After story 3, return to Almul!


"What shouldst we doth about her? i knoweth where she is after tracking the distortion in space at that pointeth in timeth." (Z)

"... Ah, I forgot you still have such a high detection level... Jeez, how are you this strong even though I suppressed you as hard as I could... "

" Heh heh heh! You forgot, but if I can read the thoughts of an artificial god like you, what can't I do? " (Z)

Initially I was incredibly wary of her, but as time had passed and we lived together for quite a while, it seemed as if she was just a normal girl. I had already gotten used to her arrogant little chuckles everytime she ostensibly pulled one up on me. It reminded me of what I had to do to get to this point. I wouldn't say it out loud, but I always found them really cute.

But this time... She smiled at me silently... Ah.... Her face and figure really suit my taste.... But isn't this illegal? Wait, no... The age of adults are different in this world. About 14 or 15? Anyway, I shouldn't let myself gush over looks so easily, she deliberately made her body like this after all. It was all for this purpose and it worked! Damn, another lost for me.

"Well, let's just leave her be for now. It's not like she can do anything. If she picked fights with more people, she'll be handled by the law."

"that is true..." (Z)

She replied with a pitying look. We went back home as usual and greeted everyone when we arrived back at the mansion. Anyway, would there be any reason for that 'hero' to be here? If she wanted, she could head straight to deal with the demon lord... Wait... This kind of development. Perhaps, is it that she was going for the world renowned magic academy, Almul of this capital, Harox?

"Yo.... Want to come with?"

"I don't see why not. I would like to personally experience this thing called education.... It's been so long that I've forgotten everything from before godhood..." (Z)

I see, perhaps it would be a good idea for her to go there. Though she was very cooperative and integrated quite well into today's society, she still acted like an old man sometimes.... Well, not that she could recognise these traits. Perhaps getting together with the youngins would allow her to see the peculiarities of her own personality.

"Let's invite Fez as well!"

With no objections, we went straight to me and Fez's shared room. Sure enough, she was laying there conk out. Did she pick up some kind of drinking habit? Shaking her shoulders awake, I tapped her cheek to nudge her out of unconsciousness. Eventually her little eyelashes shook freely as her eyes blinked cutely, ah! I felt like I was falling in love with her all over again. Resisting the urge to pounce on her and give a tight hug, I sat down next to her lying posture. Sitting on the bed applies pressure on it that she can feel, stimulating her senses.

"Hmmm~? What's going on? Is it dinner time already?" (Fez)

She sat up, rubbing her eyes like a cat with its paw. Her soothing voice like a soft bell rang out with a clear tone.

"Well... Dinner time is in an hours time. But that's not why I woke you up, I was just thinking if you want to go to Almul academy again? There's this interesting girl that caught my attention."

"?! You're cheating on me and you want me to join in!? " (Fez)

Her relaxed tone had shifted to an intense fervour in a moment, her face shifted to look more demon like that it send shivers down my spine. My body couldn't stop shaking... In a panic, I tried to explain as best as I could.

" Nonono! She called herself a hero and declared war on the demon lord! So I'm related to this since I have the demon lord origin class and skill! Nothing more than that!"

Her eyes narrowed and her expression faced slightly downwards as if making a thinking posture, her irises swim a little like fishes and she blinked quite a few times. Even her thinking was quite cute... Well, if I kept admiring the small things like this I don't think I'll get anywhere. Maybe it's time to tone down on it.

"Anyway, I was thinking to mess with the children there, you know, power fantasy and all?"

I grinned at her mischievously, having fun wouldn't be so bad. Plus, aren't I still around 16? There shouldn't be anything wrong with enrolling in the advance courses! If we encounter any problems, we'll just have Fez deal with them. We may be able to alter reality and create genuine legal documents... But we can't reach a concept like bureaucracy. The documents may look real, but they aren't recorded in their systems, and forging through every little tedious thing inside their system would be no different than registering normally... So it was better to leave that kind of troublesome work for others.

"..... You know, It's impressive you didn't let the power get to your head. Living as a minor noble was more humble than I thought you would be and your personality has somehow been sustained from your first life before Emily... " (Fez)

She raised a single brow, nearly mocking, but I think even this face is cute too. If I lose my focus, I'd get lost in all her charming expressions. In any case, these are things of the past. I've long put them behind me as I look forward to the next day. We still have lots of things to do after all.

"Well... As you said, I kept my personality from what I remembered as my first life. There could be more and I wouldn't know. So it's just that I couldn't get out of the ways of a commoner from that life... Maybe it was a slave. I wouldn't be able to tell, since everyday was the same and I lost track of time. "

".... My bad for bringing it up, anyway you have me now! And you have to replenish my supply! " (Fez)

Despite the bold things she was declaring, a bright red blush permeated her cheeks giving a soft and beautiful glow to her face. The mood may have gotten ruined since she got addicted to manga after we defeated Z-chan more than a year ago. I went with her for a shopping trip on earth, then I replicated some of my favourites series to reread in my spare time.

