110 - peace part 2

"mhmmm. Just 5 more minutes..."

"Wake up! It's the morning. We need to move!" (Cress)

"Hmm??!? Why?"

"Open your eyes sleepy head. Yesterday's attack had wiped out the orphanage. I don't understand what the assault squad was doing, allowing cultist to get in. Perhaps they only revealed themselves after. It's highly possible that they've already infiltrated many places. "(Cress)

" You keep calling them cultist, but who do they worship? "

" Emily, the evil god of destruction. It seemed that she had reigned a part of this kingdom for a short while, these people worshipped her in hopes that she comes down and 'saves' them. Nobody knows if any of these were true, as far as I know, they were just baseless rumours.

Emily or whoever their god is doesn't exist. On the other hand, this Amelia goddess faction has started to rise in popularity lately. Both gods look very similar, but it seems their followers do not see it. It's a very strange situation, so it's much better to just avoid them. "(Cress)

" Hmmm, this Emily person...! "

Picking my body weight with all my strength, I sprinted to the damaged doorstep. It seemed that I had gained a new skill after checking my status, I had also gained levels for some reason. No way... Did I defeat yesterday's demon? There was no other explanation. At a certain point, I stopped remembering anything. Something must have happened. Well, I don't have time to think about it now.


Level: 1 -> 50

Name: Lilith points: 1000

Health: 100/100

Mana: 100/100

Strength: 10

Vitality : 10

Intelligence: 10

Agility: 10


[Demonic energy]

There was a strange skill listed there, I don't seem to be able to control it. Maybe I'll master it over time. Investing my stats, I readied the kitchen knife I picked up from a nearby counter. Behind this door was an enemy. I couldn't explain it, but there is one.

"Let me handle this one. You don't seem to remember anything from yesterday's battle... It was as if... Ah, nothing. Just leave this one to me." (Cress)

Walking past me calmly, she placed her palm on my shoulder to calm me down. Her warmth permeating my mind. [Cure ailment-tier 1],a soothing effect enveloped my psyche. All of the previous tension vanished, forcefully dropping my guard. This could be used as an offensive attack, maybe an assassination would be most useful. If it's only tier 1,the enemy may not even detect it.

Without warning, a gurgling cry came from the other side. Cress had not even touched the door yet. Someone had gotten rid of the enemy first. If they were that strong, they could bust down the door and kill us. But it seems they are not an enemy. The previous person was eavesdropping from the door, they might have been setting up a trap. How troublesome. Wait dying was... Troublesome? This curse was getting ridiculous.

It also seemed that identifying my skill [Demonic energy] allowed me to use mana. Before my mana count had been a series of unidentifiable symbols, but now they properly showed 100/100. The world system finally acknowledged my capability of using mana, instead of limiting me to just [demonic energy].

Outside the door was a tall man in a black suit. His suit had dust here and there, and scratches exerted their existence on his limbs as if they were natural. Cress recognised him. He was a member of the assault squad from the incident that happened a week ago.

"So you've taken care of him." (Cress)

"I apologise for lack of vigilance. We're only watching from the shadows, a high grade presence concealment catalyst would easily get past us. Especially if the infiltrator was the caretaker who's been here for years. Order has carried forward, you and the remaining survivors will be moving to another orphanage. Finding a replacement caretaker is difficult, we expect at least a month before you can move back. Your items will be there by tomorrow. For now you should rest. A delivery for today's providisions will come in an hour. "(lieutenant)

" Tch, not even keeping your cover anymore. Honestly does she want everything to be exposed?! Haa~ At least she chooses to manage the orphans over risking their lives. I don't understand what's so special... Even that firepower could be easily repelled from long range... "(Cress)

" With all due respect, I'm just a lieutenant in casual wear. I heard nothing. So I'll be going now. Stay safe. "( lieutenant)

" The mail delivery man killed a cultist?... "

" He was probably a retired adventurer who saw something suspicious. "(Cress)

" Anyway this Emily religion... Just what did they plan to do by attacking orphans...? "

"Who knows. Sacrifices? It usually goes along the line of reviving their non-existent god. After all, the only one proven to exist is the demon lord. He has a whole country of demons that boasts higher combat ability than humans. He might even have a few cults hiding here. His followers should at least be more stronger than these fakers. " (Cress)

".... I see. Well let's rest up. I don't feel like playing today. "

The orphanage had many destroyed walls. Thankfully the curfew room and kitchen was unharmed. Only the reception room had suffered tremendous damage from yesterday. I could only guess that someone used my body to defeat that demon.


My first priority was to learn how to protect myself. Using myself as a compass, I spreaded waves of [demonic energy] into the surroundings. Spotting an anomaly on a rooftop of a building, I waved in that general direction. The lieutenant from yesterday manifests in front of me, and the previous anomaly on my radar had vanished. No, he moved so fast that it looked like he manifested. It was more likely that he moved normally.

My control over the skill was minimal, sending out small waves took everything. The radar was more like instinct than an actual clear image of my surroundings. It seemed that I got lucky and waved at the correct roof tile. It would have been embarrassing for it to be wrong.

"I'm surprised you could find my general location. I'm not equipped with a high grade detection catalyst so I can't tell your detection method. I'll only answer this one ti-" (lieutenant)

"Train me. Make me stronger."

"Eh?!" (Cress)

Concentrating my will into my heart, [demonic energy] started gathering into a small clump near the centre of my chest. It appeared as if I grabbed thin air with my right hand, but a thin transparent veil of energy covers my fist. Using my newly invested agility stat, I exerted force into my heels and stretched my achilles tendon. A refreshing rush of adrenaline overwhelmed my whole body. As if I had been waiting for this my whole life. My legs moved by instinct into the optimal position.

Air time, less than a second. No time to spin, just roll with a fist. Pulling my fore arm back, I launched most of the force in my body into my arm, landing my fist into a warm palm.

"There are much safer ways to train. For now, just practice with Cress. When the time comes, an instructor will be assigned to you." (Lieutenant)


It had been lucky that the rooftop was a little distance away. The other kids were busy with the new orphanage or playing around. No one but Cress had seen what happened. The force had been easily redirected from the side by the lieutenant's palm twisting it away. It struck the side of a nearby building, albeit weakened, the forced formed a large noticeable crack. As if 10 hammers had been swung down on the wall.