93 - Day(?) part 1

After a couple weeks, things had quietened down once more. The air was getting a little arid with the season and perspiration drips down the face of those in the streets. Recently, the start of a 2 week break had arrived.

Since it wasn't regulated in this world, many different cultures could receive their traditional holidays as legal breaks in their jobs, just by petitioning to the government. Due to that effect, the summer breaks in this world had shrunk considerably to 2 weeks. Even though it was a holiday, the school encouraged the students to continue training in their spare time, it was an adventuring school after all. They valued hardwork and effort above all, and it was necessary to maintain a level of vigilance or combat in the students.

After all, those students were becoming the next batch of adventurers. It wasn't an exaggeration to say it was easy to die in the dungeons of this world. That was why adventuring schools were measured by their mortality rates. The less dead students, the more reputable. This was mainly affordable only by the middle class and above, but due to the comfiness of this financial level, there was a decline in interest of becoming an adventurer.

Some of the low class could see adventuring as a means to get rich quick without any knowledge, but they have no choice but to pursue for an adventuring license even in a below average adventuring school with high mortality rates. Knowledge was still pretty important if you don't want to die by surprise attacks. Here, surprise attacks included [skills], which was usually far deadlier than anything that the world could offers.

It had been a couple days since the break started, Fez's company had somehow develop magic technology similar to a phone, so I was no longer bored. It was highly sophisticated magic technology that sent information directly into your brain, it looks like a rod with a light bulb like magic circle embbed at the top, it looked like a certain memory erasing tool from a familiar movie.

Already abusing the tool, I was playing a couple games while lying on my bed. I sent a message to the others to see if they were free to accompany me somewhere. Well, everyone should understand right? Surely they would accept. Right on time as I concluded my silly thoughts, they had all agreed by sending back their replies.

I had already prepared for this beforehand, but it shouldn't be an issue for the others, so the timing was probably fine. Exiting the changing room, I had on my signature lavender on my swimsuit top and swimsuit bottom. The top was normal while the bottom had some cloth to the left side that were wrapped in frills. It was a little... More breezy than usual as my skin isn't always this exposed. [Abyss control] was used to block UV radiation and protect my skin, the element of darkness was just the lack of light solidified with magic after all, just blocking the UltraViolet radiation was a piece of cake and great for the skin even without summer.

Looking down, there were 2 small humps that look as if they were the symbols of youth, they were modest signs of growth that suited my taste. I probably shouldn't tell the others about this. Due to the bright sun, my porcelain skin received a lot of light and glimmered more than usual. It also seemed that ever since I acquired [manipulate shadow] a few years ago, I had apparently block the harmful spectrum of UV light subconciously as my instinct deemed it harmful or something.

Well who knows what went on with my body then and how skills can subconciously activate, I only know that it contributed to my fair skin and was thankful for it. I was waiting at a bench near the changing rooms, when 2 more individuals had emerged. I was probably too excited and had arrived earlier than them.

They both donned their cute swimsuits as well, Fez with a simple black design that complimented her silver hair and Iyori's classic mint that matched her eyes. They were both visually appealing, great...more stuff to keep to myself. I can't help it! They're too cute. The last one to appear was James, he just wore briefs and a thin swimming jacket and some sunglasses. This swimming jacket was light blue with some images of the sun and his pants was deep blue.

"Why do I feel that my fashion sense was insulted without regard?!" (James)

"Must be your imagination." I brought out a smirk.

"Emily, stop teasing him. What if he awakens to it. That would be bad." (Fez)

"That makes sense."

"haha...ha... Anyway, let's get going. "(Iyori)

"I hope nothing weird happens, hmph~."

"Same..." (James)

"Your face is giving away your intentions!" The fact that he understood what I was implying was a giveaway. After all, only fellow man could think up of something as delusional as a swimsuit slipping off. The moment I realised that, I instinctively clutched my chest and glared at him.

"Hey, It's not fair if you glare so cutely." (James) Was this revenge for insulting his fashion sense?

Dropping the topic, he slightly quickened his pace. The shore was quite a distance from the changing room, well not too far, it was in the perfect radius to not be affected by the sea debris. Occasionally you could see some kids running around or playing in the sand. The waves splashing and ruining the castles that were built too close.

As the oldest one, Iyori was technically our guardian, so she had the strange duty of watching 3 rather unusual children in the shade. It was still the early ages of technology where stone and wood houses were common, it was just magic technology that had really advanced and changed the insides of houses, so the legal age to be an adult was still 16. If Iyori wasn't careful and one of these kids go mad, it could be a SS-class end of the world scenario before she would know it.

It was at times like these where I'm reminded that I was still 12 years old and these 2 other kids were 14, it gave me a rather strange feeling that urged me to wonder if I had made their lives better or worse? If I wasn't there, would they have challenged the norm to a point bordering on insanity? If so, would they have succeeded and cause a new era to form just like when I was with them? Or could they have just led normal lives in the expectations of their noble lineage? Well it wasn't good to be a downer, it seemed that Fez had noticed before I did, and was ambushed by her splashing.

"Haha! Stop that"

"No! Haha-- kyaaah" (Fez)

James was building a sand castle and was afraid to interrupt 2 lilies. He was afraid that would become roses and prick him with their torns. 'Well, just watching is also fine~', he thinks as he started to expand his sand castle.

The water started receding far back... An enemy attack? During the beach episode?!