152 - tranquility


Running ever forward, she hadn't used this much effort before. Having used [shadow step-tier 4]'s teleportation to shoot projectiles, the space around was too unstable to open another portal. [Demonic energy] was tied to her emotions. Magic was tied to emotions. It wasn't strictly and tightly interlinked, however it was more of the user's mental state. There is infinite mana in the world, so what exactly sets the limit cap, the mana pool's capacity? The user's ability to use mana.

To put it simply, the mind has to be healthy to regenerate their mana pool, using mana corrodes the health of the mind. Being in a depressed state also causes the mana pool to shrink temporarily, it was an uncurable status effect. The only way to circumvent it, is for the user themself to muster the will to overcome their problems. To just stop being depressed, what a joke of a solution.

With that, her control over [demonic energy] isn't enough to form a proper barrier. If the unstable space were to have spontaneous increases in energy and subsequently explode, she wouldn't have a way to defend herself. Finally running out far enough, fatique had filled up her limbs to the brim. Her bones quake in pain as her face was more stiffer than ever before from the tension. Her muscles cried out for rest, what a horrible battle. To occur consecutively and detract any chance for rest. It's similar to depriving someone of their sleep, only condensed into a smaller window of time to significantly up the concentration of suffering.

Her mana no longer responded and her mind was not fit to convert [demonic energy] into mana. No matter what, some amount of energy had to be spent. Even if the source of energy was infinite, she still needed to spend other forms of energy to make use of the source. In this case, [demonic energy] was extremely similar to mana in that it corroded her mind the more it's used.

The mind can still recover with rest, though it's more like forcing your body to respire even though your increased heart beat is forcing your chest to heave in and out dramatically after a long run. It was a more efficient form of energy that could be used without conversion to magic or skill. Not some omnipotent ability.

Sounds of destruction rang out in the back. With some shockwaves driving by, barely missing Lilith's neck. Her legs moved, she ignore the pain. There was clearly more suffering when her arms were amputated, however she was limited by her own brain. The feeling was losing off, and her limbs went numb unable to continue. She fell forward, the sky blinking black. A sign of oxygen deprivation.

At that time, only a single face showed up. It was familiar yet different, an unsolvable mystery for the current Lilith. That was when it occurred. A realisation. She had a strange bond with the Queen, though unidentified. Her expression, was one of concern and fear, at having lost another loved one. It was exactly the same as hers when Cress lost her memories.

"I... Haa~ need to haa~ check on Cress... Haa~" (Lilith) Finally reaching far enough, she summoned the last of her energy and used [Shadow step-tier 4]. It would send her mana pool into a dangerous territory, possibly destroying her body beyond repair. Sending a mind into a state of half-death.

A cooler temperature permeated her stature as a different amount of light glared into her pupils. Black irises shrinking in response to the infirmary light. A shocked weak gasp could be heard above. She didn't even have energy to stand crashed the the ground next to the bed. Fortunately the bed's soft sides caught her head and broke most of the fall. A slight headache overcame her temples, however it was nothing compared to the numbness in her limbs.

"... Your level is in the 800s... You fought... Don't tell me you came here to say your last goodbyes..." (Cress)

The soft, coarse voice flowed along the wind, caressing my ear drums with ease and comfort. Though, new forms of anxiety would manifest themselves in such an unnatural situation.

"... No-. Maybe I did. For some reason or the other, the Queen is fighting the guardian of mankind. Though I doubt as powerful as she is, she could hold power over such an abstract entity. I wish I could dismiss it as a joke, haha~" (Lilith)

An awkward smirk stretched itself over her tiny face. Her porcelain skin covered with a layer is sweat glistened under the infirmary's lights. Her cheery facade shined forth, crumbling under Cress's face. Maybe it was more for herself than Cress. Who could so cheerfully talk about their impending doom?

" Which is the abstract identity? The guardian or the Queen? From what you said... It's quite confusing. Did you make an enemy of mankind and came to kill me? "(Cress) Her expression displayed concern, though the warmth in her eyes had been drained by her sickly condition. It was extremely odd. She raised her left hand slowly in a questioning gesture, her eyes focusing on Lilith's face.

" You... lost your memories. So why are you acting like a vegetable... "(Lilith) Colour had quickly drained from her expression, thoughts that brought discomfort engulfed the back end of her conscious. They spoke like thousands of mysterious voices, that trickle into her ear drums in the dark. They speak, and speak, and speak, and speak, and speak.

".... Hmm~, I don't know. The nurses didn't notice, not even I did until you pointed it out. I thought I was just thirsty but didn't muster the will to drink any water. "(Cress)

"Hahah... I guess we both messed up. I made humanity an enemy and brought the guardian to come for my head, and you... I'm going to be truthful, you're going to die and I don't know why." (Lilith) Another awkward laugh, the atmosphere was seriously messed up. But no one present had the heart to tell it to these girls.

"Huhu! I guess we did. How did some dumb tournament cause this? This is awful! At least you're going to stay here with me right? I know it's selfish of me, but since we're going to die anyway...

I probably have some idea on what happen since a sensei informed me on everything. Looks like I was the older sister figure. I can't exactly remember anything, but place your head on my lap and let me attempt~"(Cress) A strange cackle escaped as she spoke. Done, she struggled, and mustered her abdominal strength to pull herself up into a sitting position. She tapped her lap with her right hand, nodding that she was ready.

" Hmm, you act exactly the same as before. You may just be pretending, but this doesn't seem so bad now! Can't believe I almost erased mankind for this, Hahah... "(Lilith) Laying her head onto the lap, she could only describe the moment as the peace after the frenzy. A serene time in space where she could finally rest and enjoy her favourite company in the world at the same time.

Cress could be what people would call "strong". Not strong physically, but mentally. She was the one who had amnesia and instinctively knew this was her last day, yet she wasn't the one moaning and groaning about her troubles. Instead she was the one cheerily indulging in her little foster sister's whims.

"This... This might give me enough strength..." (Lilith)

"Haha. Whatever you say." (Cress)