59 - daily life 2

During my first year, we were taught the basic alphabets of this world. Though I've pretty much self learned a lot of vocabulary through the painful process of going to the library for a few years. There were also other small subjects like the general history of this kingdom, basic calculation and some survival tactics. Every 3 months, the teachers would bring us to camp in the woods outside, it was futile on me since I had [shadow step] to teleport back home anytime I wanted.

I guess the silver lining was me being selfish and not teleporting my classmates to give them proper survival training. Fez and James on the other hand could just run back home for an hour if they wanted. I guess an exception was the few times I brought Fez with me to my mansion to shower. That phrasing was strange but we took turns, maybe such an event of going in together will happen in the future. Losing my manhood in this world, my thirst for the other gender severely died down. It wasn't as if I was a wild beast back in the previous world, but now I have extremely little interest in romance, as attractive as Fez could be, I would be content with being friends.

At first we were out hiking on a mountain right on the outskirts of the kingdom. Over that same mountain was a whole mountain range for us to scale over. At the end was a river where we could procure water and fish to set up camp. We could also use magic to create water, but few people would have an affinity for water magic. I had affinity for fire and support magic, but I don't even use them. Somehow I had gained a class that specialised in an element that was completely unrelated to my affinities, and I've been using those ever since. Maybe I should learn more support magic.

There was a certain class called paladin that used light and support magic to boost their physical capabilities. My first assumption was that my final class was going to be a paladin whose level capacity was 600. I was prepared to do put in some hellish amount of effort to close the gap with level 1000s and learn to pull out my sword so fast like those shounen animes. But I strangely got a rare combat class which was better as the level cap was higher. Even though my sword training became futile, I learnt to redirect my strength into my wrist which helped with other melee weapons as well. One such example was the daggers I always used back in the early days.

Getting the assassin class was probably due to my bloodline from being a descendant of the Vadim clan. Though, now it has been dissolved as father was killed right before I arrived. Shortly after uncle joined him and I abandoned the name as the last clan head. My mother could not qualify as she didn't contain the blood of the main family. There was also a chance that it was from the 'wrath' sin power, but that theory was deemed false when Kurisu analysed the Vadim family's library of info. It was a long line of assassins, with the exception of uncle who was a territory user, the opposite of an assassin.

At first I thought my stats would be a little lop sided and heavily invested into agility, but over time, all my stats were absurdly higher than normal. An observation I made after getting my SS class was that it had the 'conqueror' title in it, there was a good chance that it was related to the authority of conquest that I gained from defeating an enemy.

During the camp, there were some parkour courses for the students as well. A little harsh for 12 year olds, but the level system made everyone in this world super human. When it was my turn, the teacher made sure to remind me that I shouldn't just teleport. As instructed, I used my agility and finished the course so fast, it looked like I had teleported. The deal was that there were no traces of mana in the air, there was no sign of teleportation, just pure speed.

When it came to night time, I happened to be assigned to the same tent as Fez. Sneaking under her sleeping bag, I snuggled the blanket a little before falling asleep.

'What! I can't sleep! Why is Emily in my sleeping bag?!'(fez)

Maybe it was just my imagination, but there was occasionally some squirming behind me in the middle of my sleep. Maybe I was dreaming. Due to the nature of this world, it was important to get enough sleep, if you fell into a deep sleep from the lack of it, you won't be able to defend yourself if someone were to attack.

Waking up the next morning, I stifle a yawn as I got my eyes to get used to the light. Looking around, everyone was still sound asleep. Pressing myself off the ground, I looked down, noticed and prevented a disaster. Last night I had a casual attire of a shirt and some long pants as pyjamas, for some reason my shirt came off when I woke up. Clutched tightly in Fez's sleeping hug, was my shirt. Well at least nobody saw anything. Pulling my shirt from Fez's clutches, I put it back on before leaving the tent.

[Abyss control] always held a thin layer of shadows on the ground around me, in a radius of a few kilometres that could cover half the capital. It was easy to tell if someone was watching me or not, [reality displacement] was also at work to prevent detection of my territory. Only level 1000s had a chance to tell if my territory was around them if they heightened their senses, but that was one thing and dispelling the territory was another. At this point my territory was almost as durable as Uncle's [Absolute territory]. Well it wasn't as if it will be put to good use right now, it was just some horde of monsters circling around the campsite.

A few teachers seemed to have notice as well and were patrolling, but their strength wasn't enough for a horde of lv 400 migratory monsters. Minutes passed as James also got up and went to 'take a walk' in the direction of the monster horde. I guess it will solve itself considering the large one was still quite some distance away. Taking a guess, it was the leader of the monsters that quietly observed as James approached the horde nonchalantly.