118 - rest day

After the whole ordeal, the adventurers guild was shaken to their core. Most of the information was controlled in a collaboration of the queen's private unit of a certain department and the Adventurer's guild. Things had finally calmed down for me as well. Due to obvious reasons, training was put off and a ban was issued to us, barring us entry to the dungeon.

Laying around the new orphanage, there was no longer any cultist or any fighting. My instincts had never been more relaxed. All was just in the world as the afternoon breeze flows by through the window. Various sounds from outside serve as white noise while the humidity settled in the resting room after the wind. Sourcing my claims from the other orphans, the more fortunate had machinery that serves as better ventilators than windows. A piece of metal spinning to give cool air... Surprisingly I couldn't imagine it.

Trivialities like these were what made life enjoyable. No more... I don't want to get into those dangerous situations anymore...fighting?protecting? What a joke, even if I was level 400, I was still a child. Compared to the other kids, it was hard to judge my own maturity. Though, my childish side would sometimes surface in the most miniscule ways. It was hard to list down examples, but it was part of life. This peacefulness... I hope it lasts forever.

Stretching the stiff muscles on my spine, I flexed my elbows as I put my strength into lifting my body up.


Not used to my sudden surge of strength, levelling up has some weird side effects as this. Instantly growing stronger and being able to control that new strength... Only monsters could do that instinctually. In a panic stricken state, I dropped my weight onto the floor as my guard wasn't up for me to mentally prepare. Crashing face first into my sleeping mat, or mattress, my face was assaulted my a painful pressure that concentrated on my nose, along with an uncomfortable amount of warmth.

Pulling my face from the mattress, I lifted self up into a standing posture. Yesterday I was so wrecked with fatigue that I instinctually moved my body to the orphanage. I guess now that the adrenaline is gone, my motor skills had somehow declined. After 30 minutes of practice walking and experimenting, I decided on a pace that was the most natural, so I don't run into a wall and destroy the orphanage.

The new orphanage was a larger place, that was probably why it was chosen to house us while the original orphanage was being repaired or investigated for the crimes that occurred. In the new place, the kitchen was seperate from the large dining room that boasted 2 long tables that would usually be seen in a noble's mansions.

Aside from those, there was a recreational room, 2 mass bedrooms, a receptionist area near the entrance and a backyard with playground equipment. Toilets were spread throughout the orphanage, since it was so large and was catering to a large number of clients, the number of toilets reached the second digit.

The books were the same as the ones in the previous orphanage's recreational room and I lay tired on the ground once more. My petite body had stamina that was just as petite, though the dungeon training has stretched it a little, I still get tired easily if I don't concentrate. My black mini skirt fluttered with my black cardigan and light blue shirt as my hair became messed up on the floor. My legs would occasionally get cold with this mini skirt, so I had some grey thigh high socks to keep my skin warm and humid.

My hair usually parted on the left with a layer of locks that curved up while the right side of my hair lay flat. Now it was strewn all over the floor, someone could trip and I would get into trouble. Let's put it back to normal. Finishing my lazing around session, I stood up to walk towards the kitchen. Passing by the others in the central hallway of the 4 rooms, I headed to the southwest section of the orphanage.

Twisting the knob, a click resounds to remind myself of my destination. Pushing the door open gently with my palm, a creaking sound bounced over the tiles of the kitchen floor. Squares of black and white covered the flooring making it easy to see if food stains were present or not.

At the present there was nobody else in the kitchen as the others usually play in the backyard or recreation room. Some similarly to me, lay around in the resting rooms all day. The mattress was the most relaxing space after all. Even now, I yearn for the soft bedding to cushion my skull as I feel the warm wind ventilate around the room.

"What are you doing here?" (?)

"Wha!!! I was just looking for snacks"

"You know the caretakers will get mad if you eat in the bedroom right? The crumbs will attract insects to crawl into your bed while you sleep." (Cress)

"Please don't remind me..."

"Hahah. Remember when you're eyes opened wide and cried for the caretakers to clean the crumbs for you? I didn't know you were scared of insects." (Cress)


Leaving the kitchen, I quietly went back to the bedrooms or resting room. Laying back on my mattress, I didn't wish to converse with Cress after what happened yesterday. This was for the better. Stifling a yawn, my eyelids gradually covered the whites before a booming voice blows through my relaxation.

"I'm sorry! For blaming their deaths on you... I don't understand the circumstance or why you would lie about demon attacks, but you had a reason right?..." (Cress)

"Su... Im..."

"Hmm? Could you speak louder?" (Cress)

"Ice... Cream... Get me some, and I'll forgive you."

"Roger! I'll give you my share of tonight's desert. Will that be enough to appease you? Hehe.. " (Cress)

"Yes! Now let's stop talking about it."

"Haha... Aren't you suppose to be the emotionless type that doesn't have common sense? Who knew you had cravings~" (Cress)

"That's because I had no memories then! This 1 month was enough for me gain some common sense and understanding! Now stop making fun of me, hmm!"

"Alright, alright. What do you want to do today? We still have a few hours before dinner and you've been laying here for 16 hours aside from that kitchen trip." (Cress)

"You counted?!"

"Nah it's just an estimation. You were here for quite a long time." (Cress)

" Aren't I normally like this?"

"Eh? Not really. You would periodically change rooms before laying on the ground, today was the only time you stayed in the same room for so long." (Cress)

"Sleeping is not counted! So it's just 8 hours!"

"8 hours is still a lot!" (Cress)

"Hahah! Then let's change rooms. I could go for some stretching in the backyard."

" Yeah~ Lilith's finally becoming active~" (Cress)

"I'm right here, don't refer to me in third person..."

"Is it not a rare occurrence?" (Cress)

"That doesn't call for an announcement... Let's just go already."