Going through my usual rolling off the bed routine, I finished up and used [control space] to teleport to school.
Today was the second day of a new year, naturally the students advanced a year and are getting new juniors. The school had drafted a new policy that required us to wear uniforms this year, it was under the context of identification outside school, which would really seldom occur. Why would they need to identify us outside the school in the first place? Maybe something has happened and caused the necessity of the school's attention. Or maybe I was overthinking it, and the school had just gain enough resources to make uniforms.
For the guys it was a plain white button shirt and beige trousers with the school's crest on the back. It was optional to buy a jacket with the school's crest on the back, a smaller crest on the front right side of the chest and a blue template filling.
For the girls, it was a typical sailor uniform. With white sleeves that covered the upper arm and a ribbon with the crest on the front, there was also a beige vest that acts as a optional second layer if the sailor uniform was too embarrassing. It was matched with a knee length skirt. Both genders were required to wear shoes, colour didn't matter for this one. Up until recently, coloured shoes were a privilege, so they were generally dull colours anyway, though bright colours aren't particularly banned.
It was quite unfair for the nobles to have 3 years of prior education before going to the general adventuring school, so there was an establishment that was government funded to educate the general population from ages 9-11.
Speaking of the new year, we had new juniors who seemed pretty cute, was the general view of the students in the same year as me. The new juniors are the same age as me...
"Awww, are you getting jealous of your juniors?" (Fez)
Faking my tears, I leapt into Fez's chest and grabbed her back for an iron grip. For a hug it could have suffocate a lot of people, but I didn't place any pressure on Fez, it was barely enough room for her comfort.
" Hey! People are watching! Quit fooling around." (James) In a worried tone, James trotted up to the scene to dispel the situation. Though it had no effect.
"Ara~? Are you perhaps jealous of this situation?" (Fez)
"Yes! Who wouldn't want Emily to bury her face in their chest!" (James)
I thought he had wanted to be the one in Fez's chest... Well as expected of James. I'll jsut ignore his rather immediate response of "Yes!" and move on. Fumu fumu~ wouldn't it be nice to be called senpai? This was in the adventuring academy and not the noble magic institution, so we could see across at another building to watch the juniors. Some of them were clumsy and couldn't find their classes, even forming groups to look for their classrooms, it was a refreshing sight.
Sometimes there would be someone giving a speech, in which case there would be a large magic screen in every classroom, particularly on the whiteboard, to broadcast the speech. For specification, Fez was made to be the student representative to welcome the juniors into their new school lives, so there would probably be a boost in her popularity among the young ones. After the introductory speech was time for classes to start. For this year, our general magic theory teacher was Kenvar sensei. Similar to a few other teachers, he was an ex adventurer. The reason why they retire is kept confidential as a form of privacy. You wouldn't exactly want to know that you successfully ran away from monsters while they feed off your comrades.
Kenvar sensei wore a simple 'teacher suit' that consisted of a plain grey formal coat and trousers. The dull colours complimented his equally dull and grey hair.
He had quite some experience in dealing with magic, his levels were in the upper 500s which meant that he had quite some talent. I can only guess that classes are somewhat link to your bloodline. In order to promote birth and increase in individuals holding this particular class, the king turns them into nobles. Maybe they would start from a low rank and work their way up. As for why such population increase was encouraged, it could only be military power.
It was extremely rare for commoners to get their hands on an A rank class for their very first class and consequently S rank. It is S rank for a reason. If level 500 was considered talented, what do you consider 600 and above?
600 could still somewhat be accepted as it was still the peak of an A rank class, but everything above would then be regarded as monsters. Something inhuman, containing so much power yet behaving like a normal human. 700 was usually the peak for a typical noble, their S-rank class up being heavily celebrated in their middle ages or even old ags. If the family was heavily influenced by military and training, 800 could be the peak. The point was that S-rank individuals may or may not have some screws loose, though it isn't credible coming from me... Well if I was self aware and knew which 'screws' were loose, then I wouldn't be above level 700.
The few nobles in the class should already be well versed in mana control, so general magic theory didn't interest a lot of nobles. Well, this world is boring anyway. I might as well take my time and listen to what the teacher says. Most of the phenomenon taught were already familiar subjects. Having actually used magic in combat, the only problems were to remember the names and labels that they've given. If you were here, you would understand that it was worse than the names I've given. For example a 'Dimanahydro engine' could be 'didgeridoo' and you wouldn't be able to tell if the person telling you 'didgeridoo' was serious or not.
Next up was physical education, we had to test our reflexes and meet a minimum quota of athletic ability. We were training to become adventurers after all. Our Phys Ed teacher was Jean Sensei. Jean sensei had brown hair that stretched to his neck. It was trimmed short at the end and his hair was typically combed back. He wore a white tracksuit with some sparse black stripes that accented the edges of his tracksuit.
As usual, I passed the physical test with relative ease. It would be a bigger surprise if I couldn't do it. Flexibility was also useful in combat, so I had started stretching every night since I was 7, right after the kidnapping. Lastly was sparring practice with Vettour sensei. He had short black hair that were distributed into a simple hair cut. Obviously, I couldn't use my full power and demolish the school along with the students inside. So I usually just help tutor the other students.