195 - Final.


Relishing the exquisite and euphoric feeling of victory, I stood still in the sea of fatigue ready to let the darkness consume me at any time. The fuzzy warmness that superseded every nook and cranny of my flesh flowed into my mind as a smile formed. It was a realm of pure white, with no boundary and no reference areas, there was no telling how far away we've come from where we first fought. He had omnipotent like valour and power, changing and morphing the realm as he pleased without a sweat.

They weren't illusions, we had stayed in the same dimension the whole time. It was evident from the position that [Reality displacement] discovered, it had stayed as a different realm from the normal world, as it was a few trillion years longer, compared to our million year old isekai. We were willing to kill, massacre anything that got in our way against Zet, the people would disappear anyway even if we didn't do anything.

At last, we finally defeated him in our fated battle. There was no need for anyone to take his place either, since the system was there to keep anyone in check. Anyone except us anyway. Would that be the reason for his existence? To prevent the destruction of this realm from people who wielded 'origin' classes wrongfully.

In the end the ruptures in space and time closed up naturally. Due to the absoluteness of their existence as natural laws, any holes in space or time would eventually collapse on itself, leaving no evidence. if we were to remove such laws, it would only be through the [Demon lord] class or the authority of [death]. Even with these, it was not recommended due to how unstable it made the universe. The realm was riddled with holes and [Death] in the middle of the fight, but now it was like nothing happened. Some other concept must have been erased here. Maybe it was darkness.

Cracks formed midair in space as if spider webs of black had started spreading everywhere. An arm pokes through the hole, it's skin gradient, a strange shade of grey that seemed to blur on itself. Reading it's origin, an evitable shocked expression was displayed.

Name: Zet, the pained god

Class: Prime god of ascension




[Ascend] [One above all] [Eternal fantasy]

[Everything else]

The sound of glass cracking rang throughout as hundreds to thousands of arms poke through, the original already arriving in the realm with their whole body. The Zet in our world was using the class he had been bored with, he must have removed [Prime god of ascension] before our fight, it was most likely what he used to kill his predecessor. It was obvious what they came here for, though I still asked just in case.

What seemed to be an unpleasant smirk materialised, it was somehow ostentatious despite the mental filter that blurred his face.

"Could I just ask,why?"

"Simple, the exact same reason as the very first one you killed. You've become a threat that cannot be ignored by our 'commonwealth'." (Zet)

My mind raced as fast as it could to reach the suitable solution. There was no escape. Even if there was, I couldn't abandon Iyori and Houzo. Using 'wrath', I turned my time back to before the fight when I was at my peak condition. I would need an attack that could wipe out all the Zets present, and I would need to expend everything at my disposal.

A brilliant black light shone in the distance, it was roughly the size of the sun, which should give a reference to how far away it was. Iyori stared in horror, Houzo cleared his throat in contempt. The large black mass was obviously the doing of the countless Zets present, who knew how many were jusy watching and how many actually powered the massive attack in the distance. With every second, the mass swelled and buldge, as if ready to burst at any moment.

They used [One above all] on the space itself, leaving a void behind. Normally a void in space would act like a vacuum and just close up on its own, however I doubt this one would recover naturally. If I had to guess, they could 'push' this void towards us, turning us into nothingness, the same as this vacuum-like void.

As my heart beat in deep heavy trepidation, a strange feeling of exhilaration filled my mind. Despite the clear threatened expressions of my two comrades, oddly enough, Amelia and I smiled in excitement. Her personality was based off of mine after all, it was basically impossible for us to do this with different reasons.

Was this the final challenge? The last fight ended anticlimactic ally after all. The Zet's were constantly using [ascend] on the growing mass, by this time it could probably mow them down as well. And we were suppose to fight this? I could tell such doubts repeated through the minds of Iyori and Houzo, they were used to fights after all. They were much more experienced than I am, considering my long breaks. They knew when to retreat and come back again.

Unfortunately, I didn't.

"Should I transform, master?" (Amelia)

"Nope. There's no need. Stand here with me, it'll only take the 2 of us."

"EMILY! THAT THING WILL TAKE OUT ALL OUR SKILLS AS WELL! Everything operates on the basis of converting energy, energy that conveniently exists in the form of mana lying around everywhere.

