9 - Journey

"Do you have a storage item?" (Party leader)

"I have [storage magic-tier 5]"

"Tier-5?! Are you joking?" (Party leader)

"I was born with it, why did you ask?"

"Here, it's not much but take these food, since it's tier-5 food won't rot in your storage. Also take these gems." (Party leader)

"What do these gems do?"

"Careful! They are engraved with tier-4 magic by a master engraver. In emergencies, you can use them and that cave might as well collapse.But there is only one of them" (Party leader)

"Thank you, I don't know why you guys are helping me, but I may repay back the favor one day."

With that measly farewell that may not even count as a goodbye, I started walking back towards the forest. The magic enrollment is when I am 15 years old right?. It seems I have years to assassinate my uncle. After setting a base at the entrance of the cave, it wasn't much. Just some branches and leaves for a makeshift shelter.

After a night of rest, I head to the river to wash off the filth. I brought my clothes over from my home and some of my father's tools with spatial magic. But I was still wearing mt favourite white dress which would be problematic to be wet in public. Well sitting around to dry isn't a good use of my time, so I went back to the cave. I need to work off this frustration. Zooming in, I flew by a few skeletons with my dagger out, slashing them into pieces. Dodging the arrows as usual, I close my distance and destroy their skulls. Skeletons are getting boring... Let's go deeper into the cave today. Going in, there were more appearances of goblins, ogres and kobolds. Their flesh is going to be a problem, if I stab them my dagger may get stuck. It's a good thing my fighting style is mainly slashing. Keep in mind, all of them average at level 20,the same level as me so their defences weren't particularly high. As usual, I jumped extremely low to the ground severing the leg of the ogre that acted as a tank before back flipping and shoving my dagger into a goblins skull. With my strength, I sliced the goblin like butter before pulling out my dagger and using the momentum to slash the ogre's hand off in the process. The ogre collapsed ontu the ground, slowly dying of blood loss. The other goblin came and swung his little club at my feet. Jumping up, I backflip to a certain distance before rushing in. With my speed, I focused all the momentum ontu a single point on my feet and slammed it right inti the goblin. The goblin hit the wall and went splat.

Well my clothes are dry now, and it seems they are starting to appear more frequentlt. I can't handle a swarm so I'll have to retreat.

After my 2 hour session of grinding, it was almost the afternoon. That book that my father gave didn't help out a whole lot since it was a picture book. Exitting the forest, I asked around here and there and apparently there was a library in this "city of Harox". Travelling at the speed of sound, it was easy to close the distance. Asking the locals for a more specific location where the library is located, I've finally arrived. Going in and browsing the titles took an hour, by that time it was the afternoon. There weren't many books on magic and they only covered the basic tier-1 and tier-2 magic. I decided to spend the afternoon there learning magic.

Magic is the use of controlling the mana in the air, using a magic circle you could convert the mana into any phenomenon stated in the magic circle. Strictly it didn't need to be a circle, but after centuries of research, circles were the most efficient that cost the leasts mana. In the magic circle there are many components, range, effect, power and efficiency. The 'efficiency' series components were the most recently discovered, just a couple century ago. In that time, extremely few components in that field has been discovered. But first of all, You needed to find your affinity at the mage's association as few spells require no afinity. There was also a possibility to get new afinities after you get a class or evolve a class, so it was partially an attraction at the mage's association, free for kids.

Exitting the library, I asked around for the mage's association. I suppose people think I'm just a cute little girl wanting to try out the attraction for fun. Apparently it was a crystal ball and classless people usually have no afinities. Well that's okay, it won't hurt to try. Arriving at the building, there was the occasional researcher that walked in and out of the grand entrance. Roughly a story tall, it was a steel door with elegant patterns engraved onto it. Scrutinising it, I could even find a couple of magic circles in the pattern.

Entering, there was a big, dull sign that pointed to where people could test their afinity. It was in the evening, so there weren't many people at the queue. As instructed, I touched my cliched crystal ball, a grey light and red light showed up.

"What! Even though support and fire magic aren't rare, it's rare to have 2 affinities when classless!"

Fire? Would that help with assassination? Or would it be better to flood my uncle's house with fire and torture him with it. Support magic is extremely useful for someone going solo like me. Well whatever, approaching the entrance of the majestic steel door, a staff member ran up to me and tapped my back. "hu~hu~hu~, You are talented! Please enter a contract with us, it will greatly benefit you!"(staff)

"Ho? Then lead the way. "

"Ah yes, this way ma'am." (staff)

I see what they're playing. I'm not a gullible kid, I will barter and negotiate the contract to be in my favour. You want to trick a talented child into a slave contract? Nice try, but I have experience being a salaryman. Entering the room, what seems to be the level 1000 head of the association was there. Huh? How desperate can you be, is double affinity that rare? Probably a disguise skill, I'm not retarded. Well I'll play along. Giving my bright smile in a second of seeing the "head", the staff's grin slightly expanded a littly. How obvious can you be?

"Alright here is the contract. This is the elder contract, since you are so talented, we decided to offer a high rank."(staff)I've read this in the library, the ranks start from member, elder, researcher, assistant-head then head of the association. High rank? Elder sounds good but that's all it is, a dumb rank to give the other dumb people and make them feel special.