A surmountable wall, one that keeps growing everytime the summit is a hair's breadth away. That was the kind of influence Emily had on Fez. It was very possible, very close and quite realistic to surpass Emily. But that was for the past Emily, the present one will keep growing stronger, constantly pushing Fez to new heights, like James she broke what was suppose to be normal and achieved level 800.
'What did I do that's different from you?'
'How are you always a step in front?'
' Even when I surpassed you, you did the same to me in a shorter amount of time. You did it mid battle!'
'How is this fair?!'
Multitudes of questions surge her brain the night before the first camp of the second year started. But she knew deep inside, all she had to do was keep going. James went with the route of copying Emily, constantly buffing his stats to match her physical prowess, trying to close an impossibly wide gap posed by the power of 'sin' and 'authority'. While Fez went with another method, one that was simply more effective in this world.
"[Shadow theft] [Supreme control:edit]" (Fez)
Whispering the rest of the skills under her breath, spiralling purple pillars shot out of the ground, it was a sort of territory creation skill. Usually whispering was useless as people who've battled for a while have enhanced hearing, but that could be negated, making hiding her skills possible.
A transparent barrier encases Veur while Kirs had been severed on the spot. The barrier was caused by Veur's 'commandment', it was protecting him from the absurd environment. The mere air blowing around was riddled with curses and traps. Kirs would have been safe if he stayed completely still, but he tried to activate his teleportation which made traps sever him on the spot. Everything that Veur's barrier touched was basically dispelled. But that didn't stop the effects from occuring. Surrounding Veur was an extremely dense array magic traps that sent every possible attack, every possible element, every possible attempt to destroy him.
Inside the barrier was just Veur, without the 'commandment' he wouldn't be any different than everyone else. But Fez was different, she was abls to ignore such a gap posed by an ancient supreme power. From the creation of this world, 'sin', 'commandment' and 'authority' were circulating in a group of what could be called the strongest in the world. Since ancient times, these powers have been hidden as 'class skills' of great individuals, such skills ranged from something as boring as controlling the surrounding elements to death manipulation.
Inside the barrier under constant bombardment, Veur was sweating, Veur was in fear. He could barely make out what was outside his barrier under the dense magic fire. What is going on? Why is this happening? Where am I? It went without saying that Fez's use of this power extends over an extremely large area, enough to swallow a small town and more. This meant that no matter how far he ran, it was as if he was trapped under a ball of death. A single step outside would mean losing the foot that dared to escape. Filled with no other choice, he only had his trump card left to use.
"[Ignorance is bliss]"
This skill came with every 'commandment', it was something unique to 'commandment's and used by 'commandment' wielders. It restored his health and mana pool and increased the potency of his power temporarily. If it was this useful, why didn't he use it at the start you may ask? That was because it could only activate daily.
Arriving at the venue, Emily could see 4 dead and 1 ball of massive destruction. Just as she arrived, she heard a faint whisper from the ball before the dense magic fire and curses were sent towards Fez. Energy redirection? Was this his power. Stopping time, I walked toward Fez after passing 'lust' to yuuki. Fumu, they have done a good job suppressing the threat. From what I could tell, 3 of them were taken out by an explosion of sorts and coincidentally James was around the area, knocked unconcious. The 4th one was severed and left in bits while the last person is currently here in the middle of launching a powerful attack that could swallow the camp.
Energy redirection huh? I suppose I could take a page from your book and try it out as well. Maybe I can't effectively redirect it back, but dispersing it is still 'redirection'. In that case I only had to launch an attack on an equal or even larger scale. Stopping in front of Fez, I let time flow as an idea popped into my head. I have 'pride'. Its power was mana manipulation, any existing power from mana can be adjusted to my hearts content, so why not just effortlessly send it back? Well this just proved my theory about the 'power' hierarchy. With less than 7 in existence should be 'authority', the greatest forms of power contained as rings, ancient items made to reach the power of the supposedly omnipotent 'world system' in power.
At least with such a fundamental law of nature such as mana being allowed to be manipulated by a ring, it was a possible theory. The second in rank is the 7 'sin's followed by the 10 'commandment's in power. That was why the 'authority' I possessed could effortlessly negate his 'commandment', it was a fundamental hierarchy of nature being reinforced in practicality.
Sending the attack back, Veur's 'redirection' ability was negated resulting in not even his ashes being left in the surroundings. In mana manipulation, my control of it wasn't to well, extra mana from the atmospher was gathered in that attack, increasing the amount of destruction dealt. Having an 'authority' was as if I stepped into the realm of the gods. Such lackluster opponents that attack our kingdom in desperation couldn't be the cause of my death. It was most definitely another authority or 2. Perhaps authority over life and death if it prevented me from reviving with my [soul immortality] if it somehow bypassed my [immortality].
Seeing Fez's new power, I've at least gained an inspiration to prepare for the future. If I could fill the area with traps to kill the person before they reach me it should be fine. Though I don't think their stats would be low enough to die from traps. It was only a strange moment of inspiration but it ended with me being depressed. An authority over life and death, what could be as depressing as such an absolute form of power?