Too Tired To Dream

Lillian was left alone in the room with nothing but her own thoughts to accompany her. Her eyes roamed around the wide and high walls of her room which were painted off-white.

One of the walls had a couple of golden rimmed frames hanging on it. It would have been better for her if they provided her with some faces she was familiar with, like Blake and Katherine's. But they had nothing in them except for a couple of strangers who were smiling at the camera for god know who's sake.

It annoyed her, giving her a creepy feeling as if someone was keeping an eye on her every move. She tried to block the view of the frames by trying to shift her attention to somewhere else. She hoped that it would work.

"Maybe I should just get them replaced." She mumbled to herself as she trailed her eyes to another corner of the room. Her eyes ended up lying on the dressing table where a couple of accessories were resting. What piqued her interest was that they were definitely for a girl.

She could only wonder how they were able to arrange things this quickly for her. Or may be, they always had this stuff ready just in case they'd have a guest coming in. At first she was quite uncomfortable in coming along with the two siblings, but she knew she had no other choice but to come here. So, she kept all her doubts locked in her mind, or heart, and did exactly what she was asked of.

There was one other thing which she found weird. No matter what it was, she couldn't bring herself to say no to Blake. It was like she found it necessary to agree with him even if he was genuinely asking for her input, or even it was regarding her comfort. A yes would easily pop out of her mouth. She couldn't pinpoint the reason behind it.

"Who cares?" She slumped back on to the mattress as she brought her eyes to rest on the band-aid on her arm. The doctor's words echoed through her mind. Fear. there was no reason behind her fear, or dislike towards injections. Or, there was one, it was her who couldn't quite clearly recall it.

"We shall wait and see." She muttered under her breath before she let the tiredness of the travelling engulf her senses, and closed her eyes.


"What is it, Mrs. Jackson?" Blake was no fool to believe that the lady just wanted him to see her out. There had to be something which she had to discuss with him. Something which she couldn't say before Lillian. So, he didn't hold himself back once they were at a distance from her room.

"I am worried about her." The lady brought her steps to a stop and shared her concerns with the man.

"Why are you worried about her?" Blake asked her as he followed her suit.

"The loss of her memories. It is not something normal. If it was caused by an accident, then she should be suffering with an immense amount of pain whether it was when she was trying to recall things, or it was after her nightmares." Mrs. Jackson began to explain the conclusions which she had drawn from what was shared with her.

"But she doesn't." Blake added to get a nod from her.

"Exactly! This could mean only one thing. Her memories were erased. I won't dive into details as of now, because I am not expert in the field. But whatever it was, it had to with her childhood since all she gets are nightmares about it." The lady took a pause as she looked up at him.

"Is there anything else which you know, and she didn't share with me? I don't mean to pry, but every little information can help her here." She added.

Her words were more than enough to send Blake into deep thoughts. He tried to think of something, anything which he knew more than what the doctor was entitled to.

"There is one more thing. She mentioned it to me last night after she woke up. The men there, they mentioned about how she won't be able to remember anything about them or the warehouse once they transfer her to another place." He spoke up after thinking for a couple of seconds.

"What do you mean by that?" His reply left the lady more than just confused.

"I mean to say that whatever reason is behind Lillian's loss of memory, they knew about it. Maybe not everything, but at least something." Blake answered her, explaining his thoughts.

"You may be right, and if you can talk to one of them, that will be really good for the girl. No doctor can treat her properly unless they know the real problem." The lady spoke up, adding to his words.

"I think I can get my hands on one of them." Blake gave her a nod as he recalled about their prisoners. He was regretting killing the leader of the gang, but he knew that his subordinate could give him at least something which would turn out to be useful in Lillian's condition.

The sooner they could figure this out, the earlier he could get Lillian on proper training. The way she was willing to face the injection because it was what needed to be done at the time, told him more than he wanted to know. He knew that there would never come a day where she would hesitate to do something else, something much more gruesome. All because that would be what the situation demanded.

"Keep me updated on her situation, and if anything goes wrong just call me. Or if you need help in looking after her, I can send the girl from the other day." Mrs. Jackson spoke up, reminding him of the trainee who had accompanied her the other day.

"I will keep that in mind. Though there is one thing which I found a little off." Blake pursed his lips together as he thought about it. "Why did she not get any nightmares last night?" The question had been bugging since she mentioned it. He was curious to know the reason.

"It's really simple. Her body was too tired to dream. She was more or less unconscious with those meds in her system." The lady answered him before she took her leave. "I will go now. I have to make a stop first and drop the sample at the lab before I can go home to my kids. You don't have to show me out, I know the way." She gave his arm a light pat before she walked away, leaving Blake on his own.