105 - Day 9

There wasn't a set timing to wake up, we were generally allowed to sleep as long as we wanted, the only condition being before breakfast was made. Some kids had trouble waking up, so they were woken up 5 minutes or longer before the actual timing. Unlike waking up, our sleep schedule had a curfew. Was it to encourage proper growth? I had roughly heard that a lack of sleep is unhealthy. Testing it out would just bring out the ire of the caretakers.

Breakfast was a toast with a fried egg next to it. The general standard of breakfast was unknown to an orphan like me, however I found it satisfying to just live a simple life such as this. For that sake, I never voiced a complain unless the eggs were rotten, or the toast mouldy. The body has evolved to survive in our environment, if it could tell such foods were harmful, I would trust it.

After breakfast in the dining room, we were allowed free roam. Some children would head back to the bedroom to sleep or relax, others would go to the recreational room and play. In a corner of the recreational room was a shelf of books, for some reason I was always drawn to books.

Roughly a week ago, I had awoken at the reception area of the orphanage. I couldn't remember anything, the name Lilith was deduced from what the caretakers were referring to me as. Not having a name was rather inconvenient, so I assumed that name at once. Due to this state of unawareness, I needed as much information as possible. What easier way than to read the books of the orphanage? - was my initial thoughts until I saw the contents.

As expected of an orphanage, all they had was some rough fairy tales that kids would enjoy. Nothing about the outside world. I only learned of my circumstances overhearing from the caretakers, the higher level monsters outside the Kingdom were taken out. This allowed the lower level monsters to breed more freely and increase population, which led to an increase in attacks. Despite them being from low level monsters, they were still fatal to the common individual.

My parents were travellers from outside the capital, whoever they were, it no longer mattered to this me who was basically a different person. Even if I met them, what would I do? From my point of view, the caretakers were my true parents. If they turn out to be alive and try to reclaim me, would I be okay with just demanding a better life? Or would I be attached enough to bring Cress with me? Well, none of that mattered. They are dead, they no longer hold any importance. I'll visit their graves every once in a while, how troublesome it is to have no memories of your parents. From this, I should move on.

From what I can see, the other kids actually remember. I was the only one who was odd, what would happen if I reveal this to the others? I think it's better to keep this to myself. A particularly perceptive kid would be Cress. I should take care not to reveal too much to her, the best way would be to only reveal things partially so as to make her belive she knows everything. Of course, all of this could just be in my head. I think the easiest action would be to go by as normal again.

Despite not having any memories, I seemed to have the bare minimum for vocabulary and grammar. Enough to communicate with others. Cress reached out her hand, offered a position in this orphanage to reside in, and blend in. I think that was beautiful, I wonder if I'll ever repay her.

"Nee~ Cress-chan. Do you see a lot?"

"I don't know what you're talking about..." (Cress)

"...That is fine as well, I suppose. I promise, I'll protect Cress-chan. For everything you've done."

"... There's something weird with you today, Lilith." (Cress)

" Haha... I think so too. Don't worry, I'll be back to normal in no time. "

" It happened right after the Queen came... Did she do something to you? "(Cress)

Not once did she tear her eyes away from her toy, a plain doll. I come to notice that she stares at a fixed position when thinking the most. I wonder if I should just... No.

"...? She didn't do anything. "

" I see... Then let's continue!" (Cress)

The winds blow from the sky, the current painting the quiet orphanage with sound. The day goes by without the slightest commotion, an ideal of a peaceful life that I had envisioned. Idling away into the evening, having the fun of our lives in a safe environment.

A new thing I learned today, was that the orphanage had quite a good history. With a decent percentage of the orphans earning themselves a fulfilling life after being released into the work force. I see, maybe this was what the Queen had planned. A larger work force huh... Was it to aid the economy? Were they in a bad spot? Well, it had nothing to do with me though. If the reputation of this orphanage were to be trusted, I would choose to be an adventurer and explore the world. Seeking knowledge... I guess that would be my goal for now.

Lunch was bread and some potato stew. It was quite delicious as the stew could soften the hard bread. Drinking the stew alone wasn't bad as well, a rather fulfilling lunch. After a while, the caretakers would do stretches with us, exercise was an integral part of our schedule in order to keep healthy. Some of the kids became more peckish for dinner, was it a trick to make them stop being picky with their food? They do say, hunger is the best spice after all.

Disregarding if our daily exercises were a ploy to get the younger kids eating, we continued to have free time after dinner. It was about an hour, we would take turns going to the toilet and brush our teeth. Curfew occurred right after. As kids, most of us were too restless to immediately sleep. I was always prepared to entertain Cress's 'night talk'.

"Nee~ Lilith. Are you asleep?" (Cress)

"No one is. They usually sleep 10 minutes later, if the caretakers do their job of patrolling."

"Sometimes you sleep immediately!... Wait that's not the point... Anyway, you always seem to have something on your mind. I'm not asking you to tell me, but you shouldn't hold all the burden alone..." (Cress)

"Well aren't you mature for a 7 year old..."

"It's just what friends do! Wait why are you driving away from the topic?!" (Cress)

"Haa~ I'm just sleepy. We're suppose to sleep. I'm thankful for having such a caring friend. If you want to help, come closer." My eyelids felt like there were weights on them, they slowly get ever closer until only a speckle of moonlight could get through. I was seconds away from blacking out. A child's body sure needs a lot of rest...why did I refer to it in third person? I shouldn't worry about that, for now I'll just worry about Cress. An act is needed to keep a distance. Maybe my goal should be finding out why I need to keep a distance...

"Mhmm~ isn't that too close?" (Cress)

"It's just a hu~~ Zzzzz"