However that large giant mass of darkness swallow everything! With all those Zet's here, we cannot escape, and that large thing will destroy any defences we have by pure volume and brute force! Are you telling me, despite everything... You'll still fight? "(Iyori)

Her frightened state carried through in her shaky voice, they bellowed into my ear drums, each word enunciated with precision and carried meaning. This was the chance to look cool and not turn my face back. Hahah... Guess my own thoughts ruined it.

"You said it yourself, there's no escape. This is where I fight, I can feel it in my flesh. This is the last one, the final stand. I believe, I can win though. Fez said so, that I was important to her. I can't let her down now, can I?

Amelia, you know what this means. It's alright. I assure you as your creator, we'll win. "

" Master said something cool! No fair, I want to do it too. But master is master, let's do this. I've been watching and waiting for a long time. Was this what awaited my last moments? Eh, who knows. Let's go! "(Amelia)

Holding my left palm out, her smooth fickle fingers intersected and wrapped around mine. Tightening our fingers slightly, a firm grip formed on trust and gratitude stood mid-air.

" I absorbed the dead Zet's divinity. I could evolve class, but I think I'll regret it for some reason, so I held it off. Well, enough said, you understand the plan right?"

"Yes master! I'll give it my all!" (Amelia)

As the raging black mass flew off faster than anything we've ever seen before, a roaring array of colourful beams of light met it in a collison. The act of displacement was to move something, in our case we've always used it to move things into the negatives of the space-time axes. It was similar to [Death] or [One that destroys all], however the things moved are easily recoverable with a skill on a similar calibre.

[Reality displacement Ex] though, is able to shift away concepts and not just tangible objects. So it should be able to shift away even the vague amalgamation of the void that was approaching. One that turns everything into nothingness and one that displaces everything, this was a clash between similar attacks.


Placing our soul into our battle cry, 2 large pillars soared through the empty skies. The pillars encompassed everything and started to expand horizontally as well, swallowing everything in existence. Houzo and Iyori were moved back to earth when the beam swallowed them whole, however the Zet's and their skills would be sent into nothingness.

Amelia's light of crimson and gold clashed with my black and purple, they twisted and morphed together into a beam of countless hues before colliding into the large mass of the void. The point collision was a mesh of black and every other colour, due to their nature's they wouldn't end in an explosion, one would simply swallow the other. Origin skills and authorities, despite being overwhelmingly powerful, would only release attacks in small quantities. On the other hand, [Reality displacement Ex] was a personal skill that had been made for this, unlike [Ascend] and [One above all]. As long as we pumped our power in, it would surge forth and push. Nothing was going to stop our will.

If anyone had forgotten, Amelia was made from the souls of countless Emilies, this allowed her to match up the output of countless Zets. By stealing the dead Zet's divinity, I achieved a power similar to Amelia and could give out a similar output. We had to start with the same amount released, otherwise the person giving out the smaller output would get disintegrated. They would be displaced and could come back, however the Zet's would prevent their return, turning this into an eternal stalemate. There was a need for both of us to be here to defeat them.

As the beams kept pushing at each other, sweat had started to rapidly slither down my forehead, blood dripped out of my nostrils. My limbs quaked under the pressure, awaiting relief. An iron grip tightened itself around our palms, we grabbed each other's hands harder than ever. From her grip alone, I could tell she was already faltering. The massive size of their attack that could match a galaxy versus our measly attack that only grew to the size of the sun. Our steadfast efforts were being overwhelmed.

"Master... I don't want to be thrown away... But if it brings victory..." (amelia)

Hearing that, an unknown source of rage welled up inside me. Though, I really had no room to let off my concentration and start shouting, resulting in a rather steady and composed tone.

"... Amelia, I was really proud when I created you. Don't throw away my pride, I can't win without you either, didn't you understand our unspoken plan?"

".. No, I just thought that at least you could survive and run away somehow if you were to abandon me... Yet... I don't want to disappear... "(Amelia)

The black light was quickly approaching, it was roughly only a continent away now. The deluge of black should annihilate us in a few seconds. Hmpf, it seems this was really the end. Guess I should just add one last push in. Wrapping my arms around Amelia's firm body, I listened to our heartbeats in this tense situation. It caused the both of us to sit down. Sure enough, out hearts were beating so hard that I couldn't tell the sources apart. She seemed to have a shocked state of mind as she watched my ostentatious display.

