46 - Tournament 2 part 1

In the first match, teams of 4 battled it out. The rules were simple, eliminate your enemies or capture theif flag and place it in your castle. It was a slab of slightly elevated ground with a moderately sized hole, perfect for a flag pole to fit. I was generally a lazy person, so I just pretended that I wasn't an offense oriented fighter. The excuse probably didn't work due to the reputation I gained the year before, I had won the tournament last year which earned quite a bit of fame among the students of this school.

When it was revealed that I was a noble as well, prejudice based on me being a commoner evaporated. It didn't bother me much in the first place, but showing off my strength in the tournament was usually all it took to live a peaceful school life. I say peaceful in the sense that it is normal, but James's attempts at wooing me were disturbing my peace. My teamates and opponents were all around level 60, maybe they were carried by their family members in dungeons.

The first enemy was taken out by a trap set by my teamate, the second enemy was ganged up on by my 2 other teamates and takened out. A few minutes in, an enemy used temporary buffs and took out 2 of my teamates before losing himself. It took nearly 10 minutes, but now it was 2 v 1.I couldn't be bothered to help, the strange part was that my teamate fell to one of his own traps, leaving it at a 1 v 1. The remaining enemy was a first year who didn't have any grasp on my capabilities.

Bored of the match, I used [shadow step] to teleport and steal the enemy flag, instantly getting a win. Moving on to the 3 1 v 1 matches, I enter the barrier with a sense of excitement. These people were able to beat the team match, in this world where strength can overpower numbers, these guys should be far stronger than the previous opponents. Breathing in new air, I enter the new barrier with my heart beating slightly faster than before.

The moment the referee allowed the match to start, energy...no, mana was injected into my veins and into my legs. To a level 1000 with sight enhancement skills, I would still look like a blur. And to the rest, it would look like I vanished from my spot. Using my leg to give a full swing, I struck the air as his body was teleported out of the barrier isntantly. The shockwave travelled and shattered the barrier easier than paper.

Leaving the match ground to watch other people's fights, a crater that I left had heated and exploded, destroying the surroundings. Giving the teachers who set up the place even more work to do. Since my fight practically ended instantly, I had time to walk around and relax. Spectating the other students, I made sure to watch out for any strong individuals in the new batch of students. I basically defeated everyone in my first year of school, so who knows if a surprise shows up.

On a side note, lunch breaks were no longer akward. When I had captured the 4 territories, hiring a butler was extremely easy. No longer standing out in the canteen as the loner that befriended Fez, I finally felt at peace during breaks. Well, there were no more butlers as my mansion that could fit the whole school was basically scrapped and the workers retrenched. I've already built a new base of operations though I still live at the school dormitory. I've just grown attached to it, as it was my first proper home after I ran from home. Speaking of which, I haven't visited mother in a year... Whoops. Guess I got too engrossed in my route to revenge and growth. Anyway, nowadays I would either have Kurisu or Yuuka accompany me and Fez. But damn, Kurisu sure could do anything, what a versatile advisor.

Back to the tournament. There wasn't any notable difference as people were either hiding their true strength or finishing their matches before I got to see their skills. I couldn't really find out any weaknesses or a lead on their abilities. Strangely it was a school rule to ask about a friend's skills and abilities. The only loophole was to ask them after school was over.

In the second 1 v 1 match, I punched a hole through my opponent's torso and the shockwave broke the barrier. Once again, I apologised to the teachers that helped set up the barrier as I was just giving them more work. For the final 1 v 1 match, my opponent was Zaltria, the metal element user from the previous tournament. Though, this time the match wouldn't be so close.

As the referee gives his signal, a crater was left in my wake as I lunged to Zaltria's back. Metal exploded around Zaltria to the point the barrier was almost filled with spikes. Just as I had lunged, I shot a storm of shadow stakes at Zaltria's back which shielded me from the wave of metal. Having shielded himself with the metal, it also blocked his vision of the enemy. A fierce pressure strucks me as my torso had suddenly become heavier. My movements became sluggish, slowing my attacks.

There were still shadow stakes flying out of the ground, exerting mental pressure on Zaltria. Getting the control of my body together, I withstood the gravity attacks as I fired [Void beam] all around Zaltria. The ground shook as the [void beam]s rampage and evaporate the surrounding. As the surrounding debris clears up, I had no where to run either so we were both covered in small cuts as destruction spewed forth in the battle field.

Renewing our resolves, we continued to step forward with smiles on our faces. Isn't this fun? Such an interesting battle. For a year, nothing eventful happened, and the tournament was finally bringing one to me.

Name: Emily von Lilith

Level: 898 Points:

Health: 744 000 000/744 000 000

Mana: 5 003 500 000/5 003 500 000

Strength: 45 000 000

Vitality: 74 400 000

Intelligence: 500 350 000 (500 000 000)


3 946 800 000 000(2 230 000 000 000)

( Greed: defeating an enemy allows a stat to be taken from the enemy)

Class: Reaper

Essentially transcending over stats, the main components of my fights now were strategy and wit. In that 1 year, I worked hard to grind stats in the dungeon by killing countless enemies. My physical strength was more than adequate for fights, what I needed to improve on was my versatility. With that in mind, I had kept staying on my path for a year, never letting go of my goal.