71 - aftermath part 1

Oh... I did it. Finally, I don't have to worry about some trouble some time loop... I really thought that collapse was it... After I ran out of mana, [reality displacement] had worn off and I went back to above level 3000 and below level 4000. The silver lining was that I kept my upgraded skills, so I wasn't exactly back at square one. In fact I had even gained the authority of death, which was quite over powered when the demon lord used it.

Currently I was right in the morning of the second day of camp since this was the point the demon lord had interrupted and devoured time-space. Heaving the last sigh of relief, I headed for a nearby river to freshen up. After a few fights and stress building up sweat, I needed to wash it all off before heading back to the camp site. Setting up a set area with [abyss control] and closing it up, the barrier was made to be opaque and prevent entry from anyone. Given that I was now female, I can't exactly get careless in securing privacy.

A number of effects were placed on the barrier in an instant before I headed for the side of the river. Removing my armour and clothes, I sat down enjoying the temperature of the water with my feet before dipping in.

"mhmm~, I finally get to rest. How long has it been since I was this stress free? "

After a few more minutes of floating around and going underwater, I went back onto land before drying myself. I just had to move at a high enough speed for the air to heat up and dry away the water. Pulling clothes back from my room with [control space], I put on a new teal dress and purple cardigan. Of course the undergarments and armour was a new set as well, dumping the old set into my room, I released [abyss control] and headed back to the camp.

Most students were awake by the time and there was a buffer period of 5 minutes, so I wasn't exactly late or gone for too long. The teachers had actually been on shifts to guard 24/7, but I sneaked out so they were puzzled with my absense. There was a strangely large amount of monsters roaming around, but they were scattered all around unlike last time, so they didn't form much of a threat.

Though my levels went back to around 3000+, that was disregarding the demon lord's defeat which actually boosted me around 4800. The extreme boost in levels from an originally 1000+ to 4800+ was enough to radiate some kind of power only experienced warriors could feel. It felt like every sincle muscle, no, every single tissue was packed to the brim with enough power to wipe out a city.

After crossing 300 million in agility, full speed would already destroy the surroundings while the world system channels the energy outwards in order not to cause a blackhole. Right now, my agility was at least 3 quintillion which had 10 additional digits. Moving at full speed alone could erupt and destroy a small continent.

Naturally Fez and James could pick up on my sudden boost in levels. James was cheerful and helping out the teachers with minor task as usual while Fez was crossing her arms in irritation. Ah, I messed up. After I defeated the demon lord, I just let loose and released my hold on my aura. This could probably have waken up Fez and James unnaturally. I had indirectly interrupted her sleep, was this why she was mad? I'll give her a couple commandments, hopefully she'll be satisfied with those. Worse case, I'll give her 'lust', surely a power extremely close to the pinnacle of this world would please her.

Shaking off her questions with "I just found some enemies.", the rest of the day continued with the various activities planned by the teachers. The first game was a competition to see who could hunt the most monsters. To make it fair, I could only walk at the average pace of a student, but that didn't stop me from using [Omni detection-tier 5] and exterminating whole nests of monsters.

Since I was forced to walk at this meagre speed, it was just more effective to deal with the monsters at long range. We had a few hours to work with, considering the pace and strength of some students. It had been 5 minutes in, everyone was split into groups of 5,in total there were around 20 groups. Of course this was just a third of the classes from the 2nd years of this school.

"Ughh, why are we walking so slowly?" (rifur)

"Isn't it because of Emily's restrains? If we ignore it, we will be disqualified." (remy)

"What are you guys on about? I'm barely catching up at this pace, how are you guys conversing so casually?" (teffa)

"I'm more just surprised she hasn't ran wild." (rifur)

"Hey! I could hear that, well I could hear a lot in a kilometer radius but that's not the point. I'll let you know that I'm perfectly normal. "

"Teehee, whoops." (rifur)

I guess Rifur was the mood maker of the small group, Remy was the rather diligent one and Teffa was possibly another handicap for the group as he was below average in some aspects. This could probably serve as a learning experience for him. There was a rather quiet 5th member that didn't particularly stand out, her name was Yui. She wasn't particularly avoiding anyone, he answered back questions with nods and gestures. Was she simply nervous? Well I wouldn't know, it's not worth any effort to understand her, her intentions will eventually come out with time.

I was actually at the front of the group, so that I could set the walking pace. When a monster was spotted, they were allowed to run and fight it, but if it was too dangerous, they would come right back. At least that was what we agreed on, Rifur in particular was confident he could defeat all the monsters before I got to them, as if he was some kind of knight that guarded the princess. At that time, I was reading his mind a little with [abyss control], it was a skill that allowed me to do anything with darkness, It could even send me his thoughts as long as there was no light inside his head, which was a given.

Stopping in my track, it gave everyone else a surge of puzzlement. Right in front of me, at 500 metres away, there was a large nest of demon boars. It was sad that hunting their kind was a sport to humans, but I couldn't care less. Wherever there is dense magic, a new organism would be born, evolved and become feared as a monster. This species wouldn't become extinct anytime soon anyway, it was one of the most common types of wild forest monsters.

Channeling my mana into my palm, ultra dense balls of darkness converged on my palm. Normally this amount of energy could fill up a small village, but it was compressed to the size of a ping pong ball. Pointing my index finger in the direction of the nest, I flicked it. A light flashed before a sound reverberated through the forest.