Using [shadow step] to teleport back into class, the chalk stick was broken by the teacher while an imaginary cross appeared on his forehead. At this point he had gone used to it so he briskly walked over to the teacher's table to replace his chalk stick. There was a side of the board that can be manipulated with magic, but that takes an extremely high level of mana control. At least that was the excuse given to the students. I could clearly see an intricate magic circle inside that handles the mana control, teachers were probably too lazy inject mana into said instrument while talking at the same time.
Hours pass on as the students pack up their last textbooks ready to leave. Everyone stared at the bell that was suppose to be triggered by magic when it reached noon. There weren't many lessons in a day so it lasted roughly from 8am to 12 pm. An hour of which was the tea break and lunch break followed by an hour of 3 different subjects. Ending early at noon also helped in organising events as there is plenty of time to hold some celebrations after school. Otherwise, the students of this school generally laze at home, do homework or train in a practice dungeon somewhere.
The adventurer's guild roughly had 4 ranks depending on your strength, along with fscilities called "practice dungeons" for newbies to train at. Sometimes you would either see a little kid running around the swing a branch at the dummy or a large man exerting his fullest. It was a rathe surreal sight. Of course the facility was seperated into rooms with extra durable magic reinforced glass inbetween said facilities.
The 4 ranks of the guild depended on strength instead of contribution. So it wouldn't be a surprise if the guild receptionist would remember some low rank adventurer's that have helped a lot. The first rank was copper, granted to people with a c-rank class, the next was silver for b-ranks which were the most common anywhere and the last one was gold for A-ranks. People that have an S-rank class would be adorning a diamond bar plate but with an S-rank class, they would usually pursue more profitable businesses than being an adventurer, they could make use of their skills whether to be a private mercenary, an instant building constructor and many other things.
Walking out of the school, there was a strange group of people loitering just on the other side of the street. Ah wait, it's just them. The 4 that barely arrived at the camp site. To be fair I didn't send a distress signal, but 30 seconds was still impressive. Noticing me, they used an encrypted magic device to send telepathic messages.
"The demon lord is coming. "(Kido)
"What!? Isn't he supposed to be dormant?"
"We don't know what happen but his massive army is moving as we speak. Centuries of peace after the previous demon lord's defeat have blinded the humans." (Kido)
"Ah, and we just defeated 2 sin wielders too, they were suppose to defend their own kingdom. Nothing we can do about that. There should be quite some distance away from the kindom of the demons, we should just fight them closer to their kingdom, so the other human kingdom's won't get affected. "
" That's... Insane. ", Kido spoke for all 4 of them. That was just the shared opinion. Unlike Emily who had a warped view on things, the 4 was still stuck to their common sense, more so than Fez or James.
" That's just how it is, I'm pretty sure if you use your new powers you should be able to handle it, if not consult Kurisu on forming a plan. The other 2 can stay behind if they choose to."
"... Guess we have no choice but to fight this undesirable war. "(Kido)
Something was incredibly weird about this timing for a new demon lord to awaken. What was it? Why was it bothering me so much? Well, thinking about it too much wouldn't solve anything, I should leave it to Kurisu. Detecting a new presence in the area, [reality displacement] was activated and [omni detection] revealed his location. In an instant a dense mana barrier wraps around the perpetrator's skin while [fate lock] prevented any form of evasion. Inside the mana barrier, dense solid darkness exploded outwards from the centre before being bounced back by the mana barriers.
Saying the enemy was skewered was an understatement, all that was left was a pool of strangely coloured liquid.
>demon blood
[omni detection] analysed. If my subordinate could have scouted the enemy, it wouldn't be a surprise for the enemy to send a scout as well. [reality displacement] not only allow me to go undetected outside of time and space, it also placed an illusion in place to trick the enemy.
Though I was tempted, jumping into it would just be dumb. In this world, other than the conventional and some unconventional classes, there were also the 'origin' classes. 'origin' classes were the natural SS-classes born from evolution instead of the artificial classes born from 'sin's, 'commandment's and authorities. Therefore they were more powerful as they weren't mere imitations. Two of said 'origin' classes were the demon lord and the hero. From there split into even more weaker forms of 'demon lord' and 'hero' classes.
It would be far smarter to let the heroes test the waters before jumping. Even better if the heroes took care of the demon lord. There was no doubt a hero or 2 would be taken out due to the huge power difference. The 'Hero' class was split into many individuals while the 'demon lord' was still one person. Though through calculated stats, including the fact that heroes receive double stats of a usual level up and that demon lords go up to level 6000 while heroes go up to level 3000,demon lords still had twice the amount of stats of a normal hero, it sounds like very little difference due to the amount of heroes outnumbering the demon lord by 6, but that difference in stats is very vital.
Using [shadow step], I teleported above the battlefield in discussion and hid my presence with [reality displacement]. The enemy could probably still detect [shadow step] but the demon lord can't worry about me right now.
Rushing in with heated passion, literally, a rain of basketball sized suns shot toward the demon lord before a giant red humanoid swung a equally giant flaming cleaver down. Collapsing on itself, the miniature sounds expanded into city size domes, engulfing the demon lord's army.