36 - final part 3

This fight was different than the others. We were allowed to team up with any of us 3 and gang up on the remaining one. As the other battle mage had not seen my battles, he wasn't feeling threatened from my presence. He was still unaware. Though, the support type mage had watched my battles and deemed me the most dangerous. He ran up to the other opponent and begged to team, saying I was a monster. That kinda hurts you know~

Well whatever, I'll just have to take them both out! Getting into my battle-ready position, the battle type mage felt the pressure coming from the stance alone, it was as if he could feel an experienced veteran's spirit radiating out of my battle stance. Taking the support mage's advice he nods at him and they both warily watch me. Flying through the air as if there was no resistance, I dived inbetween them. Just moments before I reached them, a detect magic and trap magic had activated and I was captured.

"How anti-climactic~ Unfortunately it won't work" Using [teleport-tier 5],I got out of the trap and was back in my first position as if nothing had happened. The support mage proceeded to stack buffs after buffs on the battle mage before he shot as much fireballs as he could. He was trying to multitask-how predictable. One of his hand was behind his back trying to formulate a high tier magic circle.

"[Hell fire-tier 4]!" A curtain of black flame rushes out towards my general location.

Using a basic water elemental magic, I tried to fend it off. "[ Aqua blast-tier 4]!"The water evaporated a few centimetres away from the dark fire." Tch, getting serious so fast. [Void energy]! " A thick current of mass destruction floods through the air, erasing the hellfire as if it was never there and reaches the other side. The curtain of blackfire worked to their disadvantage as they couldn't see my attack coming. The support mage got hit and was eliminated.

Gritting my teeth, I rushed with my maximum speed. The momentum destroying the ground and forming pressure so large as if there was a mini earthquake. I stopped a small distanced away from the battle mage, using my strength stat, I redirected all my recoil from my fast speed into my fist and punch out at the enemy.

A huge shockwave rivalling the [void energy] beam blows out leaving a trail of destruction, almost destroying the barrier that the principal set up. Did he survive? Yes. It was yet anothwr prodigy in this school. This student, while only 12 learned high leveled skills like [Hellfire-tier 4] and [teleport-tier 1].Appearing behind me, I could feel an intense heat from a little distance away.

Tch, he's smarter than he looks, seems like he's keeping his distance on purpose. Launching a row of [Void energy] beams, the hellfire was repelled easily and he decided to teleport away from the destruction again. At this point at least 40% of the match ground was gone. His red hair swayed in the air as if he was some protagonist. Standinf behind me once more he raised his hand up at the back of my head. Too bad I predicted it and grabbed his arm. I didn't turn it away. So what if the hellfire hit. Obviously it will hurt, but my [cleanse-tier 6] was more than enough. Gripping his arm that's palm was facing my head, it felt like an iron vice to the battle mage.' Tch, and I worked hard too! What is this monster? ' He thought silently. "You won."

With that, I let go of his hand and smiled at him. "Sorry about that!" I reach out for a handshake.After all of that was done, the barrier recognised the surrender and deactivated. "huuuuh~, that was tiring" I yawned out. Walking back to close, everyone was really excited for some reason. "Since, you won the tournament, you're going to fight the principal again!", some random student said. "You won the tournament!" "Congrats!" "Apparently, sensei ordered food to arrive since you made it to the quarter finals! Who knew you won!"

Ah. That was good news. The sole reason I wanted to get a high position for the tournament was a shorter queue to buy food in the canteen. Who cares about the other rewards like having prestigious 1 on 1 lessons with a famous instructor or having 1 reasonable wish granted by the principal~

And now we're even going to have a buffet ordered by sensei, the day is going well. Ah, why did I win even though I just wanted that small side prize? It was because I got competitive halfway down the tournament and couldn't resist. Why should I deliberately lose to some student and let their heads get big and arrogant? If a student actually got arrogant, I'm not sure I can stop myself from beheading them, not even the principal or King could save them then.

Shortly after, gorilla sensei came into the classroom followed by a miniature carriage that could fit in the hallway. It looked like something kids would play with. Inside was the food that sensei ordered, the whole view was surreal. Enjoying the food, there was actually no lessons that day and everyone was just resting in their classrooms. Going back home, I felt satisfied and had a grin plastered on my face.

At home too, my parents celebrated the victory with me.They were really proud of me and showered me with praises. Before I knew it, the day went by and it was morning...