Since this wasn't an illusion, I needed to take out the enemy quick. I may be the only target but if it shifts to trying to kill everyone else, it won't be easy to protect them. That's why I think everyone's disappearance was done by someone else as a way to protect them. In that case, for a power on such a scale that they were able to transport half the continent's worth of people, it had to be another origin class.
"Dou~" What? Just then, something moved from my peripheral vision. From [omni detection], everything seemed to be normal, even down to the slightest movement of atoms. Since time stopped, there shouldn't be anything that could move unless the enemy interacted with it. In the first place, when time is completely still, nothing can be moved unless the person with time manipulation Interacts with the object. Or else, the person couldn't breath in the frozen air and will suffocate. Perhaps, that was a way I could defeat my enemy.
After the strange sound echoed throughout the area, something in my peripheral vision definitely moved. Looking in my surroundings, they still seemed the same as usual. Perhaps did the object move back into place? No, there was still one place I haven't checked. Staring straight up, a massive ball of swirling darkness was over my head. It had so much wriggling movements that it looked like a living creature ready to open up like an octopus's beak, prepared to swallow everything into nothingness.
No...looking closely, it Was a living thing. It was made up of millions of the same previous grotesque creature that had writhing skin and textures of a multitude of animals, tongues rose out of each one of them in the tens. The massive wriggling of the giant dark ball was merely a way for the grotesque creatures to communicate to each other. The earlier booming sound that echoed around was the sound of that giant mass being launched closer to me. Even now, it was extremely close to my face, its pungent stench clogging my nostrils and frying the signals in my brain.
Before long, I would go insane if I don't deal with it. Once again, I linked and tied all their souls into one being with [Conquest] before casting [death] to remove it... Nothing happened. Using [control space], I immediately retreated. What seemed to be its eyes followed me to my new location, on a rooftop of a familiar shop. At an unimaginable speed, a tentacle shot forward to my right side, aiming to impale my torso. *whoosh* Dodging in a split second, a warm liquid drips down my waist and drenches the right side of my hip. Keeping my composure, I continued to run in order to avoid all the attacks. This was a strange enemy, I could not afford to get careless or it will be extremely detrimental.
There was already an unknown ally helping to keep everyone safe... Hopefully, since right now I was the only person in danger. Who knows how long they could keep it up, executing such magic would take enormous amounts of mana, I'm surprise there's no large gap with no mana in the environment on the continent. Perhaps instead of brute forcing it with magic, they were using an incredible skill. Tentacles with multiple spikes and different skin textures rush from almost every direction. They swung around and thrust forth with incredible speed as well, it was as if...they were copying my speed. What's worse was that they could ignore space and come from behind or right in front of me, it was incredibly dangerous to stay still, at the same time they were imitating my speed which allowed no drop in my own personal speed or I would get impaled immediately.
Ugh, why was my hip still sticky with blood?!? Urgh!!, it seems like those tentacles somehow negate or disable my immortality. Using 'wrath', I sent it back to the normal state and regained my stamina before making a break for it. For now I just need to avoid the attacks and form a plan. How? Even though I fought so hard for it, this giant monstrous vile being was able nullify [death]. Just what was its secret, what was it hiding? It was also able to disable [immortality]. Is it an anti-skill?
I can't figure it out, for now I have to prioritise conserving my stamina which was next to impossible.
"[Time lock] [Space lock]" (~~~)
A robotic voice rang out, it's voice itself sending my senses into a further disarray than the sight of these monsters. [Omni detection] couldn't find its origin so I was probably inside of 'it'. Though 'it' isn't a very clear solution to my problem. Wait... I've seen those skills before, Uncle Vadim. This was a territory skill, 'it' was a territory that swallowed the whole continent,...or should I say the whole world? It was practically a different dimension, just how much energy was needed to sustain this? An infinite amount, was it being maintained by the world system?
As I continued to evade the on coming tentacles, multiple small cuts manifested over my legs. The enemy was slowly but surely catching up, was my stamina that low? Or did a miniscule drop in speed affect the battle massively? Well it didn't matter, I had figured it out. Everything was slowly falling in place. Due to [space lock] and [time lock], I've been left at a disadvantage. [reality displacement] was only able to temporarily disable the locks and allow my other skills to activate, though not for too long. Well, it was fortunate. I had more up my sleeve than just space and time control that was pitifully disabled.
I haven't used it in a long time, but in this instant it drew a large gap which became the difference between life and death. " 'pride'! " A transparent substance in the air continues to swirl around, threatening everything in its vicinity. It was the power of 'pride', the ability to control mana. Mana was the source of energy for almost everything in this world, it was practically a cheat card that allowed you to do almost everything you can think of if you have the appropriate spell to channel the mana into. Though the spell acquiring was a difficult part on its own.
With the basic fundamental unit of energy, I forced it to collapse into one space.
Due to the nature of the explosion being a mana explosion, the area was temporarily void of mana and the creatures couldn't revive in that place. They had to revive in another location and that split second of time was enough-- - to cast [Conquest] and [death]. The world shook as the grotesque spawn melts into the ground, was it getting mad? Well too bad. Since this was an unknown realm inside of an enemy's territory, the world itself made an enemy of me. What better way than to cut off it's energy source?
"Coffin energy levels depleting at an unrealistic rate, trigerring reality warping defense mechanism and reality warping countermeasures." (~~~)