49 - meeting

Walking over to my seat, the floor abruptly changed texture from rough-like dungeon stone to a smooth carpet. This isn't a secret meeting room for nothing huh~. Plopping myself down, 90% of the generals widened their eyes at the sight. Are they lolicons? Probably not... They were surprised to see a 9 year old that donned a teal dress and a purple hoodie with an odd hair colour of pitch black with white at the tips sit down at a table full of the kingdom's highest administrative generals.

I assumed the 10% of the generals that weren't surprised, were already informed of my existence. Of course, this was excluding the king and Houzo. Were they the intelligence department? Who knows. I just smile back at the surprised generals and they struggled a little to keep their calm. "I'm sorry your majesty, but who is that girl?" (Xefar)

"That is Emily Shuu, she is also the wielder of Death and Conquest and will be vital to our plans." (Bavner)

"Isn't it mean to refer to your adopted little sister, me as 'that'? Even if you treat me as a weapon, some weapons probably grow old enough to be sentient and have feelings you know~"

The king's cheeks were flushed, but contrary to expectations, his expression was not grim because of embarrassment. His body started shaking until he was calmed by a tap from the back by Houzo. He was a little mad from my antics.

" Ok, Ok. This meeting is serious, I get it. I'll start taking it seriously, so forgive me." Finishing that sentence, I kept my word. My eyes narrowed a little and my expression was no longer playful. I subconciously did it and didn't notice it myself, I was emitting some form of battle aura that usually only appeared experienced people like the king and his attendant. Half of the generals were intimidated and the other half were keeping their guard up subconsciously , they didn't know it themselves, but their body was scared of me.

" Now first I will get someone to explain the situation at hand to the rest, general paegur." (Bavner)

" Currently, it's only a matter of time when everything has been recovered. From what I heard, Emily over there could use 'wrath' and recover lost lives as well. But there is still one more problem. Due to the large scale fight between the 'sin's and 'authority's in Harox city, the enemies outside our kingdom would believe that we have been severely weakened and could attack at any moment. We have to prepare to intercept them at any moment. Currently, we have developped rail gun and missile technology with the help of the king's guidance. All those 900 years were exactly for this moment. We couldn't predict when our enemies would attack, earlier or later. So all we could do is earnestly try our hardest to build a firm defense. We should assume that our last enemy has 2 authorities and glutonny, and is possibly the strongest being in existence with the highest level. He may be on another planet with his legion of high levels and come straight for earth right now, for all we know."(Paegur)

" The world system will probably build a scenario where we have to go into space to fight that fearsome being, it will somehow weave fate into a situation where the earth is perfectly safe.We should have prepared and make weaponry that could exit the atmosphere. "(Bavner)

" Your majesty, we do have weaponry that can reach space. They just won't do as much damage as normal. They were prepared so they can at least take out an asteroid in mind."(Paegur)

" Right then, this meeting is hereby over. "


Teleporting back to the kitchen automatically, I was planning to go back home when I felt someone grab my shoulder. Turning around, it was just the king.

" Level 1000 isn't enough, you may bridge the gap with all the stat enhancing stacked from your 'sin' and 'authorities', But we need much more than that to ensure our victory.I've also realised, I can't read your mind anymore. Could it be from your class's evolution? "(Bavner)

" Yep. "

Answering briefly, he led me to the training room." Here's an item you should wear, it allows you to gain experience and level up as long as you trained by absorbing the mana you exert and converting them to experience. "


" Why is it a choker?..."

"So that it wouldn't matter if you lost a limb during training. No skills, only stats and hand to hand combat, this will maximise your experience gained. I will be your sparring partner.Also, I don't want to die is another reason you shouldn't use skills. "


Looks like, he was waiting for me to make the first move. Running in, I made use of my speed to send all the momentum into my fist. Swinging a wide arc, Bavner dodges and punches into my elbow. Tch! Making use of the momentum from Bavner's punch, I swung my left foot at his head before he blocked it firmly with his left arm by turning his body facing my leg. As fast as he could, Bavner proceeded to spin his body so his back would not face me and shot his left leg at my head. Turning to face his left, I punched it with my left hand before pivoting my left leg and turning a whole round. Going slightly into mid-air by sending force into my left leg, I swung my right left at Bavner. Since his body was initially moving from the momentum of my left punch earlier, my right leg smashes into his face at a downwards angle from the air.

No it wasn't smashed in... Bavner was pushing his face against my leg, this pushed my whole body into the air to fall down harder from gravity.

"hu~hu~hu~This is so tiring, does Houzo do this with you everyday?"

"Houzo was a former delinquent back in our world, so he was the person who trained me, there was no one else who could bypass my barriers except for him afterall~" (Bavner)

"Wha!". Houzo steps out of the shadows and gives me a slight scare. Why are there pillars in a training room! And why was Houzo hiding there! For the rest of the day, I trained with the king before going back home in the evening to revive the dead and fix buildings. It was really simple to target the whole city except for the 2 dead intruders and let 'wrath' do all the work with rewinding. It didn't take my energy so it was okay.