15 - Day 1 part 2

Tom sensei's job was to teach us the various methods of controlling mana and monitor to check if we were doing it correctly. Those that are less talented only reach tier-4 at the end of the 3 years. The teachers specialised in this subject would make sure their students hit a quota which ensured they hit at least a tier-4 in the end. Of course it would be best that everyone masters until they get tier-5, but the last tier depends on talent and was an extremely huge jump in difficulty from tier-4.

The next period, a new teacher came into class. This teacher had grey hair, dark eye shadows and also wore a formal suit like tom-sensei. Immediately settling down, no one moved a muscle. Everyone was so still you could hear someones cold sweat drip ontu the table. Did the student's perhaps fear this teacher? Well, there's no other explanation. Let's first observe what makes this teachet so fearsome.

"Hi, you seem to be new here. I am Jinno sensei. What's your name?" (jinno)

"Emil, Emil Lily"

"Lily-chan huh~ Don't strain too much or those eyes will break. The subject I teach is basic spell theory. This works best with demonstrations, so we should all~ go down to the firing range. I forgot to mention, if you dare disrupt my lesson, I'll use dark magic to punish you. "(Jinno)

Punishment? Was that what the students were so scared of? Curious, I decided to ask a student after we reached the firing range. Ah! It's the tsundere grey haired girl. " Hey...what does he mean by punishment? " I whisper.

" SHHH! "

" A BIT noisy for your first day huh?!" (Jinno)

Apparently, he could overhear us from a distance. That's just absurd. After Jinno sensei exclaimed his strange remark, a large dark magic circle manifests in front of his palm. The magic circle was the size of a truck. Looking at it from another angle, it could just be an illusion so we don't actually get hurt. Largr dark red tentacles shot out of the magic circle, in the middle of the swarm of tentacles was a blood shot giant eyeball. Too bad, my reaction wasn't so slow. Equiping my starter dagger from my storage magic, I held it right in front of me against the direction of the tentacles. Using [Shadow step], I applied gravity pull towards my dagger. Resulting in a flashy scene where I just held my knife and stood still while the tentacle kept moving forward, splitting in half before the blade.

"Dark eye shadows? Are you also a dark mage?" (Jinno)

"Eh~? Eeeeeeeeeh~?!" Unbeknownst to me, dark eye shadows manifested themselves on my face when I use dark magic. According to Jinno sensei's explanation, the darker the shadow, the stronger the magic, and apparently mine was decently strong. Huh~ and I worked so hard to have a normal amount of rest in this new life. Wait... Does that mean?

"Jinno sensei, are you constantly using dark magic?"

"Since I have little to no sleep, I use dark magic to self-boost so that I can go through the day without collapsing. Is there a reason for you to ask? " (Jinno)


"Right before being so rudely interrupted, let's carry on with the lesson. Try to bring down those dummies over there with your magic. " (Jinno)

Responding to instructions, the students lined up against the multiple dummies that had lanes and counters in the front like a gun firing range. On the counters were average magic staffs that everyone had to use. Going to my lane, I picked up a staff before holding it in front of me. Let's try something new.

Forcing together my fire and dark afinities, I forced 2 magic components that contain the 2 elements into one magic circle. At first the magic circle was large and drained my mana like a leaked tank. Forcing the magic to become smaller, the mana consumptuon stopped going berserk.

Now I have to somehow fix range and power into the circle. Let's have the same range as a normal fireball. The component clicked right in with the fire elemental component. Now for power. I need the destructive force of fireball and the corrosive effect of the dark element. Struggling for a minute, I finally removed a part of the fire element and it slipped right in with the dark element for the power section. Now I need an opening so that I can channel mana more efficiently. Using a sort of T section, I connected the fire and dark elemental components to a channel. Now that all that troublesome stuff was out of the way, I start to pour more mana into the circle until the phenomenon manifests itself.

A purple glowing fireball floats into the air. The range, gravity and physics of the purple fireball was the same as the normal one. So the launching method should be the same. Pouring one last small shot of mana in, a small amount of air combusted and exploded behind the fireball, shooting it at the dummy like a cannon. Collapsing on the dummy, the upper half exploded with bits flying everywhere,leaving a fire with purple glow everywhere. There was an especially huge purple fire on the dummy that slowly melted it away.

" [Cursed fireball]? That's a rather advanced technique of an elemental mage's skillset. It sacrifices some power in order to have a corrosive effect. In some situations, corrosive power could be more useful than sheer destruction. " (Jinno)

Skill acquired! : [Cursed fireball-tier 2]

[Cursed fire afinity]

Shortly after a while, Jinno sensei gathered everyone to a part of the firing range that had a few tables. The point of coming down here was to see the state of our magic and for sensei to point out our faults. After going through everyone's individual problems, he advised us to work on them, the next time we come down here. He was completely unfazed by the fact I forcefully created new magic.

After basic magic theory, the students have a break in the canteen area which was right in the middle of the classrooms. In the central building that held all the classrooms, there was a canteen in the middle that had 2 large classrooms on the left and right side. The classrooms were for the first years, basically where I go. The second years go to the second floor of this same building and the third years go to the third floor for their classrooms.

Going to the canteen was akward as everyone had their butlers there and I basically had nothing to eat or do. Guess I'm taking my break at the firing range, maybe I could even improve my magic and make another break through.