Celebrations (3)

"I was about to come to your room." The old butler spoke up when he saw Blake making his way towards the staircase. 

"There's no need for that now. I am here, and right on time." Blake gave the old man a cheeky smile. He took in a couple of deep breaths to control his huffing. 

"Were you running a marathon or something?" The old butler couldn't stop himself from making a comment on the way his chest was moving up and down. "By the way, your guest is waiting for you by table number fifteen." He added with a small smile.

"No! I forgot something and had to run back to my room to get it." Blake shook his head as he told him about the real deal. "And thank you for informing me."

"What was it this time?" The old butler knew the young man all too well. He had, after all, raised him up. He paid no attention to his thanks since Blake didn't have to show him any gratitude, but he found it wise not to say it out loud as there wouldn't be an end to that argument.