as her knuckles turn white and her whole body trembles with her head faced down.