140 - Ivar


At both sides of the larger than building sized battle ground, there were 2 castles erected on each side. The castles were the supposed bases of each team, with the "flag" being healed in the miniature stature of the castles. Roughly 3 floors of natural rock, carved and reinforced by wood. They make up the starting points of the battle, and also function as the entrance to the arena. The castles consisted of 3 floors and a rooftop, many forts also lay inbetween, acting as possible defense towers or targets.

Laying on one of the towers was Ivar Diin, the spiraling of the stone blocks shone in the sun as the desert-like environment outside blew a breeze.

[Radar - Light-tier 3], using basic light elemental magic, Ivar tracked every region in the barrier that light is present in, and was able to determine the position of every individual. A mental map of sorts appeared in the top right of his conscious.

*beepbeepbeep* an unknown alarm sounded off, ramming at his conscious. Observing his map once more, he realised the colour of the map was a shade off. The whole area was going to be bombarded- was the only thought he could assume.

With his quick thinking and all the courage he could muster, his adrenaline coursed through and sped up his thoughts into battle. Other than a few individuals, everyone was around level 40 or 30, in this territory, stats were pretty much decided by class. In any case, the enemy wouldn't let you read their class so easily, though they have other means to win the fight. Right in time, his skills fired off on reflex, as he had practiced.

[ Wave disruptor-tier 1] [ Radar feint-tier 2] [Quake course-tier 1]

The earth ruptured with blocks of solid ground and gravel floating into the air. At tier 1 the impact was rather light, only being able to knock out and not actually kill, however it served enough to dismantle the course and act as an obstacle.

Not long after, arrows hailed down like snow, covering every inch of the ground, not letting up any small openings. That was, if the ground was perfectly flat. With the unevened ground, plenty of wholes have showed up. Taking advantage of these spaces, Ivar leaped through the arrow storm with his Agility stat, patiently and calm observing for the enemy.

Making use of the metre long rocks jutting out of the ground, the enemy archer class had used Ivar's tactic against him. Hiding in a crevice of 2 rocks forming an arc, he carefully aimed at his enemy that stood out like a sore thumb.

[Fast shot-tier 1] [strong shot-tier 1] [arm shot-tier 1] [enhance arrow low-tier 1]

A soft glow only visible to the user flows gently from the bow into his finger tips. His earlier applied, [hide - tier 1] is quickly running out as psychological pressure blew through his conscious. However his mind was currently as firm as steel, he had learned to hunt with his father many times in the past.

His past experiences filled him with an overwhelming confidence, whilst his finger tips caressed his bow strings to infuse the optimum power. Enough to kill, not enough to destroy the bow. 'Pack all the energy into the arrow not the string' He remembers his father's incomprehensible advice.

A strange new development was brought through the world, for an odd reason the citizens within the walls of this kingdom were able to awaken a class without reaching level 50. This led to rapid development and growth of the kingdom, more investments were buried into research that wasn't futile. For once, mankind had soared through the technological age in these 6 years, it felt like it was too good to be true.

Releasing the arrow packed full of power, it toar through the air as if resistance did not exist. The force of it slightly burning the tip and warming the shaft. With his Agility value of 5000 and strength value of 900,he should easily defeat Ivar's 3600 and 100. An arrow moving so fast, that it became incomprehensible to the victim's mind, it blew through his neck and left a roar in his wake. Compared to the rest, this archer was not as overpowered, however it the impact still echoed through this small area of the arena.

Standing stock still, Ivar merely looked straight. It was quite an unnatural angle as he faced straight ahead, unmoving. Something about thi scene had quickly unnerved the archer, his ambitious desirely crashing and burning like a flying saucer dropping to gravity. Just what was strange about this sce-?! He stared through the hole left on Ivar's neck, a clean hole that felt as if it was staring back. There was no blood dripping. With such a large hole, it should have exploded out with the force of a jet stream.

Dissipating into thin air, Ivar's body bursts into nothingness as sparkles spreaded into random directions.

'fufuhahaha!' a strange laugh echoes through the rocky surface, what's keeping the sound from escaping into the air? Why were there echoes? Why were they... So close? The outcome was obvious. [Radar feint-tier 1]. It's base function was to throw off sonar radars. When worked carefully, it was able to recreate sounds and images to throw off detecting skills. What appeared in the middle of the field was but just a phantom. The real one has already "surrounded" him.

His skill continued to fuel pressure as his voice echoed around the archer's ears. He had already been surrounded, his Agility was not sufficient to shake off being surrounded-- not when he doesn't know where his enemy was.

Readying his arm strength, he swung a small dagger as [Quake course-tier 1] activated. The earth caved around the archer's legs and shot into his torso from all directions, while a sharp impact was forced into his skull. Avoiding lethal damage, his body was forcibly teleported out of the arena and healed. His mental state had also been cured, he couldn't delve into insanity from trauma even if he wanted to.

Ivar's territory had basically covered a third of the centre line splitting the 2 sides, the other 2 thirds were guarded by Lilith.


"Right now, we're communicating with [telepathy] catalysts. Are you sure you're able to do it?" (Sakase)

"Having 2 and an for defense should secure our castle. No matter what, they'll never be able to break in. On the other hand, my and Ivar's mission is to take out as many of their members, to get a default victory. It should be doable. "

" Alright, I'll leave it to you. Ivar has already been attacked, most likely an archer. I'll inform you if he needs back up. I'm placing trust in you as my rival. Don't disappoint me! "(Sakase)

He exclaims about his concern over his "rival", however the enemies are usually more than 10 times slower than I am. It'd be harder to lose with such solid defense and attack.