163 - thought


"I see, you have come to some sort of conclusion. By that face of yours that suddenly went from crying to all serious. A gaze into somewhere far away..." (Iyori)

Like reading your hp and mana values during battle, my messages were transmitted directly to their status boards. As the status boards are only in their own minds, unless using a skill to read the enemy's, it was a form of direct thought transmission. This transmission was instant and practically didn't get in the way of communicating, though this was far more because we were familiar with each other and Cress thought to check first. Only with this awareness were they able to directly read my messages.

I may not be able to leave this room. Or talk with others. Asking them to check their status bars, would be incredibly difficult with just facial expressions. Daily life would be incredibly different from now on. Hmph, how troublesome. Getting a headache, I closed my eyelids to retrieve some rest. It was more exhausting than I had expected, staying awake practically sapped my Vitality dry. Do I have to learn how to fight while sleeping? Or do I acquire a skill of some sort that nullified fatigue? Hahah. Something so convenient wouldn't exist.

Reading the room, the 2 girls walked off to leave the vicinity, allowing the bedridden individual some respite. Their presences were way too overbearing, she could pass out just from them releasing a bit of an aura.


Her long black hair shone in the light brighter than the reflection of metal, they practically sparkled under the brilliance. She was followed by one with a more common hue, a mix of brown and black, though it was mostly black that wrapped the back of her head. One had to scrutinise to observe the slight mixture here and there.

From afar one would assume they were parent and child, unless they had a skill, they wouldn't notice the mix of brown in the little girl's hair compared to the early twenties individual trodding at a faster pace. One would not think that they were rather close friends instead.

Once they had closed a certain distance, a sound close to a hum rang out before vanishing just as fast as it resounded.

"Alright I've set up a barrier so thick, even Emily couldn't sneak through her detection. I rather not cause a black hole so this will be the extent of our sound-proof security...

Fez, it's you isn't it. Now that you've gotten used to the body you should be able to tell me. So then... Why was this kingdom attack yesterday? "(Iyori)

"... I-I'm not... Fez. I'm Cress...!"(?)

Her brow furrowed slightly, it was so slight usually nobody would even noticed. Her composure had spilled all over the floor, though it recovered even faster, maintaining her poker questioning face.

" That's not going to fool anyone. You may trick the world so you can slack, but can't you see you're just following the path of the King? Faking your death... You will be disposed when they realise you're no longer doing your job..." (Iyori)

".... When that time comes. I have hope~!"(Cress.)

'pffft... Hhh' Letting slip a giggle, her cheeks grew red as she liberated her expressions. " hahahah! Hahahahah! That is true... "(Iyori) Wiping off a tear with her index finger, she regained her breath as her eyes seemed to stare at some far away place.

"... It's okay. We're no longer alone. She's finally back. Forcing it wouldn't help at all, but I have full faith that not only her soul but her mind will also return back... Though we nearly lost her soul..." (Cress)

"... Speaking of which, what's the situation with the egos? Are you Cress or Fez? I'm sure even with either way, you still love her deeply. "(Iyori)

" I... Don't know... I split my own ego into 2 bodies, gave most of my abilities to this body and subsequently erased its memories. Over time, it developed its own ego and personality, and really only fused back into one. I can see her reason, she just thought it was an appropriate time to join back together. There was no fight between egos or any major identity crisis. If I would to say, I am both. "(Cress)

" Huh. Well, it doesn't matter any more, does it~? At this point, you share the same goal, motive and even will. That was probably why there was no fight or chaos, your thoughts and your resolve were in sync. If I have to say, I'm impressed Cress managed to assimilate and fuse properly... I think it's quite awesome that Cress-you were able to instantly match the will of a battle-hardened veteran. She must have found something incredibly important... "(Iyori)

" Yep. You were on the mark. I've found something to love and carry on living for. And even now I'm still doing my best for that person. I would say my love was so great it was the same both before and after the fusion. "(Cress)

"... That makes no sense, but somehow I think I can understand... Haa~ I guess I'll just leave you to it. You would be the only one to understand this plight the most. I'm going back to my job and fighting [chaos] "(Iyori)

"Bye." (Cress)

"Bye." (Iyori)


Her faint silhouette vanished as her bobbing straight hair escaped Cress's line of sight.

"... How sad." (Cress)

Leaving the hospital premises, her fingers were gripped tighter into her palm. A face she didn't ever want Lilith to see. She held her inner turmoil inside, raging on in her very core, before reaching an alley nearby. Releasing her emotions, her brows wrinkled and her forehead creased. Her cheeks stiffened as she slid her teeth over the other teeth, her upper and lower jaw exuding force into each other.

"Kuh! How pathetic! I couldn't help her again! Why... Just why... Why isn't she coming back?... Ughh, it took 6 years to find her soul, and now a sliver is barely left... Her memories don't seem to be returning.

It's only been 5 years since I found her again... I'm getting impatient. Why? Why am I so impatient? Why now of all times? Did her crippled state get to my head? She's the one who needs support... Right now...

I can't help... Either of my best friends... And the 3rd one is missing. Houzo is the only person that's fine. Dammit, even Bavner died. What the hell killed that [The Hero] class maniac?

Was this how the past origin class wielders perished? We all... Lead to our own deaths with out actions. "(Cress)

Realising the sun had shifted quite some distance, She hurriedly went back to her dormitory room. A dark orange painted over every inch of exposed surface. It seemed that the sun was finally setting. Collapsing onto her bed, she released one more sigh before blacking out.