"Master... Why... We both knew this plan was dumb due to the sheer size of that thing... Yet right now you're compromising even that to protect me... " (Amelia)

Her eyes glistened beautifully in the oppressive light, her features flushed from her melancholy as she choked out those last words. She didn't need water to survive, yet it sure made her throat dry and uncomfortable. At this point, she looked similar like a certain someone that I failed to protect, Amelia's expression was the exact same as hers in her last moment. As a being that was suppose to be a god, she could probably predict the future with frightening accuracy as well, was it really that lacking of hope?

The black mass was spilling metres away from us. I stood up from our last exchange.

"Well, no matter. I'm going to win either way."

'well, no matter.' A familiar phrase that was always uttered out in both our minds due to our incredibly similar personalities. Differences were starting to form, she was roughly still a child of mine. So I needed to assure and protect her to the last moment. Chances are, she's seen through my lie. It was simply impossible to defeat a being known as "God"... Not! This was no time to wallow in despair. I'll exert it right here, my resolve.

Holding her from behind, I whispered a resolute declaration. A firm grip tightens around her waist. From its unnatural strength, even Amelia could tell her master was scared. Unfortunately this was just how things turned out. There was only one final path to take.

" If you're so scared of disappearing then don't. I'm here to prevent that, so even if you lost your will to fight... Just sit here while I take care of this. This is my resolve. Not even you or god could possibly hope to invalidate it. Behold."

The black mass stopped inches away from us, at this point they covered in from every single direction boring down on our tiny remaining excuse of a shelter. It was just the last dregs of our failed attack.

Bursting forth in an explosion, the array of hues started to push back the void.



I screamed as much as I could, my throat grew sore with pain as a seeming drought assaulted the windpipe. A burning sensation grew, not realising, my grip on Amelia had also tightened.

" Tch, sorry for being weak master. But you are not alone!" (Amelia) Needless to say, she exerted all the spirit and will she had and joined in into the battle cry.

Amelia was created on the basis of golden and bloody chains gaining the divinity that comes with [Reality displacement Ex] and the souls of countless copies of my selves from parallel universes to use as fuel. Her original form was a conglomeration of chains, souls, power and lastly, her own developed sentience. In a way, her true body was the skill [Divine bloody chains].

Stealing Zet's divinity had also granted me with a nigh-infinite power source, all that's left is to use it and overwhelm our enemies. Our spirited yells continued soaring into the air as a sizable amount of the void had been consumed by our very own attack.

"This is it Amelia!! Now say it with me as one!!!"

"Right!!" (Amelia)

We yelled over the roaring exchanges of the 2 attacks, random vacuums in space had started forming from the space-time instability of the area around the point of collision. These vacuums either consume each other or close up rapidly, forming explosions all around us. Fortunately as my creation, she was able to read my mind, and I was able to put my faith and the fate of my life into her.

"NOW!, [EXTERNALIS AMELIA]!!!!!!!" (Both)

The array of colours transformed into a shade of pure gold, swallowing everything in it's path. Space, sound, energy, time, fatigue, emotion, air, light, mass, gravity, resistance and even the void. Nothing would stand in the way of our growing resolves. After all those things in this journey... And the pain, I could no longer afford to indulge in mediocrity. I needed it, I needed this, I needed everything. Power! Fights! Death.

In a way, losing everything the first time had helped me. My very first life as a salary man was not normal at all, Lilith helped me truly realise this. That if I lazed around I would just lose what's important to me. At this point I can't even repeat all those actions and lie around in satisfaction. No, now I was much more greedy, incredibly so, so much that I grew excited when I saw Zet wasn't dead.

The fear of death? Adrenaline? Insanity? None of those could rightfully capture my emotion when I saw there were more Zets to go through. What I felt at that moment, was ambition.

The light of pure gold writhed around like a living being before penetrating through the void in a straight line. This path of gold in the unending darkness then started to expand outwards unmatched, undeterred, and unstoppable. Anything this light touched was turned into a chain, in turn joining the light. Looking closely, the writhing movement of this attack was due to its composition, of being completely made out of shiny chains.

