174 - Passage


"... I was observing the fight from a distance. I didn't think you would kill your classmate, but I came just in case... Sakase was very prideful, and he had the power and diligence to back it up. He's been working hard all this time, even winning 2 tournaments. As his teacher, I'm incredibly proud. Such a student hasn't appeared for many years...

And you destroyed all of that while being sick... I could tell from your lack of using your arms. Usually you would go off into a rain of punches and kicks, instead of a single powerful punch each time. Let me guess... Are they numb? Each time you do a punch, recoil hurts you to the point of making a grimace. You must only be moving with your joints and bones. And you need the gauntlet to ball your fingers into a fist.

Ah~... Maybe history is going to be made with the 2 of your existences... "(Kuraver sensei)

< Uhh... Alright? Then I'll leave his healing to you. I'm going back to take a nap... >

Leaving the area, I was glad no passerby got hurt in the process. It seemed this duel was properly supervise by a few teachers, an odd sight for sure as 2 11 year old shouldn't be capable of this much destruction. I wonder if the Emily my friends care so much about was this strong as well? I wish I could fight her. Though there's a chance she's normal compared to me.

Teleporting into my dorm, I collapsed into a deep sleep.


"You... What are you doing?! Go get more power now and fight Zet! Well not fight, but at least enough to take his life! " (?)

"I've already been defeated once, what's the point of going back when I'm this weak? All I have is raw power, any conceptual attack would blow me to smithereens. And only you would know how many of them there are. " (?2)

"You... Why are you taking this so lightly... Relaxing... Shouldn't you fear for your life? Zet could send another minion at any moment. The only worthy allies are Fez and Iyori...

But Zet is still a realm above! That's why... To protect your loved ones, you have to kill Zet! " (?)

"Why wouldn't I be relaxed? I've finally gained a second chance to live. I think I have the right to do as I please."


A young girl of similar age shot forward from the front, in her right hand was a ridiculously large scythe. Her features were like that of a doll, yet there was a bewitching aura to it. As if countless years of maturity and experience has been engraved into her very soul.

Her hair was an odd colour, it started white in the middle or the start of her hair roots and ended in black edges after a quick transition. That hair colour was not possible even if you selectively breeded humans like a maniac noble. From the lack of magic there, it seemed to be natural, what change was needed to change the hair colour this much?

On the other hand, a large mass of solidified darkness lay in her right hand as she charged for me. It's very presence rivalled that of an origin class, most likely it was a conceptual weapon. However it struck a new impression as man-made instead of skill made. Maybe a normal skill was used to create the base, and it grew in power as time went on, reaching the height of conceptual weapons. In that sense, though it was originally skill made, it could only achieve this level of power through the user.

Her purple cardigan shone in the light of the sun, a golden shine pasted across our battle field. The sun was setting, yet it didn't move at all. Under her swaying cardigan was a black shirt followed by a teal pattern embroidered white skirt. Her leggings were dark grey followed by black shoes that seemed out of place with the outfit. Her fingers and wrist look so thin as if they could break easily like ice cream sticks.

Her delicate features were such a blend of cuteness and beauty that any random person walking by would be awestruck. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that some would also be lovestruck by her looks. They seem so perfect that they mesmerised my ownself for a second. Such a girl was wasting her looks by making an agitated expression. Moreover I could recognise one more crucial element of her expression.

It was resolve, her eyes told everything. An unwavering, indomitable will with enough resolve to kill God... Was begging me to do something I didn't understand...

She swung her scythe down, in an instant there were so many cuts on my body that it was unbelievable I wasn't dead... Then again, strangely it didn't hurt at all... What else that was unbelievable was the fact that I couldn't dodge her at all. Our levels and class was the same, yet her speed and strength was on another dimension.

Her feet stopped in place, her scythe manipulated so skillfully that even I couldn't follow it with my eyes. Multitudes of skills were applied over my body, though none took root and affected me.

"Tch, of course I can't kill you... I'm you..." (Emily)

Her tears spread over her cheeks. Her emotions burst forth through her words, a series of gasps and sobs from her strained voice resounded out. A pain beyond my understanding, this person capable of so much more than myself was laying here on her knees, crying. Her legs had given out, her arms grabbed the sleeves of my black sailor uniform.

"uuu, uuu... Why... Why is it like this?... I can't do anything... I'm useless...."


".... I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I can't help you, honestly it would have been better if you were here instead of me, but I can't do even that... "(Emily)

I could only try my best to console her. I didn't know who she was, or what I said to her earlier. It was as if someone else talked for me, but I could move my body on my own just fine. It was akin to being asleep and awake at the same time. Basically having two consciousness active at the same time, subconsciously having a whole conversation, while my mind couldn't process any of the words spoken. I could only observe that she was crying after she attacked me and decided to console her instead.

"I'm sorry, I can't understand what you're saying. It's as if my brain just isn't processing any of your words. I hear them and forget your them by the next word, but I know. It's incomparable to your pain. I don't know how to and can't help you. I'm sorry... "(Emily)

" UAAAAaaaaaa~ you can't understand my pain... I know that, but it doesn't relieve me one bit.. Uuuu~ "


Her tears flowed uncontrollably. Before I knew it, I had taken her appearance and an old middle aged man was in her place. It was easy to tell, this was her True form, did that mean I was her? How confusing. But what was definite was that we were in seperate places right now....

He was still on his knees, crying his heart out. His buttoned sleeves covered his face as his deep voice howled into the blank space. Our surroundings were completely white, he had a dark grey business suit on while a comfy purple cardigan wrapped itself around my shoulders.