154 - Worth


"No need to be so cautious, I on the other hand will continue to watch you. I made a foolish agreement with Fez, too bad I won... This is goodbye." (Iyori) A pale green pillar of light sprouted from the ground, reaching the ceiling. Before Iyori vanished along with the pillar of light.

"Could you tell me about the agreement?" My heart only continued to sink with the next answer. It was quite expected considering the consistency of every other answer. Was there really any meaning in asking? Not in the grand scheme of it, however every answer served as a failure. A failure of an attempt to acquire respite.

"... You already know the answer. There's many things I can't tell you for your safety, so no. It would be best for you to find out yourself. Coming from the Queen's part of the agreement with Iyori 'She will reach the truth'. I share the same sentiment as your Onee-chan. "(Cress)

" TCH! THEN WHAT-CAN you tell me?! THAT WAS THE SAME AS SAYING I'LL ACCOMPLISH NOTHING!! What kind of.... Answer is 'you will reach the truth one day'... It's exactly the same as not receiving an answer... "

Only a look of regret, holding a large shade over her face, acting as a mask for her inner thoughts. In the end I could only read my own thoughts. Sometimes I can't accomplish even that. So what significance did anything hold? What was the point for me existing? If the Queen planned to saved Cress from the start and even gave her such a large power up to defy physical laws, then what meaning did I ever hold? What was the point... In DOING ANY OF THIS?!

Exhausted, my legs gave out and I laid on the ground once more, where I respectfully belong. If I was this useless even after resolving myself that day 4 years ago, there wouldn't be any point. My meaning had disappeared when the Queen gave her power beyond my capabilities. There is no point. [Demonic energy] was kind off useless if it couldn't pierce every barrier in existence.

"...as...er...M...s...er... You can't... G-" (?)

"... You IDIOT!!!... Did you think you were the only person in the world who held devotion to an abnormal degree?! You... You've only had a few friends since you were 6...do you still not understand common sense even though it's been 4 years?..." (Cress)

An unexpected rebuttal. Though it was completely lost on me, it seemed that some form of concern was being displayed. Her warm tears streaming down those lovely cheeks that held up her beautiful smile, they were stained with an angry frown mixed with a layer of mucous and tears. Just what is it, do you see right now? I can't see, I couldn't see, I can't detect your thoughts and hold your hand to safety. I couldn't do anything for you but wail in a destructive manner that took lives.

"Are you joking? I've seen those eyes before. Dead eyes that pushed away hope. This was the second time. The first was when I told you my memories were gone. Did you not have any hope of them returning? Or do you just want to resort to another childish tantrum right now... "(Cress) Wiping her tears, she calmed her breath, awaiting for a response.

" Huh?... I don't... Understand... "

" Simple. Right now you matter incredibly much to me. Before and after I absorbed the Queen. Nothing has changed, did Iyori scare you that much?! Then I will tell you, stop moping around...

Just lay your head here and you will understand once more... "(Cress) Tapping her thigh, her now healthy complexion urged me with a resolute expression. The colour in her irises mixed with the leftover tears conveyed a strong will. Something I could never hope to match up.

All of this commotion had already led us to forgetting Iyori just walked away sparing me. The Queen must have given up something, maybe it was her life. Whatever it was, it no longer mattered. Just focus on the present. Just focus on the present. Just focu-

Before I had noticed, I walked up to the side of the bed before my thoughts were abruptly interrupted by her forceful shoving of my head. Into her thigh. A strange soft texture enveloped my ear, her warmth seeping in as if to emphasised that she lived once more. The blanket had been lifted and my head was directly resting on her thigh-thoughtfulness even in the most trivial of details. A flurry of emotions. A flood of envy. An apologetic tone. Everything scrambled up in my brain like a blender with passion, before being regurgitated in the form of tears.

"Uu.... I... Really tried my best... What is the truth? What is everything?.. Ugh.. I just wanted to repay back... Your kindness..."

"Yoshi~ yoshi~. You've done your best haven't you? That's good, please continue to do your best." (Cress)

"Everything... Everything was meaningless... What was the point in working so hard?..." The dam had broken, only sorrow leaked, destroying any resemblance of dignity that resided.

"They aren't meaningless. You're safe aren't you? Though the Queen kinda sacrificed herself, it was just a cheap price. You worked hard, got strong. You are meaning as well. Just as I was your reason to live, you slowly molded into mine as well. So nothing you did was meaningless. You matter. My imouto is the best in the world, to fight the guardian of humanity and survived at 10!"(Cress)

"... "

" I'll answer the other questions you may have. Common sense- your friends care about you as well. Unnatural devotion- I love you as well. You idiot- why are you so dense you can't understand you are meaning as well. Just someone else's meaning to live. "(Cress)

"... When will I reach this so called truth. What happens after? Do I get stronger? Do I clear up my doubts and learn what happened in the first 6 years? "

"... Just stop. It's fine now Lilith. Everything is fine now. No more struggling, it's time for rest. "(Cress)

" Is it really okay? To live a peaceful life with you without conflict? Are we really safe now? What if something... Stronger than Iyori came... What do we do then... "

" Then you'll just have to reach that truth and save me. Hehe" (Cress) Looking up from Cress's lap, she flashed a brilliant smile like no other. A tinge of melancholy mixed with a mirade of other emotions resided in it, but what was the dominant expression? Joy, happiness at the thought of me being able to save her. Did it really matter to her that much? She has now easily surpassed my power without lifting a finger, what would be the point? Again, the same dumb question over and over. But observing her smile, I finally received that point.

To live in the moment and experience the pleasure of each other's company and life. No more... Over working myself... It's finally okay... To just relax.

Thinking so, an intangible weight had been lifted off my shoulders and another sensation struck. Drowsiness. Unable to contain myself, I dozed off on Cress's soft lap.