124 - Kuraver

A bell resounds throughout the classroom, informing everyone of the start of school. Quietness spreaded like a plague, *clacka* a pencil dropped onto the antigue wooden flooring echoing that tiny clicking sound over the classroom. A drizzle starts pouring, *theb theb* the sound of rain drops splashing across the windows that were adorned with highly elegant carved frames that seemed like they fit in the Queen's castle. The castle, so full of mysteries, that intruder's would be sentenced to death.


This elite institution gave off such an impression, similar to that castle. There were multiple buildings, starting from the one nearest to the main gate was the classroom building. Stepping inside, the finely paved stone pavement lead to an automatic door, which was the entrance of the building.

The stone pavement itself was a symbol of luxury as nowadays, streets were made of concrete instead. It gave off the feeling that you were in those "otome games" that has been trending lately, where only nobility could attend the prestigious school along with the main protagonist. It was easier on the feet as well as the flooring has a certain extend of softness that cushions the daily hindrances of walking foot recoil.

After entering through the automatic, bullet-proof, lesser magic-proof glass doors, the flooring changes to a pristine, pure and white marble flooring. A large open space occupies the first floor. There were also collumns or pillars of such material that reminded us of the architecture of the ancients.

Those pillars supported the upper floors, such that there was a large square opening in the middle of the floor for the second storey and above. From those upper floors, you could look down the large hole and observe some food and drink stalls, along with tables and chairs that fill up the space of that square opening.

On the left and right sides of the first floor, bulletin boards cover the walls, relaying important information for the students of the school. Unlike the other floors, the first floor had no windows, the inside was lit up by magical devices. On the other hand, each classroom has windows on one side that gave a view of the miniature outside garden in between buildings.

Directly in front of the main gate was the class building. To the right of the class building was the offices and private cubicles for the teachers to use for their own needs and their job . To the left of the building was the dormitories for students living there temporarily.

The institution used to only be exclusive to nobles, providing absurdly large rooms to fit to their needs. As that has discontinued, a large renovation has changed the dormitory to fit 20 people instead of 5 for each floor. It has also extended beyond 4 floors to 5, boasting a capacity for a hundred students. It was a well known fact that the Queen had used one of the dormitory rooms, though now it has been split into 4, and nobody knew the exact reason why.


The pitterpatter of the drizzling raindrops bring my thoughts back into the abyss and my conscious back into reality. Looking into the front, I notice a new presence.

Standing at 1.8 metres tall, a man with jet black hair looks over the classroom of 6 columns of 5 chairs. Shifting his long legs behind the desk, his fidgety expressions make him seem like a newcomer educator. If this deafening silence goes on for long, a trouble maker may take advantage to cause chaos. The worst part would come after. In order to silence said trouble makers, I may accidentally incapacitate them beyond recovery. Fortunately this teacher had a rather resolute look in his black irises. They firm scan over the students, as if looking for weak links or weaknesses to exploit.

Clearing a damp throat with a cough, he arranges his hair in order not to get his long bangs over his right eye. Hair parting in the middle, a large tuft of hair hangs over and covers the left side of his face, barely revealing the edge of his cheek and chin. The right side was combed to the back, revealing a small shine on his temple. His eyes were particularly narrow, as if he was constantly making an expression that shows how unpleasant he feels. His nose and lips were jsut the right size for a middle-aged man, as they pair with his eyes and eyebrows to give an intimidating aura.

Of course, that was all just his resting face. In actuality, he was trying his best to relax before giving his introduction. Rather than murmuring, stammering or stuttering, an easier escape method was to just keep silent. However silence itself could be an additional source of awkwardness. After clearing his throat, the silence was finally broken with an introduction.

"My name is Kuraver sensei. From now on, I will be your homeroom teacher. Let's look forward to a fulfilling year."

It seems, the students were rather well-behaved. For a bunch that were in the top 300 of 4000+ entrees, I would assume there would be a few drunk on their own power. However it was rather different than expected, did being defeated by a teacher in the examination eliminate that possibility? How convenient. This school was rather special, being funded the most by the government. I would assume educating 10 year olds would be quite chaotic.

"First off, we will start with introductions." (Kuraver sensei)

Skimming through the class, a few notable individuals stood out. Considering this was the highest 300 that passed the combat test, the others may have more than that which meets the eye, pulling my guard down would serve to do nothing.

Sakase von Zakwin, a wind emperor hailing from one of the great 7 families. 10 years ago, a relative was hunted by an unknown assassin. However dilute the bloodline was, even if this heir was from a branch family, he still stood out above the rest. With thick dark blue hair that covers the sides and a front portion of his forehead, his dark red irises were a very unique trait among this batch of students.

Kurime von Shibur, a minor noble family that has risen up the ranks lately. Though only level 57,only a small portion of candidates actually went above level 50. It was said that students usually level after entering the school, as it was more efficient with professional guidance. A incredibly rare class, necromancer. With blond hair that parted on the left, right bangs that cover the eyebrows, and finally black irises, a rumour unfurls in the student population that she was dubbed the platinum necromancer.

Valern von Hofeuer, Spiky pink hair that reached the neck and emanates an intimidating aura. 10 years ago, a notably high positioned relative was assassinated. A fire emperor, heir of the another of the 7 great families. Despite wielding a feminine look, combined with his decently long hair, it's a guy.

Daverl rupard, an irregular commoner that reached an extremely high level of 102. Discounting my own status which was hidden by top-gear catalysts, he was regarded as the highest level student in this batch. 10 years after the Queen's generation, will there be more irregular individuals born from here on?