" You know about wrath? Yeah, it would make sense if you have a 'sin' to counter mine. What do you stand to gain of making me an ally instead of just taking 'wrath' from me? "
" Huuuu~ maybe I could just take it from you, but in order to utilise its power the most effectively is to have only 1 person hold 1 'sin', 7 people attacking at once is better than 1 guy holding all 7 'sins' and not being able to use all at once. The powers aren't exactly compatible enough to combine. "(Bavner)
" Let's make a bet. "
" Hoh~? What is your objective in gambling with me? "(Bavner)
" You can read my mind can't you? "
" Out of all the things... Fine, if you manage to gather the backing of all 7 great families, I'll adopt you as my younger sister. In all the ways you can phrase it, 'become my Onii-chan' is extremely strangest one you could have picked. You're Japanese?" (Bavner)
" You reincarnated as well? "
" Well, I have a way to get back now. But who the hell wants to stop playing king?"
Ignoring the king's remark, Emily asked to be returned to the infirmary. As Houzo returns from sending Emily back, the king makes an expression of eagerness. 'What's making you so happy?' Houzo questions in his mind waiting for the King to reply with his[Telepathy].
' Isn't it interesting? The variable of 'wrath' being so close yet so far. She should be a great asset in the future. Let her have the 7 great families, if she is what I expected, she'll just get bored of that kind of power. What she seeks is power in battle. Her expression from when she was in the infirmary says it all. Not many people, even my lv900 generals can casually avoid passing out when using [mana detection] around me. The sheer power in the air around me shook her instincts, and she responds with her will to fight instead. '(Bavner)
' Humu, your majesty finally finds something to pass the boredom huh~ With my spatial teleportation powers, I can bring Wifi to this world and we can play an MMO together you know? ' (Houzo)
' Old age is making me forgetful. '(Bavner)
' Oh please. We are immortal and it's been 900 years since we came here together. Your sanity may deteriorate, but not your cognitive abilities. '
' blablabla~ old age~~~! '(Bavner)
Returning back to the infirmary, I lay down the bed once more as It was a pain to organise my mind. That was the king?! I've calculated that my speed exceeds that of a level 1000, what monstrous reaction speed was that?! The barrier may have been activated subconsciously, but I could see it! That monster...his eyes and Houzo's as well. They followed my movements perfectly, as if I was as slow as a toddler to them. Tch, looks like I have a long way to go before being the strongest.
From that conversation, the king seems to be another other-worlder, was that why the kingdom seems quite modern? I can see many things that resemble the old world. His speech patterns don't actually seem as ancient as I thought.
Anyway, I should stop thinking about it so much. Walking out of the infirmary, I thought about my next plan of actions while walking to class. I still don't have enough combat experience, Uncle may pull something and I won't be able to counter it. I wonder what I should actually do. I guess the first step was to level up.
The sky was darkening slightly as many nobles and their servants could be seen walking in groups out of the school. I, of course, was already at the dungeon. Reaching Harox city in a few minutes, I decided to try a dungeon that was much tougher than all the previous ones. This was the dungeon "Harab" where all the monster were at least level 200 and could reach as high as 900. The last boss monster was level 1000, it was said that only heroes were strong enough that monster as no one else makes it out alive.
Walking towards the dungeon gate, the security guard holds out his lance to block the entrance. "I'm sorry little miss, but only parties of adventurer's can enter. It's unfortunate but I'll have to block you since you aren't supoose to be here." (Guard)
Looking at the guard, he was at level 500, which wasn't impossible for me to defeat. But I don't actually want to get arrested or banned from the area, so I'll just have to negotiate. " I have the backing of the "tsumond" clan and "avalon" mage's association, is that enough to let me in? ", I say as I pull out a ring with the Fez's family crest on it. Now I know what you are thinking...and the answer is no, I didn't steal it. I actually received it from Fez before getting teleported off by Houzo.
" It assures me that you are decently strong to get such renown backing. But unfortunately we still have a policy of only allowing parties in. You should be able to convince that party over there to join you, I'm acquainted with them and they have decent skills. Come back when you have a party~"(Guard)
The guard strangely gave me a recommendation, well I'll just take it, it's not like I had anything to lose. Walking towards the party that the guard pointed at, a young looking brown haired man called out to me first. " Do you need something?"(?)
"I need a party, so that I can enter that dungeon over there. Sorry if I was bothering your break, I just need to go through the entrance and I'm fine."
"Alright then. You may be level 99,but it's still extremely unsafe to go in alone. We'll help you until the level 300 section. How does that sound?" (?)
"That's fine buy can you guys introduce yourself first? I'll start, my name is Emil Lily"
Going with my false name, I flash an artificial smile at the party.
" Whoops, my name is Jack, the scout. This archer here is Haruka, the tank is Tim and the priest is Erika. Well, let's go. " (Jack)
This time, I was finally allowed passage. Even though it had only been half a minute, I already couldn't stand it.
" Hey, Jack. Is your party named 'chain leggings'? "
Tim had thick chestplate armour, a decent helmet, pauldron, waist armour and he wore chain leggings over black pants under his waist armour. Tim had a decent build as he probably had to carry his shield all the time.
Haruka wore a teal cloak and lime shirt along with forest green skirt. Under her skirt was a pair of chain leggings worn over thigh high grey silk socks.
Jack himself wore a forest green shirt with a brown vest over it. He had light leather armour protecting his chest, joints and waist. And you guessed it, he was wearing chain leggings.
The last person was the priest Erika, she wore just a normal nun robe. Occasionally the wind will blow the robe upwards, and you will see it. Chain leggings.
"Huh~? Are you dumb? Chain leggins are light and yet protective. The ideal protection!" (Jack)
"Pffff, Jack has a chain legging fetish~" (Erika)
"Hahaha.. I thought he had a nun fetish.. Hahah" (Haruka)
"Fetish!?" (Tim)
While the rest were laughing at Jack, Tim was trying his best to be stoic, but he was now frightened by Jack and would occasionally glance away when Jack looked at him. This sure was a carefree party.