40 - death

Eyes rolled back showing the whites, it was if the god of death has reincarnated in Emily. Constantly slashing with the scythe, it has been 2 weeks since Emily entered the dungeon. [Soul reap] [Soul reap] [Soul reap], again and again, the instant death spell missed. It was at tier 5 with a 80% success rate. It wouldn't go further past that. What was missing? For one thing, Emily was just moving by instinct. Even the split personality Sei had perished just after a few hours. What was pushing the body to fight? It was desire.

And then it happened, a breakthrough. From the one week, the ruler of the abyss could even dispel the power of wrath. It had some form of authority above wrath, giving it an immunity. Nevertheless, Emily was still moving, slashing, fighting, dodging. It was to the point[Command-absorb mana] was constantly on pushing the world itself to its limits trying to grasp power from the world system. What can it use to kill the lord of the abyss? What can be obtained to defeat the lord of the abyss? There was no greater force, Emily was getting by through sheer power, the shockwave of attacls even affecting outside the boss room. Killing monsters that had nothing to do with the fight and leveling her up.

What was the breakthrough? When everything else stopped working, and even time manipulation could not help Emily. What did Emily rely on this whole time? It was speed. Through the one week, Emily has been constantly gaining speed through recycling the energy in the air to boost her speed. It got to the point where she could use the energy and create a clone. How many? Infinite. As her will infiltrated the world system to steal the abyss's infinite mana, she never stopped fighting. Slowly overwhelming the mighty beast that kept her there for 2 weeks.

F̷u̵t̶i̸l̷e̵!̶.̴.̸.̷ ̷H̵o̴w̸!̷ ̵

Of course, Emily couldn't answer back. She was devoting her flesh and soul to defeating the beast. As Emily got to steal more mana from the boss monster, Emily was able to create more clones to deal more damage. Like parasites, the clones started to enter the beast's body. Causing intense agony. At last, Emily opened [void energy]. As if swallowing the beast into another dimension... No, literally bringing the beast into another dimension of unstable energy, the rift of the hole in space swallows the whole boss room with little resistance. In this dimension, the boss was vaporized by the rampant infinite energy, while Emily finally found freedom.

She knew she went too far into combat and became a monster, so she utilised wrath and turn her body back to the 2 weeks before.

"Ah~ I feel extremely refreshed. Anyway what am I doing her- Whoa! Aren't I suppose to be outside the dungeon?! Did something happen that forced me to reverse even my own

memories? Well it must be for the better"

Y̶o̷u̸ ̸w̸i̴l̸l̵ ̵b̴e̴ ̵c̶u̴r̶s̵e̵d̶!̶ ̴

"Hmm it seems I have defeated you, Let's reverse and regain my memories anyway. Kugh! "

A sharp intense pain assaults Emily's brain. Tch It hurts! What the hell? After a week it blanks out huh~Guess I've been fighting from instinct. Well... at least I'm healed now. Urgh! , now there's some weird phantom pain?

G̸r̴a̷h̶h̶h̶!̸ ̶

Looks like it's still alive. let's focus all the energy in this dimension on it! As if I could feel my energy pentratin some hard shell, slowly destruction seeped through the ruler of the abyss, ultimately vaporising every cell of the beast. Exiting the [Void energy] dimension, I opened another hole to drop the loot. Using greed as well, I decided to take the boss's infinite vitality stat, making myself immortal. This was the first time, I took stats over my limit. It seems I can do this as well. My levels went from 487 to 637,a whopping 150 levels!

As if everything was okay, I checked over the loot. But deep down I knew the battle scarred me at least a little. All the emergency mana storage rings on my left hand had long been used up.

Inspecting the loot, another ring showed up.

Name: Authority of death

Raise agility by 1000 x

[instant death] skill, user can define concept of this 'death', max authority over buffs and debuffs.


The authority over 'death'. A dimension above the 'sin' powers. User has full control over buffs and debuffs. If wished for, the user has immunity against debuffs and can use as many buffs as it wants.

In total there are 4 authorities, the authorities special skills do not affect each other.

Now to define this [instant death] skill huh~.

'Is not limited by space and time'

' 100% success rate no cooldown'

' When activated, opponent stops existing and cannot interact with the world'

Seeing it, the ruler of the abyss must have defined it as infinite health mana strength and casted the skill on itself. How boring~ There are 3 other authorities huh? Are these perhaps based on the 4 horsemen of apocalypse? War, conquest, famine and death. It seemed I have the authority over death and the authorities skill cannot affect each other huh. That meant that I had to find another way to kill them.Ah, theres 1. It says the power is a dimension above the 'sin' powers but if both sides have an authority, a 'sin' would be more useful.

Looking closer I found another black ring. Name: ring of the abyss

Raise intelligence by 100 x

This one was rather underwhelming compared to the first reward, well, it will allow me to spam more speed enhancements so its fine.

Walking back out of the dungeon, I abused the new authority I got and farmed a bunch of exp. Too bad, my level was so high that I didn't gain any levels. Guess I should find a new dungeon. I should probably tell the onii-chan about what happen...everyone is probably worried since its been 2 weeks.