67 - demon lord part 2

This is awful... My memories are gone, what am I doing here? I was working on fighting uncle Vadim.. No, who's this uncle Vadim?

Looking around, there was just a man with long grey hair. He had a single spiked tooth on the left side of his upper teeth, he had been garbed in luscious shiny black armour that somehow didn't seem excessive nor too little at all. It was as if the devil had crawled out from hell, there were bodies lying down everywhere, some in pools of blood, some on the dry ground as if they were knocked out. Who is this person next to me? Why can't my tears stop flowing?

Before I had noticed it, I was in a desert, warm fluid dripped down my cheeks as I stared at this unknown person. He was at a distance away smirking, what was so funny about my confusion? Was he an enemy? What is this horrible environment to fight in? I hadn't notice but mana was slowly being sucked out my reserves.

He had well toned muscles that towered over my child-like frame, well that was because I'm still a child, 7 years old at that. What was so surprising about being towered over? It was a incredibly strange feeling, I felt like I wasn't in my own body, yet I was. Were my limbs this long? I was still basically a child, but it seemed I had grown a little?

This person did something. Keeping my distance at his slightest movement, I slipped over and rolled over the ground. Tch, can't control my own speed. I either got transported into the future me's body or this person erased my memories, whatever it was, this person was an enemy. Checking his stats, my eyes widened. Level 6000.... Class:demon lord, ss-rank. All his stats were in the hundred billions, nothing changing that. Opening my own status bar, I checked what I had to work with:

Name: Emily von Lilith

Level: 6000 Points: 0


251 400 000 000/ 251 400 000 000


5 010 000 000 000/ 5 010 000 000 000

Strength: 4 456 000 000 000 000

Vitality: 25 140 000 000

Intelligence: 501 000 000 000

(+500 000 000)

Agility: 6 304 000 000 000 000

(+10 000 000 000 000)

( Greed: defeating an enemy allows a stat to be taken from the enemy)

Class: Hyperdeath conqueror



[Storage magic tier-5]

[ Omni detection-tier 3]

[mana control-tier 5]

[manipulate intonation-tier 5]

[Physical immunity-tier 5]

[All element resistance-tier 5]


[Soul immortality]

[Weapon mastery]


[Reality displacement]

[Shadow step-tier 5]

[Abyss control]

[True death]

[Ex speed enhancement-tier 5]

[Diamond speed enhancement-tier 5]

[Soul reap-tier 5]

[Fate lock]

Using wrath, I planted a spell on my back that would activate when I die. If I had all these abilities and still couldn't finish the enemy before he erased my. Memories, then it was a hopeless fight. Using [abyss control] to secret carve into my palm, I winced in preparing for pain but nothing happened. My hand had been numbed for a while, did I exert that much strength in my fight? Sounds awesome, but too bad this timeline isn't the one. It wouldn't be the same me, but I'll have to try harder next time.

"EMILY!!" (Kurisu)

Another subordinate? Glad future me did a good job, I thought it would be a repeat of my previous life, spending it in isolation and being content with a pathetic amount of ambition. Bullets flew at extremely high velocity, all of it rushing into the direction of the demon lord before disappearing from existence. No shockwave, no trace left of existence.

"Hello? I don't know who this is or how this telepathic network was established but thank you."

A large bass boosted sound echoed before an unknown rather young girl appears in front of the demon lord. She exhaled air as she tried to catch her breath before the demon lord placed his hand on her neck. Her voice sounded the same as the one in my head just now, no way... In an instant another subordinate received the same fate as the ones that layed on the ground. Why was I left alive? Tch! Modifying the spell planted on me, I rushed forward. It felt like practiced movement, my muscles moved by themselves. It's his lost if he underestimates me!

Putting all my energy into my being, I swung a scythe of solid darkness that had formed before I knew it. Spinning around, jumping, slashing, hacking, as if it was ingrained deep into my soul, I desperately fought. Skills activated but they were deactivated just an instant later. That instant was useful as cuts started appearing on the demon lord. If I just continue! Maybe I could win! Sacrifices? No I just have to bet on my being, I just have to win! If I gain power, then I can bring them back!

Using [shadow step] to teleport around, I continued to swing at the demon lord. Getting higher into the air, I noticed it wasn't a desert. It was more like a crater formed by a meteor, but it was probably formed by our battles. None of the attacks were reaching him, but I could only continue. Forward! Raining down spears of darkness, shooting shadow stakes from the ground, exerting gravitational pressure with [shadow step], forcing mana to collapse in his face. A newer crater was formed even deeper than the previous one, cold sweat dripped down my back as fatique caught up to me.


"[Death]" (Demon lord)

"Authority of conquest!"

This 'authority' allowed for soul manipulation, sending my soul out of my body, the demon lord's attack hit, the spell activated and the body was sent back in time. Back in 1 year. Using [immortality], a new body grew from the soul itself, before collapsing on the ground. ... Guess my time is up, I just hope the time loop could start, I swear demon lord... You will pay. Going back into the loop of reincarnation, this time the god Zet didn't show up, none of my senses came with me so it was like floating in the endless void. Before a bright light swallows up everything.

***(1 year back, time loop continues)

"HUU!! hu~hu~hu~"

What the hell was that battle... Steeping into the final boss room, memories flowed back into my mind, though it was just a small amount. Did the demon lord erase my memories from the first half of the battle?

Instant death... No, he was able to erase Kurisu's space crossing bullets as well, there was also loud sound as if air was rushing into to fill space and Kurisu appeared... Those dead bodies... Yuuki and Kido and 6 other unknown individuals... Were they heroes? How useless, this is what happens when an origin class is split into 6. Numerical superiority was useless in this world, as in the amount of forces(people) you have, strength mostly came from stats and skills.

My agility and strength were much higher, but the demon lord had a broken skill. Authority of death... That was why he called out [death] each time, the 'authorities' were based on the 4 horsemen of apocalypse. Based on that battle, he is able to cast [death] on anything... That included non living objects like Kurisu's bullets...

First my own dead body on the ground, now a demon lord. Today was just an unlucky day. Since Kido and Yuuki were there I could assume that we knew the demon lord was there before hand. It wasn't as if It was impossible... But a time loop? Tch, I will avenge you, all of you, especially myself!