After the camp, there was no longer any news coming from the demon's side of the continent. They had prepared an extremely large army the size of whole human kingdoms, but due to losing their spearhead, the demon lord, they could no longer carry on with an invasion. Mobilising such a large army costed money, it didn't seem likely for the demon army to beat someone stronger than the demon king, so they gave up and only tried to fix their current situation.
They were rather too busy dealing with their own recession than trying to plan another way to conquer the continent. Every once in a while, small mercenary groups of demons, like adventurer's, would come out and attack small human settlements outside kingdoms, but those were easily dealt with by proffesional adventurers.
A few months later, the date for the demon lord's and my battle had arrived. Though now, the demon lord had been wiped from existence, so I was just lazing around as usual. I had gained every possible skill I could get from the system with my class, so my levels weren't actually necessary, but if I wanted to raise my stats [reality displacement] would work as well to raise from 5000 to 6000.
After a month, we were able to locate the king and attach a tracker, though it was pointless after averting the crisis. Final examinations near the end of the year had already ended and everyone was just preparing to move up into the next year. Next year I was going to hit 12! Now that I look at it, it didn't seem that impressive. After reversing the effects of [death], I had gain back my memories, so technically I was going to hit 13 next year. But that was mental age, if that counted then I would be 52, so I rather not. Ah, what a strange dilemma, something this dumb could be called "a benefit of peace", as only such a relaxed era can such a dumb thought be produced.
The few of us in our small group really were anomalies, back in the elite institution, a hard working student could range around level 100-200,here they would be around 200, rarely a 300. The fact that we are stronger than many proffesional adventurer's leaves a weird taste in tbe teacher's mouths. Why are we teaching them when they can just go ahead? Really, James and Fez had obligations to fulfill, so they weren't actually going to become adventurers. They had originally arrived here to get stronger, but now their only goal is to surpass me.
Realistically, only I had any time to be an adventurer. I leave most of managing my official duties to Kurisu while I laze around a lot. Her class was calculation lord which specialised in analysis and interference, so she was a very ideal fit for the job that many could only dream to hire.
Teleporting into class as usual, I laid out the necessary instruments before waiting for the teacher's arrival. *tap tap tap* rang outside the classroom every morning. Entering the class as usual was our sensei, Clafiria. She was our teacher for our second year at this school, well it was still our second year, it was just close to ending. We typically learn the same few things which include physical training, history, adventuring law and some simple skills for self defense. With the second year, there was an inclusion of arithmetics, we had to learn how to count in order not to get scammed in the future.
Well that was just a dumb reason that could only hold up in the middle ages, I would say this world was small bit modern with all the technology being advanced by magic. Development was rather fast in this world, but it only picked up momentum a few years ago, just one generation before mine. Anyway, as a experienced salaryman, there was no chance that simple arithmetic would be any difficult for me. Days went by as the winter season was arriving.
What should I give to Fez as a christmas present? Snow falled to the ground as students shifted their legs through the snow to reach the school. I had teleported to the classroom about 10 minutes before the teacher arrived. I was going to chat with Fez and do some reconnaissance, but the scenery outside had caught my attention.
[Omni detection] allowed me to zoom in and magnify all I want. observe the snow flakes falling around had calmed me down. Could I have been this calm back then? Ever since reincarnation, everything has been so hectic. Though it was fine at the start, it slowly escalated and I somehow managed to reach the peak of this world. I don't think it would be easy to get defeated now, 1 authority alone builds up a massive gap in ability, it allows manipulation of a certain law and is more potent than a 'sin', wouldn't 2 authorities build a gap that was exponentially more massive?
Well enough of that, it was time for class to start. "Stand. Greet. " (Class monitor)
Out usual routine occurs as everyone prepares themselves mentally. Today in particular of the 7-day week, we had an extra hour arithmetic, and it was tearing down the sanity of quite a few of my classmates. The only thing that scared me was the teacher's monstrous stamina to teach something so boring for a couple hours without rest. For a few moments in time, I felt like I was back in middle school, ah~ to be able to enjoy youth again.
Getting some rest after the whole ordeal, I had noticed a little more of the vibrant personalities in my classroom. Maybe I should take advantage of my youth and make some friends. Don't get the wrong idea, I won't... go holding hands and disgustingly smile while making a "uhehe" sound in my mind. I was just a little bored of all this fighting. As Clafiria sensei was leaving for her next class, the class slowly got more noisy with chatter in the background.
Some students have begun to leave their seats to go talk to their friends as they became restless after sitting for almost an hour. This was just the normal occurrence, by the time the teacher takes a single step into the classroom, the class quietens down as if there was some kind of mute button that teachers can use. Everyone heads back to their seat, most of them ready to take the next class.
After another hour had passed, break time had finally arrived. It was unbearable to sit there for 5 hours straight, so a break time was placed in the schedule every 2 hours to ease up the burden of the students.
"Hey James. I need you to go outside with me for a while."
"Oh? Are you that shy to say it directly? Has my hard work finally paid off?" (James)
"I'm trying to introduce you to a new friend! Are you such a worthless insect that you can't understand simple language?"
"Yes!" (James)
Ignoring his new interest of being insulted, I promptly brought us to the meeting location with [Control space].