She had gotten interested so I made her quite a sizable amount to keep her busy. The result was her nearly becoming a neet, but that had its own charms too. Living as 2 neets, it sounded nice but even if we didn't need to exercise we still need balance if we want to stay humane and keep our sanity. After replenishing her supply, time had passed quickly and our conversation was cut short so we went for dinner.

We had some new servants, while our previous bodyguard/adventurer group friend used to help out they went on continue their normal career instead of becoming noble servants. As they set the table, we continued enjoying our chat together as mother came downstairs. Her complexion had gotten so much better than when I first left that she was pretty much the same as usual now.

On the table was a couple of our favourite dishes paired with other general sides that ensure some of the tastes weren't overwhelming. Before long, a week had passed and it was time for a new school term to start.

"Wow! It's a little nostalgic here, the general structure of the place is still the same but there's some big expansions."

"Of course! We had to expand so that we could accommodate the advanced courses as education gradually received more popularity and funding. Now one doesn't have to be a noble and anyone with enough money can get in." (Fez)

She spoke with a smug look as if she was the one who helped built this place, even though it was all James' hardwork. The principal working here during the time we were students had already retired, so James took up the mantle determined to make everyone as strong as us at our prime. He had to make some reforms to the outdated system, but by the time I arrived as Lilith reception had increased drastically and things were going well. If anything, he should be drowning in money right now. Damn James! He's probably off looking at cute girls all day.

Feeling a cold down my throat, I craned my neck over in horror as Fez glared at me as if she could see my thoughts. Disregarding that, she had looked especially beautiful today in her school uniform. Of course we were all under disguises with some minor changes to our faces, but even so we were still quite beautiful. She boasted jett black silky hair that was as serene as the night, it complemented the dark grey uniform that had 2 dark crimson lines around the edges with its jaw dropping lustre.

The skirt was also black but it couldn't match up to the tantalising glimmer of her hair and eyes. Despite all that, her features were made to be the cheerful and bubbly kind that anyone could get along with and feel refreshes from interacting with. As for myself, I went with the cold beauty look and snowy white hair. I had to try my best to make this look, while previously I used mana I ended up infusing divinity into it instead. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say this hair could strangle level 1000 monsters with how powerful it is, though I did it just for the aesthetic glow it gave off.

In other words, me and Fez had switched roles from since when we were last enrolled. Last one up was Z-chan following behind us. It kinda sounds like we were calling her a cockroach like G-chan, so it was best that we do not think too hard about her name. She had soft grey hair, and unlike the two of us who looked like long straight haired twins due to our somewhat similar but different looks, she had skillfully crafted a unique disguise with short shoulder length curls and headband.

"Jeez, don't you guys think you went too far in your disguises!" (Zenobia)

We decided to name her Zenobia while we were in school. It was much easier to accept than Z-chan as a name, so she had no choice but to agree. Not that she cared how normal her name sounded.

" Easy for you to say! Unlike you, it was hard for us to part with our youth..."

A large part of the difference in our disguises is somewhat related to age. Due to being countless years old, she didn't have any mental resistances to making her face more mature while balancing youthful skin with it. Meanwhile me and Fez had a bit of a mental block since we were unwilling to part with our originally good looks... Then there was also the problem of recognising each other.... We decided that minor changes that could be attributed to makeup should be good enough.

Leaving our looks aside, we went to the wide lobby counter to mark our attendance before heading to our classes. Of course, we chose the one that had Veliane in it. The aspiring hero! Or maybe she was already recognised as a hero? Well, whatever the case we were about to have fun. Entering the class, I spotted her immediately and waved at her vigorously. Her seat was further away from the door but still near the front where the teacher was.

Seeing us at first, she was a little confuse until she thought about who she had encountered in this city... It seemed that we were the only strangers she had spoken to as her face paled instantly. She looked at us with shock before drawing out a bright red sword in the middle of the classroom. Thrusting it forward for a stab, I pretended to huff and sneeze before barely moving out of the sword's range. Thankfully Fez and Zenobia were standing at the sides rather than directly behind me, so I had space to work with.

Her face was filled with red as she began activating skills to charge up her attack. Her mana flared up as she was about to use a large amount of it. Connecting 2 different spaces, I poured cold water from a shallow duck pond onto her head. Taking a single step, I crossed the distance I an instant and arrived right next to her before whispering.

"Take it easy... If you accidentally harm the students, I'll punish you."

I spoke with a little threatening tone. If she had been a pervert she would have enjoyed it, so I hope she wasn't. But that should get the message across. Then I held her open hand that wasn't holding a sword and shook it.

" Please to meet you, I'm Liliad!"