Hp: 39 999 672 453/40 000 000 000
If he wanted to play it that way, I had long range attacks of my own. Flying back into the air with anti-gravity, large thin [demonic energy] boomerangs were sent into his general vicinity. The shockwaves should be enough to lethally damage him. It was what came next that worried me
It sounded like rain was constantly smashing on a metal wall at high pressure, creating a myriad of 'bang' sounds. Rapidly sifting through the air, speed was irrelevant as it happened in the fastest unit of time. An instant. Numerous lacerations materialised around my body, about to burst with blood pressure. My skin barely held itself together, on the brink of imploding.
His aim should have messed up, considering the lethal attacks I've sent. That only mean that even the shockwaves missed. It seemed he had worked really hard. I can't go soft just because he was a friend.
".... It is a duel afterall. I was taking advantage of your naivety and hoping you would go easy on me. I would use your own humility against you... But I can tell. Hahah, you're angry aren't you...
It was my fault. You'll go all out anyway even if I say no. Right? "(Sakase)
He must have read it off my expression, he was still nearby. It'd have made sense if he was hiding far away to sent automatic attacks. Mostly, I had been careless. His skills must have the 'instant' attribute to them. The damage dealt the moment the skill was casted on their target.
As he had implied. I should have been serious from the start. Starting off with a FINISHING MOVE!!!
Pillars and walls of dense chaotic energy rose from the school rooftops which we stood on. This move was inspired only a minute ago when I saw how he manipulated the weather. By concentrating the wind and debris in the air, he blocked out the sunlight, creating a darker battlefield. Did he think I still relied on sight? Or was it something else? No matter, I'll account for it.
By his own power, if he could block light he could also refract it. The reason my attacks didn't hit was because he was using an illusion and possibly some barriers. However he should be surrounded by now.
Kugh! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~!!!
Mustering all of my will, I dispersed the walls and pillars formed to flood the whole rooftop, and multiply it! Increasing the density to the point that the dark clouds pale in comparison in performance. More and more light was being blocked. I didn't need sight, I used my detection skills, and if I flooded the place, I could instantly tell where he was!
Did his pride cause him to do this? Or did he follow my example? To throw away one's life for one ideals. It was insane for a child to do it. I guess we were both pretty abnormal. Tracking his location, my body locked onto it before launching itself off the ground.
[Demonic energy]
Pushing up the balled up right fist with my left hand, I swung a wide arc at the final moment, creating a beautiful purple after image in its place. The attack flared up and glowed before imploding on itself. All the energy with nowhere to go, followed the momentum and shot forth into the horizon like a beam attack.
The clouds still haven't let up, it was still not over. I must have used up all my energy punching a dummy. The real one had been somewhere else. I see, he didn't observe me from upclose. He had gained a long range detection skill?
It was then, the wind in the sky cleared up. The sun shone through, though not onto the rooftop that was blocked by my enormous aura pillar. Did he think I would be tricked?
Multiple clicking sounds resound, the [demonic energy] ignites, evolving into a large explosion on par with a continental nuke. I can only control [demonic energy], not shockwaves or other after effects. Of course I could now that I had [war], however I didn't need to. The shockwaves or simply any normal explosions for that matter are simply too impotent compared to [Demonic energy].
It was already in its most superior form before ignition, which is usually just a last resort. Sure, more energy has been produced, but that energy is continuously spreading out due to how it behaves in the air. What exactly did that mean? It meant that a simple [Demonic energy] wall would suffice. Enclosing my self in an orb of [Demonic energy] and the school with a thin layer. I built a funnel of [demonic energy] that would sent the shockwaves back to where it came from.
The explosions and heat, bounce off the the walls of that funnel. They were being deflected all over the place, before they reach near the top to shoot into the sky. Yes, all of those previous ones had been illusions, and the real one was in the dark clouds the whole time. The dark clouds were dispersed now, just to lower my guard.
Predicting his attacks, I swayed around in the air as the space itself shifted. Slicing atoms in the air, they well up to the brim before exploding. Though, with my Vitality, even these atomic attacks weren't a problem.
"Tch, how did you know..." (Sakase)
"I see... Thanks for the tip. Though now you'll di-" (Sakase).
Blood dripped forth from his lips, that had gathered in his throat while he speaked and shot out a large chunk of blood. His eyes widened in shock as he locked down at his chest and palms. They had been drenched by blood.
Igniting the small explosion, his insides fried, his organs shrivelled, and blood was begging to be released. Developing him into a series of hurls. Blood flowed out of his throat like a broken hose. His lips quivered from his body's reaction, struggling to bring his teeth together. The edges of his lips curved.
"Got you!" (Sakase)
A bright red laceration materialised on my neck. I haven't gotten any healing skills after all, with a decapitation I would die easily.