103 - Day 1

My name is Lilith. I apparently lost my parents to a monster attack outside the Kingdom. The people at the orphanage are nice, they care for each one of us carefully. I was 6 years old when a strange feeling overcame me. It was very vague, an urge that only told me to do something. I had no idea what that thing was. I guess I have to search for the answers, I had nothing to do anyways.

"Lilith! Come join us for a game of catch." (Cress)


The days went on peacefully just like this in the orphanage, although it always felt as if something was missing, I was quite satisfied with my way of life.

Sometimes there would be a burning feeling in my heart, the doctors said it might be a new type of curse casted on birth. There seemed to be no visible effects for now, I was promised a cure in a few years, but I could just tell. It was impossible. It was an irrational gut feeling and it wasn't the first. I had pretty much gotten used to it, though I feel like I would lose myself in the confusion.

It was a common occurrence to feel this way. A vague feeling to do something. Another vague feeling, but to do the opposite, nothing. In this inner turmoil of conflicting emotions and goals, I gradually lose myself. I would always recover the next day, as if nothing had happened the day before. My friends at the orphanage had practically gotten used to it. It effects my decision making, wasting large amounts of time. It also occurs at random times, my will power was simply too weak to resist it.

Making decisions are rather scary, you have to think about which ones benefits people more and which ones hurt the least amount of people. I would never be able to understand the feelings of my orphanage friends, but I get the rough idea of what their happiness is. If I manipulate that, wouldn't I be granted their favours quite easily? That was rather easy to say, but harder to execute. I would be safer just being passive.

Currently my stats were:

Name: Lilith(no family name)

Class: None

Level: 1

Health: 100/100

Mana: @$#+%)=$ / &@&@_#

Strength: 10

Vitality: 10


Agility: 10

The mana count was the effect of the curse, as a result I no longer paid it any heed. Large chunks of days will go buy without anything special happening, it was just an orphanage, of course nothing special would happen. Would my dream then, be about exploring the outside world? It sounds great and all to explore dungeons and unknown land outside the kingdom, but there wasn't a guarantee that I would keep my life.

Lately the monsters outside the Kingdom have gone down in the range of levels, it seemed that there was a new knight corps taking out the monsters to make the borders more peaceful. They called them the "generation of stars", as they wielded the most powerful humans that history has ever seen.

This group of knights consisted of those people from that legendary generation, their levels averaging around 700 at the young age of 20,when it usually takes around 45 years to reach that far, disregarding rest and comfort. It was said that the strongest person from that generation had defeated the demon lord. He had become the majesty and ruler, Fez drey von Tsumond's right hand man.

Though, nobody knew his name or appearance. The majesty herself had formed a large crater in the ground next to the kingdom as a demonstration, it was the size of a city and served to deter rebels anyway. If someone rumoured to be stronger than the crater forming Queen of Ilnoa was safeguarding her, people would think twice before attempting anything foolish.

As kids from the orphanage, we didn't know what 'demons' were. All of this was second hand Information from the staff that occasionally visit to help out. It was just strange, to think a word could sound so familiar. There was no particular meaning behind it, simply another annoying occurrence of the curse. The side effects of the curse being, changing decisions on a whim and finding certain things familiar with no rational reason.

Halfway into the year, there was a positive surprise.

" We're going to receive a visit from her majesty herself, Queen Fez!" (Anna, caretaker)

"Wah, really?" (Douglas, child)

"Yes, you've only been here for a year so you wouldn't know, but she comes here every year. Ah, Lilith you're also new here. This will be your first times, but don't be too nervous! Her majesty herself funds the orphanages in the capital, so she makes her yearly rounds to each one. "(Anna, caretaker)

" I'll try my best~"

" That's a good girl *pata pata* " (Anna)

Feeling the warmth of her hand petting my head, my head squirms around under her palm. Running away, I continued with my previous activities. Everyday was spent playing with the others, playing with toys, and reading books or being read to.

"She sure is well behaved for a 6 year old." (Anna)

"That is true. She must have been through a lot. " (Catherine, caretaker)

"Unlike the rest, she knows how she lost her parents. She could have witnessed it too. It must have been traumatising." (Anna)

"Yeah, unlike these kids, we've actually felt the warmth of having parents. Wouldn't that make us unsuitable for taking care of them?" (Catherine)

"Not necessarily, but yes we have to treat this matter carefully. It would be better to leave our personal matters out of work." (Anna)


"Hey Lilith, why do you not play with the other kids much? You always seem to be reading a book and leaving yourself alone? It looks like you want to join sometimes, I can't leave you alone!" (Cress)

Eh? I was isolating myself? Didn't I want to make a good impression on them? Was it the curse, or was it something else? I should stop being careless. I made a 7 year old worry about me.

" Ah, I'm sorry for holding you up. I guess I'll come with you if you want."

"That's the spirit!" (Cress)

Due to the bonus funding from her majesty in the recent years, we were living pretty decent lives. Things were looking good for the residents of the capital and the economy, the government had enough to spare for the orphanages. It was said that her majesty pushed for this change herself, though nobody knew why.

More precise guides were given for the city's largest dungeon "Harab", reducing adventurer casualties and boosting business for monster parts. The base levels for the areas had roughly been reduced by half, making it easier on the adventurers. Nobody knew why the level ranges had dropped, rumours said that it was the Queen as multiple strange events had occurred right after she ascended to the throne.

A week after the surprise announcement, the fateful encounter arrives.