Mr. Blitz (2)

Blake could see her heading in his direction, stomping her way towards him. It only made him clench his hands over Lillian's shoulders more tightly. He began to step back, slowly at first. But soon enough his steps picked up their pace, bringing Lillian along with him.

"I said sorry, didn't I?" What else do you want me to say, or do?" He huffed out as he continued to move back.

"Can you please slow down a little." Lillian managed to speak in the chaotic situation she was stuck in through her pursed lips. She didn't know what else to do when she was being used as a human shield.

"I am sorry, but only you can save me from this." Blake bent his head forward and whispered next to her ear. He knew Katherine too well. She would never stop unless she got what she wanted. In this case, it was to beat him up. And there was no way he would allow her to do it.

"Katty, stop, will you?" He added in a meek tone as he slowed down his steps. It took him a while, but he did realize that this could not go on for long. What if Lillian was hurt in the process?

"Stop, please, for her sake." He pulled his feet to an abrupt halt and hid his face behind Lillian's shoulders even when he had to bend his head too much to the side.

Katherine who was rushing towards him with an imaginary knife in her right, and a flail in her other hand, brought her feet to a stop after slowing down a little. She breathed in and out heavily, trying to calm her nerves down, but all she saw was red, blood red.

"Y-you!" She spoke up while pointing her index finger towards him. "Do you not know how much I hate it when people lie to me? And more than lying, I hate people who lie. People who are nothing but a liar like you." She huffed, her nares flaring out as she continued to breath in and out heavily.

All of her teen years she had spent thinking how bad of an owner she was that a cat had to run away from her. She kept blaming herself for not paying more attention to Mr. Blitz, and not looking after him properly.

"I know that but can you please put yourself in my shoes. I had no choice but to keep it a secret from you. Dad had warned me. If you were ever to find out about it from me, he promised me that he will enroll me in a boarding school." Blake spoke up in his defense from behind Lillian who kept bobbing her head up and down at his every word.

"And you hate boarding school, don't you?" Katherine scoffed as she crossed her arms across her chest. "With their rules and regulations, how were you supposed to survive there, right?"

"Y-yes." He whispered.

"And that is enough for a reason to lie to your younger twin sister?" Katherine spat back at him.

"One minute! You are only younger by one minute." This time it was Blake who pointed it out.

"One. Whole. Freaking. Minute!" Katherine muttered out word by word.

"It's just one minute, Katty. Can't you forgive me or something, please? You are a good sister, after all." Blake pleaded, not forgetting to chummy up to her.

"Can I say something? Only if that's okay with the two of you." Lillian spoke up once again in between, wanting to salvage the situation.


"Yes, please."

One after the other, the two siblings replied back to her.

After having their approval, the young lady spoke up. "Katherine, right?" She saw her nodding her head, confirming that it was indeed her name. "I don't know why Blake did what he did, but if it was you who were in his place, I am sure you would have listened to your father too."

Katherine pondered over her words for a couple of seconds before she gave her a couple of nods in return.

"See, you agree with me!" Lillian breathed out a sigh of relief internally. "Also, he did say sorry, didn't he?" She mumbled to get another set of nods in return.

"B-Blake?" She then turned her attention to the man who was still holding on to her shoulders like a scaredy little cat. It was completely opposite of how she had seen him acting out before. Who would believe that the same man had saved her life after seeing him like this?

"Yeah?" He replied without moving from his place.

"You do feel bad about lying to her about Mr. Blitz, don't you?" She added softly, asking him about it.

"I definitely do." The man mumbled in response.

"Since he feels bad, and you know he does, why don't you be the bigger person and forgive him?" Lillian turned her attention back to Katherine who was standing only at a meter's distance from her.

"I think I can force myself to do it, but there's one condition." Katherine answered to her even when her eyes were focused on the shadow which was hiding behind Lillian's frail figure.

"What condition?" Blake spoke up without thinking much over her words. He could literally get her everything as long as it meant she would forgive him and not bring it up again until the end of time.

"You tell me what exactly happened to Mr. Blitz, and you let Lillian stay with me at the mansion until she has recovered fully." Katherine put her demand, or more precisely, demands, forward.

"I am okay with the first one, but the second…" Blake trailed off, not willing to continue any further. He really wanted Katherine to forgive me, but there was no way he would drag Lillian into the deal.

"If you are that much worried about her, why don't you come along with the two of us? That way you can make sure that she is completely fine without worrying yourself to death. And the two of us will get more family time?" Katherine heaved out a tired sigh as she offered him a suggestion.

Her words made Blake look up at her finally as he pondered over them.