33 - final part 1

The next day started, it was another day into the tournament. Walking into our respective match grounds, we were filled with the resolve the win. This time, the team matches were done, there were 48 participants when split from their groups. Now we would be doing 1v1 matches, it was much simpler than the team matches. It was chosen so that the supporters would fight each other first before the strongest one was guaranteed a spot in the finals,they were basically having their own tournament.

With the signal fireball sent into the air by the referee, I began my 1v1 battle.my first opponent waited for me to make the first move. "That's not good you know~ If you don't make the first move you will lose immediately." Saying so, I use my speed to go behind him. To him it must have looked like I teleported. Swing my leg into the air, I smashing my heel on his back. He struggled and somehow got back up from the kick. Good, I could see the determination in his eyes.

He was the metal mage, forming a sword shape in the air, he held it and swung it at me. "Good, you are finally getting serious.Then I shall too" Saying so, I kicked him from 3 directions in the span of a second and proceeded to punch his gut. The sword fell on the match ground with a *clang*. "What a pity, you are not strong enough. When you feel like you are, you can challenge me any time after the tournament." "Right, listen here. Talking with a condescending tone is extremely irritating for the people around you. I'll forgive you because you are strong. But next time I'll win!" (Hirou).

After the first 1v1 match, 8 of the matchgrounds will be occupied by the supporter fighters in the second round, as the first round was for the battle oriented mages that had barely enough matchgrounds. The other 8 would be for the battle oriented mages that won the first round. The tournament was proceeding smoothly. In the second mage, the opponent was a pushover. It was a blond boy with a relatively high stature for a 12 year old.

"Ah, but I can't hurt ladies, but I will if I have to win!" (john) Narrowing his eyes he proceeded to talk condescendingly. "Oh but if you don't want to get hurt, would you consider becoming my girl?" (John) "I will kill you!"

After my declaration, rage consumed me. Because of my anger, I had a thought to see how fast I could go at my maximum. Since I haven't tested my limit in a while, my body felt extremely light. Bending my knees towards the ground a little, I jumped as hard as could. The surroundings flashby like usual, this feeling of lightness and power, I want to use it!

Tapping my foot on the ground to stop myself, a crater exploded out from under my foot. My strength stat could successfully redirect the force from my speed into the ground, my vitality stat could successfully resist the recoil with little to no damage even at my maximum speed. The crater exploding made a *boom* sound a couple seconds later. When John turned around to look at the source of the sound, all he saw was a crater than his surroundings blurred. Using all my strength, I managed to impale john through the torso with my leg. Blood flowed all over my thigh before John's body disappeared and reappeared outside the barrier. It looks like he got a trauma as he was shivering very hard. There was no remorse, I would impale him with my leg again so he stayed dead this time if it was legal.

And so the second round of battles ended leaving 8 support mages and 8 battle mages. The third round and forth round would take place tomorrow. Getting a towel form the rest area, I wiped my sweat off from all the running. That day, I was wearing a teal dress instead of my white dress so I wouldnvt embarrass myself when it gets translucent.

Heading back to class, I went back to my seat as usual. But this time my classmates crowded around my table as if I was James. Whoa even James is here... wait James is usually here as well ever since the first day...

"Whoa! Emily-chan, how are you so strong!" "How did you beat Hirou and John! I wasn't expecting you to lose easily either, I thought there would be more of a fight!" "But they both losed really fast right? Emily-chan always finishes her fight fast!"

Of course, getting showered with praises was very embarrassing. But I brushed all of them off. "They weren't weak, I was just strong, strong enough to fight the principal."

Gorilla-sensei entered the classroom as I said that. "What are you all doing at Emily-chan's table? Go back to your seats and practice mana control! This is essential, its a reason why Emily was able to get into the semi-finals for the battle mages! (2 people go into the finals so it is semi- for the battle mage division)(Gorilla-sensei) "Umm, sensei. I didn't even use magic, I just ran really fast and kicked my opponent to death." "You didn't use speed enhancement?!" (Gorilla-sensei) "Nope that was my base speed". Ignoring the exasperated gorilla, I proceeded with my mana control. This time I wanted to control as much as I can instead of just condensing a small amount. I limited the area to around my chair seat. Condensing the mana so I can pull in more from my surroundings, it was if the air around my table was solid. I was perfectly fine in the translucent black pillar of dense mana, but some classmates surrounding my table were having trouble breathing. It also seems that sensei was higher level than last week. Did seeing my level motivate him? Well who wouldn't get motivated seeing a level 343 9 year old, the normal was that if a 9 year old could do it, they can also do it.

At that moment I released the pillar of dense mana, the principal barged into the classroom. "Are you looking for a duel? You were reading my thoughts weren't you? The King could also do that." "That makes the explaining much easier." (Klifor) The principal stares at my face with a refreshing but suspicious smile.