Eventually these chains reached the Zets, penetrating and erasing them into nothingness. Their skills were displaced into a seperate location from their bodies, causing them to be trapped in the void until they die of asphyxiation. Legs giving out, they collapsed as I used a hand to support my torso from lying down. In our sitting positions, we stared straight at each other before realisation dawned on us.

"We.... Did it... Finally... My journey has truly ended..."

Misfortune did follow as parts of Amelia started to glow into a bright white particle before disappearing like snow.

"Is it because my purpose is now over? Or did I overexert myself? I don't even have enough energy to think or hear your words, but I think I can mouth out one last 'goodbye' if I tried. Haha... This really is the end..." (Amelia)

Without a second thought, I tried to pump in the divinity I stole from Zet to resuscitate her existence. She definitely wasn't vanishing like a spell that served it's purpose... No, she was made to keep living in order to become a god in the first place. She used the souls as my parallel selves as fuel, so she should be effectively immortal... The only reason we could win just now... Was because she sacrificed her divinity and life span, if her lifespan was infinite, it would be used up in percentages.... 100% of it.

Unlike a dead body, I couldn't transplant divinity from myself into Amelia without a proper medium. With every second passing, she tries to immortalise her smile into my memory as she ignored the pain of her soul breaking down. She has used up all her fuel by converting them into magical energy, no more divinity nor immortality. She was now just a normal girl, Amelia. If this continues, there would probably be a single link of chain left on the ground as that was her True body. The chains only extend and expand by magic power.

"Tch.... Dammit. Not again..."

Manipulating [Conquest] and [Death] to the outmost, I broke through the limits of magic to transfer divinity back into Amelia. As a medium, I used my own lifespan. Half and half, that would be the price for creating her absurd life I suppose. All her suffering and pain, all of it was just something I had to compensate for. Complex magic circles form behind as large geometrical shapes expand and contract at unbelievable rates. The patterns themselves glowed a shining gold as they fill up a decent chunk of this white realm.

"Sorry, Amelia. I'm not losing another one. I'll even find a way to bring back Fez. In fact I already have a plan, so let's fight through this together."

"Master..." (Amelia)

It seemed she had recovered her hearing, which meant the recovery was going well. Divinity was the rarest element that exists other than the origin classes, authorities and sin weapons. It gave the ability of [Infinite regeneration] and [Immortality]. Unfortunately, what we have is a fraction of it, so our lifespans remain limited and lives mortal.

Sensing the battle was over, Houzo teleported us back to earth. I collapsed on the ground exhausted from all the work, what seemed to be an eternity had finally been over.

"Good work guys! I trust you've won to be so relaxed?" (Iyori)

"Yeah. Nice work too... Keeping order while I was out of it."

"Mou~ I've been waiting for years! For you to return. Fez-chan said if we hinted at your past self it would be okay, but if we told you everything your brain would explode!" (Iyori)

"I trust that you've been working hard while we fought Zet?"

"Yup." (Iyori)

We were back in the academy in the very last class I was at. Kuraver and the other students had been there but they refrained from ruining the reunion. Without another moment, 3 familiar figures walked in. One especially gave a bear hug while the other 2 gave knowing smiles.

"I guess I shouldn't ask how... But... Yes! I can't believe you actually brought them back! Fez, Bavner and..."

"That's James. He's just been managing the academy and some security work over the years. He didn't actually die and needed to be resurrected, he was just sitting in his office until a few minutes ago. Now he's a complete background character." (Fez)

"So harsh... I'm the principal for goodness sake. You had a strange attraction to climbing up ranks, even in a school setting. So I thought I would be able to meet you if I worked here, but I became too busy... "


"Umm.... Uhhhh...."

"What is it? Why are fidgeting so much?" (Fez)

"Would you like to... Consummate. "

She blushed harder than the setting sun as pin-drop silence permeated the classroom. She in turn, had started fidgeting unnaturally as well.

"Uhh... If you're fine with me..." (Fez)

With that, I could finally rest easy knowing I could live a normal life. Maybe not normal, but peaceful would be more apt.