185 - Journey of the End 3


Maintaining a freezing glare, I kept the headache in check as I assessed the situation. One of my strongest punches augmented with the authority of [War] had been halted completely, only a hot sensation seeps through the outermost layer of my skin, while the inside felt completely chilled, as if ice had been implanted in the split second I wasn't paying attention. Cold sweat dripped down my hair, the shoulder length ponytail above my back rocked in tandem with my fist, in other words it had completely stopped. Only my eyeballs had any semblance of movement... Shi-

"How... Are you this weak? Level 1000...how pitifully weak. My vocabulary has collapsed from your weakness, you disgust me to my utter core." (Demon king)

A surprisingly high voice entered my ears, it felt chilling to the touch, as if sound could induce the sense of touch... Well, it was a horribly late realisation, the pale arm had been unnaturally slender for a King, it was more accurate to call this one the Queen. The Demon Queen? No... Her status undoubtedly had [The Demon Lord] class, this was their king, it was a movement... Not only that, her face... Looked completely like the one from my dream.

The dream that occurred a year ago... Something like an apparition... Of my past life had attacked me. In the end, I stopped having the dream, though that figure definitely cursed me to suffer forever for every night if nothing was done. It escaped my conscious and never returned the next day, so I assumed it had no significance. Nevertheless, that very face had once again appeared here.

The fringe on her left side curved upwards, as if they were trying to escape her face, though they only exposed more of her delicate expression. The centre of her fringe grew particularly longer than both sides, covering the ridge of her nose, the right side grew normally. As can be observed, her hair was completely plain except for the left that practically defied gravity. Her eyes had been a jet black that observed every tiny movement with scrutiny, like a predator that could pounce at any moment.

However there were also particularly large changes, instead of black hair that originated from the roots followed by white tips at the end of her hair strands, her hair was completely bleached. In a way, some of it had blended into her absurd pale skin colour, she looked like if the face I saw in my dream became a vampire.

Her clothing was something like that of a ruler's, with an eery purple cloak that attached to a golden collar and a small silvery crown with embedded purple jewels. Soft armour plating dyed with a dark lavender hue was attached to each of her fore limbs, while a belt of a similar colour wrapped themselves around her petite waist. Black leggings fitted her leg before transitioning to grey shorts that hugged her hips. A simple black shirt fitted her torso, though random holes had been opened up here and there, exposing her grewish white pale flesh.

She looked to be pretty much the same age as me, only that her looks packed an insane impact with a mysterious aura of bewitching beauty, yet it emanated the cuteness of a little girl. Whatever her looks had been through, they were probably more beautiful when they weren't glaring at me so blatantly.

"Tch, don't tell me... You lost everything after all. Even Fez became so weak, she died to a surprise attack." (The Demon Lord)

At the sound news of my friend's death, an unbelievable amount of animosity shooed my conscious. My teeth were grit together, the large gaps at the sides where there weren't teeth released spittle flying out. My body twitched as if trying to shake off the grief, now was not the time to lose composure.

"My~ you seem the same as any other one of us, but you were somehow able to keep your composure~ Here's a treat, my name is Emily. We are all Emily~ One creator god, Zet went rogue and decided to create us in every universe to end the other Zet's. You understand our mission now, yes? " (Emily, Demon Lord)

" My name... Is Lilith!! Don't mistake my past self for someone as disgusting as you! " Passion overloaded my brain, though it was flushed out just as quickly. I was... Different... So I cannot lose my calm. Was that the deal? The same as before all of this happened? Losing my emotions, grinding away in the dungeons to get stronger, surviving with absurd luck, ending up stronger in the end, at the hard work of my opponent's, by taking the exp they gathered...

"I see you're clinging onto your individualism... Too bad, infinite amounts of us exist in the infinite amount of parallel universes, you're not special at all. In fact you are disgusting...the worst one of us all... Using us as your weapon just to fight Zet only to fail. You could have worked hard like the rest and do it on your own... Instead of dragging the other Emily's to forge your cursed weapon... "(Emily)

"... Then why do I have to suffer... "

"!?!!... DID YOU JUST NOT HEAR ME-"(Emily)

" HUH?! I DON'T GIVE A SHIT. YOU COME TO MY WORLD TO KILL ME, AND FOR WHAT? SOMETHING I DON'T REMEMBER DOING? I'M NOT F*CKING EMILY! I'm just Lilith! Lilith...Emil. Even my last name lacks originality... So we're all just manufactured... By god... To kill the other gods. "

" It would explain our absurd luck and bad luck, though in the end we were the only ones to suffer. That God got what he wanted in the end, he sacrificed his life to create infinite amounts of us to purge the instances of others in a similar situation as him. Which is probably also of an infinite amount. In the end we're here to kill God and you failed your mission, even sacrificed the other Emily's and still loss. "(Emily)

".... Kgh... I refuse to believe we were this meaningless, exist as weapons. It would explain what has been happening... But I refused to believe all the things I've achieved weren't acquired on my own. Everything... Everything would lose its meaning. Is that why you've come here? Your own cherished things lost their meaning? "

"... I'm just here to fulfill my mission. The Zet of my universe was cornered enough to implode the whole thing away, luckily I had an ability to travel through parallel universes. "(Emily)

"... Hey none of this makes any sense... When will it end then? There's an infinite amount of us and an infinite amount of Zet's, we can't wait for all of them to finish as it will never happen. In any case... If an Emily was able to kill God, wouldn't they kill the rest for us? "

" It's simple. No one had managed to achieve it. In the infinite universes, none of us could actually kill Zet. Mine committed suicide, I lost meaning. Then I tracked you who used the other us's as fuel and parallel minds to inflict an infinitely acting attack, a cheap way to warp reality with mana. That's why I'm here to kill you, since it uses an infinite amount of us's, I can't be sure I won't be a victim. It tracks us down and activates in an instant after all. How would you take responsibility for those worlds that couldn't kill Zet? "(Emily)


"... I thought you were trying to be different by keeping your cool. He has existed in a place where time isn't a concept. He is an abstract entity that wishes for death, he must have lost his meaning just like me. But you... You're in a worse off state. Something vital to each one of us Emilys, you don't have it. "(Emily)